
World Ranger Day observed

In honour of World Ranger Day, the Ministry of Environment extends earnest thanks to all rangers and their families for their dedicated service and considerable sacrifices made for nature and the environment. ...

Chea Sokny

Gender no barrier among ministry’s sanctuary rangers

The Kingdom’s park rangers play a vital role in protecting the precious natural resources of Cambodia’s protected areas. They sometimes spend weeks on patrol deep in the most remote parts of the country, monitoring wildlife and keeping an eye out for the perpetrator of forest ...

Keo Bosaba

NGO to count Prey Lang Sanctuary wildlife

USAID Greening Prey Lang is conducting a line transect survey in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary to check wildlife species populations in the protected area.​ Line transect sampling is a distance sampling method for estimating the abundance of wild animal populations. ...

Torn Vibol

Rangers’ achievements honoured

The Ministry of Environment and World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-Cambodia) have provided certificates of excellence to six out of 100 rangers in Mondulkiri province as recognition for their outstanding efforts. ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Forest rangers seek 1,210 rifles after serious attacks

The Ministry of Environment sought permission from the Ministry of National Defence to arm municipal and provincial rangers with 1,210 rifles in response to one of its rangers being killed and two others critically assaulted while out on patrol in Mondulkiri and Kampong Thom provinces. ...

Voun Dara

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