Ministries and other national bodies

Ministry of Economy and Finance

Cambodia and Germany sign two cooperative financing agreements

Minister of Economy and Finance Aun Porn Moniroth and German ambassador to Cambodia Christian Berger on Thursday signed two cooperative financing agreements worth 67.1 million euros, equivalent to $74 million. ...

Taing Vida

Gov’t to raise 20% more tax revenue

As part of efforts to achieve a sound macroeconomy, the government plans to increase the revenue raised from taxation and customs and excise by more than 20 per cent next year. The 2020 national budget law approved on Tuesday targets a 28.1 per cent increase in ...

May Kunmakara

Climate change to delay Kingdom’s ascent to middle-income economy

Climate change will slow down Cambodia’s economic growth progressively over the next decades and delay the country’s graduation to middle-income economy by one year, recent government reports show. The ministries of Economy and Finance and Environment on Friday launched two research papers: ‘Addressing Climate Change Impacts ...

Sok Chan

World Bank approves $1 billion in development assistance

The World Bank has officially approved the disbursement of $1 billion to develop priority sectors in Cambodia, the Ministry of Economy and Finance announced Monday. ...

Chhut Bunthoeun

Infrastructure overhaul coming to Sihanoukville

The Ministry of Economy and Finance has highlighted three urgent measures to solve infrastructure woes in Preah Sihanouk province, which is facing challenges amid rapid development. The ministry highlighted measures focusing on roads and drainage systems in the province following a meeting with the Cooperation Committee ...

Sok Nalik

Committee to manage criminal seizures formed

The ministries of Economy and Finance, and Justice have established a committee to manage property seized from crime, a document signed by the respective ministers said. The “Managing Committee of Confiscated Property” is to handle the sale of items transferred from the courts after a ...

Niem Chheng

Tax collection rises 66% in H1

The General Department of Taxation (GDT) collected more than $1.5 billion in tax revenue in the first six months of this year, up 66 per cent from the same period last year, according to a report released by the department on Wednesday. ...

Thou Vireak

AIIB provides CFOCN $75M loan for fibre optic network

The Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank (AIIB), which is a Chinese initiative, has provided its first loan of $75 million to Cambodia Fiber Optic Communication Network Co Ltd (CFOCN) to improve the Kingdom’s internet speed and quality, an AIIB statement said. ...

Thou Vireak

Kingdom, China ink contract for rice storage facilities, drying silos

Cambodia signed an engineering, procurement and construction contract on the “Promotion of Paddy Production and Rice Exports Project” with Chinese state-owned company CITIC Construction Co Ltd to build rice storage facilities and drying silos in strategic locations in the Kingdom, the Ministry of Economy and ...

Hin Pisei

Sihanoukville wastewater plant upgrades receive greenlight

The inter-ministerial committee responsible for developing drainage and water treatment systems has agreed to proceed with an infrastructure project to provide Preah Sihanouk province’s Sihanoukville with the capacity to treat up to 30,000 cubic metres of wastewater per day. An agreement was made during an ...

Pech Sotheary

World Bank to provide $1 billion in assistance, Ministry says

The World Bank will approve the disbursement of $1 billion to Cambodia to develop priority sectors in the next five years, according to the Ministry of Economy and Finance. The announcement was made by a World Bank delegation during a recent meeting with Acting Minister of ...

Chea Vannak

New airport study set for 2019

A feasibility study on the construction of a new airport in the Kingdom will be launched later this year, according to a Ministry of Tourism spokesman on Monday. The plan was approved last week in a meeting held by the Ministry of Economy and Finance ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Tax, customs revenue hits $1.68B this year

Cambodia collected some $1.68 billion in revenue from customs and taxation during the first three months of this year, said Prime Minister Hun Sen. Speaking recently at the 18th Government-Private Sector Forum, he said revenue from the Kingdom’s customs fees accounted for about $668 million ...

Hor Kimsay

Digital economy needs 10 years

Cambodia’s digital economy remains at a nascent stage and will need at least 10 years to grow and aim for a technology-driven economy, said Minister of Economy and Finance Aun Pornmoniroth. Speaking at the national consultation workshop on Policy and Direction of Cambodia’s Digital Economy ...

Hor Kimsay

Cambodia’s tax revenue enjoys rise once again

The General Department of Taxation (GDT) collected over $2 billion in tax revenue last year, up 13.37 per cent from the same period in 2017, according to a statement released by the department on Tuesday. At the December 2018 tax collection revenue meeting, General Department ...

Post Staff

Ministry approves computer budget for schools

The Finance Ministry has approved a budget for the Education, Youth and Sport Ministry to spend on computers and printers for public schools. Finance Minister Aun Pornoniroth in a letter on Friday said the budget is to facilitate a part of the Education Ministry’s reform ...

Pech Sotheary

Kamsab removed from ports as Kingdom braces for loss of preferential trade access

The Cambodian government has begun a series of reforms intended to strengthen economic independence and promote business in the Kingdom, as they prepare for the possible loss of preferential trade access to the EU and US in the coming months. Prime Minister Hun Sen on ...

Hin Pisei

Number of factory openings up last year

Last year saw a notable increase in the number of factory openings, with 178 new plants coming online, 28 more than in 2017, according to the Ministry of Industry and Handicrafts. ...

Chea Vannak

Economy grew 7.3 pct in 2018: Ministry

On the back of strong growth in the garment, construction and hospitality sectors, the national economy expanded by 7.3 percent last year, according to the Ministry of Economy and Finance. Presenting on the ministry’s latest report during a public forum on macroeconomic management and the ...

Chea Vannak

Sihanoukville expressway nears construction

A construction team composed of 200 workers from China has arrived in the Kingdom to begin work on an expressway that will connect Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville, with the groundbreaking ceremony expected before the end of March. ...

Chea Vannak

Register now or miss out on tax breaks, ministry says

Government officials and private sector leaders on Friday reiterated their calls for all small and medium-sized enterprises to join the regulatory fold. Public officials and representatives of employers’ organisations assured business owners that the recently announced tax incentives are not a “trap” and that registering ...

Sok Chan

Development of oilfield to continue as planned

The recent gains in the global price of oil will not affect plans for the development of the Apsara oilfield, according to a representative of the company that holds the rights to the area. ...

May Kunmakara

China signs pacts on aid for transport, mines and education

Cambodia and China yesterday signed three agreements on mine clearing, a transportation master plan and renovation of the Royal Palace building in Siem Reap province. The signings came amid the launch of a big finance project to improve education in Cambodia. ...

Chea Vannak

New sub-decree aims to manage non-tax revenue collection

The government yesterday released sub-decree No 72 to enhance efficiency and transparency in the management of non-tax revenue. The new regulation sets the mechanism to be followed when collecting, recording and monitoring non-tax revenue, including income collected from ministries, public institutions, province-level administration and state ...

Sok Chan

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