ADB plan aims for synergy in agro sector

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is close to finalising its five-year action plan for 2018 to 2022 that promotes agricultural-based value chains across the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS), an area that includes Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam, Thailand, Myanmar and the southern Chinese province of Yunnan, the ...

Kali Kotoski

GMS gets closer to a food safety strategy

A draft five-year strategy for promoting safe and environment-friendly agriculture products in the Greater Mekong Subregion (GMS) that would enhance regional food safety and promote trade is expected to be finalised today, according to the Asian Development Bank. ...

Sok Chan

Amru Rice signs deal with Preah Vihear farmers

Amru Rice, one of Cambodia’s largest rice exporters, signed a contract farming purchase agreement with 4,000 organic rice farmers in Preah Vihear province, reserving about $7 million to purchase nearly 20,000 tonnes of organic paddy during the upcoming harvest season, according to a press release ...

Hor Kimsay

China’s appetite driving rice export growth as demand continues to outstrip supply

Cambodian rice exports increased marginally during the first half of the year as export companies push to fulfill higher quotas destined for China. Rice exports totalled 288,562 tonnes in the first six months of the year, an increase of 7.6 percent compared to the same time ...

Cheng Sokhorng

China to buy more Cambodian rubber

China is expected to purchase 300,000 tonnes of rubber from Cambodia in 2018, according to a commerce ministry statement.​ ...

Sum Manet

Officials help farmers to stop snails snacking on rice fields

The Preah Vihear Provincial Agriculture Department on Monday ordered its staff to help farmers by buying up invasive golden apple snails that are currently destroying their rice fields, according to the head of the department. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Rice mogul spices up business with pepper

Cambodia rice mogul Song Saran, the CEO of one of the Kingdom’s top rice exporters, will diversify his agricultural business interests with the construction of a factory to clean and process locally grown pepper, he said yesterday. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

MEF holds agricultural workshop

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) organised a consultation workshop yesterday to gather information and comments from agriculture sector stakeholders to assist in the preparation of a 2018 national budget that would better support to the sector. ...

Hor Kimsay

Pig farmers ditch task force to monitor smuggling

A private sector task force set up by Cambodia’s pig farmers to monitor live swine imports and investigate reports of illicit smuggling has been disbanded after receiving a cold reception from government officials, the initiative’s leader said yesterday. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Agro-processing SEZ moves closer to reality

A Chinese firm that plans to invest $2 billion into developing the Kingdom’s first special economic zone (SEZ) dedicated solely to agricultural processing and storage has signed on a new partner to help jumpstart the stalled project, a top agriculture official said yesterday. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Proposed rice storage facility to boost capacity

A proposal for a massive warehouse and silo that has attracted two Chinese investors aims to fill the Kingdom’s conspicuous gap in paddy rice storage capacity, which still falls 60 percent short of the level needed for the country to achieve its goal of 1 ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Study on how to boost rice storage

A feasibility study into the possibility of establishing a series of warehouses and kiln for rice farmers is exploring how to improve the quality of storage in the industry. ...

Chea Vannak

Oddar Meanchey dam to be drained to avoid breach

Fearing that heavy rains will cause the Ta Mok reservoir in Oddar Meanchey province’s Anlong Veng district to overflow, or its walls to rupture, Water Resources and Meteorology Department officials are preparing to drain the reservoir with canals. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

More mangoes going to France under deal

Mong Reththy Group (MRG), the Kingdom’s largest agro-industrial conglomerate, has secured a deal to export additional volumes of locally grown mangoes to France, the company announced yesterday on its Facebook page. ...

Post Staff

Rice farmers dig canals to fight floods

Farmer in Prey Veng’s Svay Antor and Pea Reang and Kanh Chriech districts began digging canals this week to save their rice fields from heavy rains. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

India-Cambodia rubber venture

India plans to produce latex concentrate for the manufacture of specialised products with high tensile strength and resilience from fresh latex collected in Cambodian rubber plantations.​ ...

Sok Chan

Cassava prices hit a new low

Cassava prices in Cambodia experienced a sharp drop this month leading to heavy losses for smallholder farmers unable to quickly switch to more profitable crops and recoup their mounting losses, a provincial agriculture official said yesterday. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Thais eye Keo Romeat mangoes

A Thai company has expressed an interest in exporting Kampong Speu’s Keo Romeat mangoes to Europe, America and Australia, according to a senior Agriculture Ministry official. ...

Sok Chan

Maize has local farmers’ ears

Growing demand for animal feed is driving up both the demand and price of corn, with smallholder farmers claiming the field crop offers a more stable market than cassava.Corn is grown on more than 140,000 hectares in Cambodia and can be harvested twice a year, ...

Cheng Sokhorng

World Bank subsidiary to train 2,000 contract rice farmers

A World Bank subsidiary will soon start training 2,000 farmers contracted to supply a leading Cambodian rice exporter on how to meet an international farming standard. ...

Hang Sokunthea

Agriculture expo expected to draw Chinese investors

More than 1,000 Chinese investors and businessmen will soon come to Cambodia to seek investment partnerships with their Cambodian counterparts during the inaugural International Agriculture Products and Expository conference on Koh Pich Island. ...

Sok Chan

Partnership to lift rice standards in Kingdom

The International Finance Corporation and Amru Rice, one of Cambodia’s biggest rice exporters, launched a new partnership yesterday to improve the competitiveness of the Kingdom’s rice sector, according to a press release. ...

Post Staff

Shaky outlook for black pepper

The rapid expansion of pepper cultivation in Cambodia coincides with the spice’s plummeting world prices, creating concerns that the glut of pepper ripening on vines across the Kingdom could further erode next season’s market prices and push the sector toward a collapse. ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Rain, crickets destroy 100 hectares of paddy

Floods and a plague of crickets have left about 100 hectares of rice crops destroyed in Tbong Khmum province after a week of heavy rains, local farmers and officials said yesterday. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

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