Prey Veng highest rice-producing province of 2020

Prey Veng province has been the highest rice-producing province in the country thus far this year, a position usually held by Battambang. Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Veng Sakhon said this year, 1.4 million tonnes of rice was cultivated from Prey Veng province, making ...

Som Kanika

Hope sprouting for growers as more farming contracts inked

Contract farming in Cambodia has witnessed sharp growth this year, with 516 contracts signed so far this year, eclipsing the 498 for the whole of last year – proving the merits of the scheme, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries Veng Sakhon said on Thursday. ...

Hin Pisei

Ministry calls for cashew nut processing factory

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries has urged a company that has been farming cashew nut trees in Siem Reap, to invest in a processing factory because the government is considering establishing a cashew nut research centre. ...

Sorn Sarath

Cambodia and Timor-Leste to foster agricultural cooperation

Minister of Agriculture Forestry and Fisheries Veng Sakhon has encouraged stronger bilateral agriculture cooperation between Cambodia and the Democratic Republic of Timor-Leste. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Market demands for salt flower attract producers

Cambodian farmers have begun to collect salt flowers and now becoming a new product gaining popularity in the market both domestically and internationally with a considerable price. ...


Farmer shifts to animal corn feed

A farmer in Tbong Khmum province is joining the provinces bordering with Thailand to grow more corn to supply the animal feed industry. The four main corn-growing districts, Krouch Chhmar, Memot, Ou Reang Ov and Tbong Khmum have combined total of corn farm land of ...

Sorn Sarath

‘Abnormally’ high price of pork

The Pig Support in Cambodia Association claims that the price of imported live pigs is abnormally high. The association says there are now six companies granted a business licence to import the animals from foreign countries. Most come from Thailand. ...

Chhut Bunthoeun

Australia reaffirms support for Cambodia’s agricultural sector

Australia will continue the implementation of Cambodia-Australia agricultural valuable chain programme worth between $80 to US$100 million. The plan was floated when Veng Sakhon, Minister of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries and Pablo Kang, Ambassador of Australia to Cambodia jointly chaired a demonstration of rice production ...

Khmer Times Staff

FAO gives policy recommendations in response to dire farming warning

The United Nations Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO) has said the country’s economically crucial agriculture sector must implement a raft of new measures to combat escalating natural disasters that are threatening Cambodian crops and livestock. ...

Harrison White

China grants local mangoes into market

The first consignment of fresh Cambodian mangoes will soon be able to directly ship to the Chinese market. The quota allowed is up to 500,000 tonnes of quality mangoes per year, the Chinese embassy to Cambodia said yesterday. ...

Chhut Bunthoeun

Cambodia seeks to export more rice to China

Cambodia should ask China to increase the rice import quota from the Kingdom, said Mr. Song Saran, President of Cambodia Rice Federation, in a consultative meeting with private sector held at the Ministry of Commerce Wednesday. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Local pepper prices rebound

Local pepper farmers have reported a sharp increase in the price of the commodity rising almost 100 percent, after Chinese buyers resumed fulfilling orders as the country slowly recovers from the COVID-19 pandemic.​ ...

Chhut Bunthoeun

Ministry signs MoU to boost agri-food sector

The Ministry of Commerce has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with KCCV Plantation Co Ltd to promote the development of a secure agri-food product value chain. ...

Thou Vireak

Kampong Thom needs irrigation expansion

Kampong Thom provincial authorities said yesterday irrigation infrastructures in the province are still lacking, prompting a need for the development of the agriculture and water sectors to fulfil the province’s crop production demands during the dry season. ...

Pech Sotheary

Reservoir expected to increase agro-production

Preah Vihear authorities have been building a reservoir at a cost of over $100 million to supply water for agricultural rice crops during the dry season. ...

Khuon Narim

Kingdom becoming more self-reliant on vegetables

A senior official at the Ministry of Agriculture has called on more investment in the horticulture and subsidiary crops sector because the demand for vegetables in the country has increased nearly 1,000 tonnes per day. ...

Sok Chan

Cambodia spent nearly $1 billion on import pigs and poultries each year

The representatives of the Cambodian Livestock Raisers Association said that if we use the $ 1 billion to raise pigs and poultry locally, we could generate more jobs for the people in the country and they do not need to migrate to work in a ...

Sok Chan

PM Hun Sen gives nod for white rice exports resumption

Three agriculture products were given the nod to restart export next week, the government announced Friday during the cabinet meeting chaired by Prime Minister Hun Sen. ...

Chhut Bunthoeun

Cambodia exported over 186,000 tonnes of cashew nuts in first 4 months of 2020

Cambodia exported 186,205 tonnes of cashew nut to foreign markets in the first four months of this year, according to a report from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Agriprocessors urged to take out loans and expand work

The state-run Agricultural and Rural Development Bank (ARDB) has called for small and medium enterprises (SMEs) to expand their agriculture-based processing productions and apply for low-interest rate emergency loans. ...

Chea Vannak

2,000 tonnes of Cambodian pepper exported in first 4 months

Cambodian pepper has been exported to 13 foreign markets in the first four months of this year, according to the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Free vegetable seeds for farmers affected by COVID-19

Banteay Meanchey provincial officials and the Ministry of Economy and Finance announced on Wednesday that they will distribute free vegetable seeds to farmers and garment workers. ...

Som Kanika

Farm crayfish easy to feed, worth ‘billions’

Minister of Agriculture Veng Sakhon has urged the Cambodia Amazing Aquaculture Technological Co Ltd (CAAT) to expand crabfish farming from 25ha to 100ha as there is much potential for export to international markets. ...

Hin Pisei

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