Education and training

Education policy and administration

Manet highlights importance of moral education from young age

The education system in Cambodia should not only provide knowledge but also impart virtues, morality and positive behaviour starting from kindergarten, said Prime Minister Hun Manet. ...

Kim Yutharo

Officials take a tour to study S Korean school meals programme

Cambodian Government officials, along with staff from the United Nations World Food Programme (WFP), are visiting South Korea on a study tour aiming at strengthening Cambodia’s school meals programme. ...

Torn Vibol

Drop in dropouts: Ministry’s efforts to increase enrollments paying off

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport’s efforts to reduce the school dropout rate is paying dividends with an increase in the number of students who will be sitting for the upcoming Junior High School examinations. ...

Torn Vibol

Ministry of Education and UNICEF review Cambodia Education Development Plan 2023

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports, in collaboration with UNICEF, organized a consultative workshop on “Mid-Term Review of the Fourth Sustainable Development Roadmap 2023 on Education in Cambodia”. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Education ministry reveals 8-point policy plan

The Minister of Education has revealed the government’s 8-point education policy which will become the Cambodian People’s Party’s (CPP) strategy to improve the country’s education system. ...

Son Minea

Meals incentive: Gov’t beefing up school feeding programme to curb dropouts

The government has issued a sub-decree which will allocate over $4 million to fund meals in more than 400 schools across 10 provinces in a bid to curb dropouts this year. ...

Hang Punreay

Chinese language set for secondary school curricula

Cambodia and China have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) on the joint development of Chinese language curricula in public secondary schools in the Kingdom, with 20 high schools having been selected for the pilot phase of the programme. ...

Lay Samean

Teacher’s association seeks permission for march with petitions

The Cambodian Independent Teacher’s Association (CITA) plans to celebrate this year’s Teachers’ Day on October 5 with a public display, with Phnom Penh authorities saying that permission may be granted depending on the circumstances. ...

Eng Reachny

Education ministry lists 8 areas for reforms

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport has established eight priority areas for reforms with a strong emphasis on human resources, global citizenship and Cambodia’s development, according to its spokesman Ros Soveacha. ...

Voun Dara

K Speu opens new lifelong learning centre

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports on July 18 officially inaugurated the Lifelong Learning Centre and Electronic Library to provide multi-disciplinary education services according to the specific needs of students. ...

Nov Sivutha

Grade 12 exam postponed to Dec 27

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport has set December 27 as the new date for high school diploma examination. The Grade 12 exam was originally scheduled for December 6. ...

Ry Sochan

MoEYS placing strong emphasis on youth empowerment policies

The Kingdom of Cambodia regards youth as a key resource and the most valuable asset for economic, social, cultural and environmental development, as well as for the maintenance of peace in the present and the future. ...

Post Staff

Sihanoukville to reopen five schools on September 13

Kouch Chamroeun, Governor of Preah Sihanouk Province, chaired a meeting to discuss the implementation of the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports’ guidelines on teaching and learning in bulk for public educational institutions and Private in Preah Sihanouk Province, low risk, with the participation of ...

Khmer Times Staff

Areas safe to reopen schools to be mapped

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport has given its municipal and provincial department two weeks to put together a report detailing which schools in their territory can safely reopen because of low Covid-19 transmission in their localities, while some schools are pushing to reopen ...

Mom Kunthear

Ministry of Education releases guidelines for in-person classes

As the Ministry of Education permits the reopening of classes in low-risk areas, new guidelines were introduced to prevent the spread of Covid-19, especially the Delta Variant. The Minister of Education, Youth and Sports, Hang Chuon Naron, released guidelines for in-person classes in public and ...

Khmer Times Staff

Ministries give lecture on environmental diplomacy

The National Institute of Diplomacy and International Relations (NIDIR) in collaboration with the Ministry of Environment organised a lecture on “Environment Policy and Management in Cambodia” for officials at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation to assist them in understanding the link between ...

Long Kimmarita

Education programme for Out-of-School youths

Out-of-School youths and young adults who have not completed their lower secondary education can now do so with the launch of the 282 digitalised videos for teaching and learning for the Non-Formal Education Lower Secondary Equivalency (NFE-LSEP) programme. ...

Sen David

Educational reforms unveiled

Minister of Education, Youth and Sport Hang Chuon Naron said reforms to the education curriculum is aimed at raising its standards and quality to compete with countries in the region that exhibited better academic performance. In a lecture to trainee teachers at the National Institute ...

Ry Sochan

Preah Vihear’s teachers barred from tutoring

Teachers in Preah Vihear province and the Cambodian Independent Teachers’ Association (Cita) have denounced a letter issued on Tuesday by the provincial education department banning teachers from tutoring on Sundays and public holidays. ...

Long Kimmarita

Ministry clamps down on classroom abuse

The Education Ministry plans to eliminate all violence against children in schools. The ministry and partner NGOs held a workshop on Friday to discuss and implement a child protection policy. ...

Sen David

Minister sets down exam rules

The Education Ministry plans to spend nearly $5 million on the national high school exam this year. Education Minister Hang Chuon Naron said yesterday that the ministry spent about $4.8 million preparing for the national exam every year.   ...

Pech Sotheary

Ministry eyes school discipline

The Ministry of Education late last week instructed provincial education departments to tighten their management of schools and to discipline teachers who are failing to live up to their responsibilities.  ...

Kong Meta and Yesenia Amaro

Teacher retirement age and salaries bumped up

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday announced that the government plans to extend the retirement age for teachers by five years to 65-years-old in order to maintain stability in the number of teachers. ...

Sen David

Cambodian-born Vietnamese deserve better: visiting official

A senior Vietnamese leader has met with Cambodia’s National Assembly to request the continued acknowledgement of Cambodian-born Vietnamese, Vietnamese investors and to request that young Vietnamese born in the country be allowed to study in Cambodian public schools. ...

Khy Sovuthy

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