Environment and natural resources

Pollution and waste

‘Zero-plastic’ campaign set for all schools across nation

The Council of Ministers has suggested that the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport integrate the “Today I will not use plastic” campaign into all of the schools across the country, from the 2023-2024 academic year onwards. ...

Chea Sokny

Ecobatt, environment ministry tackle e-waste

In a joint effort between the Ministry of Environment and Ecobatt Energy Investment International (Ecobatt), over 30 tonnes of electronic waste, including used cell batteries and electrical equipment, were collected between August 2022 and October 2023. ...

Post Staff

Expanding gold mine diverts stream in Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary

Dead fish and black water ran through the Por Roung river last year due to contamination upstream from an industrial Chinese-owned  mine, residents of Snang An village say. ...

Andrew Califf, Seoung Nimol, and Hel Komsan

Waste management project takes shape

The Ministry of Environment, in collaboration with the World Bank, is poised to launch a project aimed at managing solid and plastic waste in five provinces in the near future. Discussions are underway to expedite the project’s implementation. ...

Bor Pich Zelin

Ministry collaborates for cleaner Cambodia

The Ministry of Environment and the Asia Foundation are committed to strengthening solid waste management and ensuring a clean, sanitary, and comfortable environment in Cambodia through fostering community clean-up initiatives and cooperation on solid waste management. ...

Hang Punreay

NGO vows garbage-free rivers in Phnom Penh by 2028

The River Ocean Cleanup (ROC) pledged to achieve its target of garbage-free rivers in Phnom Penh by 2028, while marking the 6th World Cleanup Day on Saturday. ...

Tith Kongnov

Cambodia will host the 6th World Clean Day under the theme “Together for a river without garbage”

The National Committee for Clean City Evaluation has announced that Cambodia will hold the 6th World Clean Day from September 16–17, 2023, at Chroy Changva near Sokha Hotel, Phnom Penh, under the theme “Together for a River without Garbage.” ...

Khmer Times Staff

Waste management essential in rural Cambodia

A study by International Development Enterprises (iDE) Cambodia has discovered polluted waters in areas around the Tonle Sap Lake and is urging for waste collection services to be implemented to eliminate affected groundwater and surface water sources.  ...

Chhorn Raksmey

Japan aids in waste management efforts

Minister of Environment Eang Sophalleth highlighted waste management and plastic reduction as priority tasks during his recent meeting with Japanese ambassador to Cambodia Atsushi Ueno. ...

Neang Sokunthea

Government orders $500,000 fines, relocation, for company polluting Sangke river

After waste from a Battambang-based industrial company polluted the Sangke river, the Environment Ministry imposed fines of around half a million dollars and order the company to relocate 10 kilometers away in a letter issued Thursday. ...

Sovann Sreypich and Runn Sreydeth

Government orders $500,000 fines, relocation, for company polluting Sangke river

After waste from a Battambang-based industrial company polluted the Sangke river, the Environment Ministry imposed fines of around half a million dollars and order the company to relocate 10 kilometers away in a letter issued Thursday. ...

Sovann Sreypich and Runn Sreydeth

Ministry of Environment and Battambang Province launch urban solid waste management system testing

The Ministry of Environment, in cooperation with the Battambang Provincial Administration, announces the launch of a trial of the urban solid waste management system (NSWM-PLATFORM) in the national nursery system of the Battambang Municipal Administration in order to strengthen solid waste management in accordance with ...

Khmer Times Staff

Ministry suspends factory over waste pollution

The Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation has suspended Phoenix Industrial’s operations after the factory discharged waste into the Sangke River in Phleav village, Treng commune, Ratanak Mondul district in Battambang province. ...

Tith Kongnov

Pharmaceutical company contaminates Sangke River, Battambang authorities say

A pharmaceutical company leaked chemicals into the Sangke River, contaminating water used by community members and killing fish, according to Battambang provincial authorities. ...

Sovann Sreypich and Eung Sea

Third wastewater plant poised to enhance S’ville

The third wastewater treatment facility in Village IV, Commune IV, Sihanoukville, is nearly ready to start operations, with nearly 100 per cent of the construction completed. Preah Sihanouk provincial governor, Kuoch Chamroeun, anticipates the project, which cost an estimated $20 million, to wrap up by ...

Bor Pich Zelin

PP’s garbage collection increases

Phnom Penh City Hall Authority said that the collection and transportation of garbage in Phnom Penh per day amounted to more than 3,700 tonnes,  an increase of a 1,000 tonnes of waste compared to 2020-21. ...

Tith Kongnov

Forest community report fish poisoning

Buddhist monks and members of the forest community of Sorng Rukhavorn Wildlife Sanctuary have expressed deep concern over illegal fishing activities in the sanctuary. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

ADB-backed new Kampong Thom trash facility inaugurated

The Tonle Sap Basin is now home to a new $4 million landfill. This crucial addition, part of the Second Urban Environment Management project, is set to enhance sanitation and environmental management services around the lake, part of which is located in Kampong Thom province. ...

Bor Pich Zelin

New landfill for Kampong Thom officially inaugurated

More than $4 million worth of landfills in Kampong Thom province were officially inaugurated on Monday to help improve sanitation and environmental management services around Tonle Sap Lake. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Plastic control key for Cambodia to create circular economy

Cambodia is about to embark on a major journey to control plastic waste with the avowed purpose of enabling sustainable development and the creation of a circular economy (CE) that can help achieve the country’s 2050 twin targets of becoming carbon neutral as well as ...

Manoj Mathew

Cambodian delegation attends South Korean Green network conference

Cambodia calls on South Korea to expand bilateral cooperation, including private investment in waste management and recycling, carbon credit projects, green financing and human resource development. ...

Sok Raksa

Waste Summit throws spotlight on importance of waste separation

A waste summit is slated to take place in the capital this month to address why separating waste is important. ...

Seng Mengheng

Fantastic plastic: NGO’s inaugural recycling competition held in Kandal

The Wonders of the Mekong project, an NGO working to ensure a healthy Mekong River, on May 4 organised their first “Plastic Recycling Competition 2023” competition to celebrate Earth Day this year. Groups of high school students from Kandal province took part as contestants in the ...

Sok Raksa

Combatting plastic pollution in Cambodia

The Ministry of Environment (MoE), the Embassy of Japan, GIZ implemented 3RproMar Project and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) organised the 3rd National Forum on “Combatting Plastic Pollution in Cambodia” earlier this month. ...

Khmer Times Staff

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