Ministries and other national bodies

Ministry of Economy and Finance

Tax official defogs capital gains

A General Department of Taxation (GDT) official on February 22 listed some of the assets that would be exempt from capital gains tax once it comes into force in January 1, 2022 and shed light on some of the finer subtleties of the tax. ...

Thou Vireak

$217 million collected through tax in January: PM

The General Department of Taxation (GDT) of Ministry of Economy and Finance earned 879 billion riels (approximately $217 million) from tax income in January this year. ...

Chea Vanyuth

Forum to promote ‘Access to Finance for Women Entrepreneurs in COVID-19 Era’

The National Bank of Cambodia has collaborated with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) through Pact Cambodia, Khmer Enterprise, Swisscontact and Good Return to organise the Entrepreneurship Ecosystem Forum on “Access to Finance for Women Entrepreneurs in COVID-19 Era”. ...

Sok Chan

Helping SMEs to stand on their own two feet

Following the successful completion of two rounds of assistance packages to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and startups during the COVID-19 pandemic, Khmer Enterprise will implement a third this year. ...

Sok Chan

Ministry ‘bullish’ on prospects of recovery

The Kingdom’s real economic growth is expected to recover by 4 percent in 2021 following a contraction of 3.1 percent in 2020, according to a report from the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF). ...

Sok Chan

EU and Khmer Enterprise fund partnership for clean energy innovation in the agri-fishery sector

Khmer Enterprise, a unit under the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) and EnergyLab, Cambodia’s only energy start-up incubator, have inked a partnership agreement to support clean energy start-ups in the agriculture, fishery, and aquaculture sectors in Cambodia with funds from the European Union. ...

Sok Chan

Payments balance up Kingdom sees a 1.7 percent surplus in 2020

The Kingdom’s balance of payments (BOP) saw a 1.7 percent surplus compared with its gross domestic product (GDP) in 2020 with growth supported by the in-flow of foreign direct investments and exports, according to a report from the National Bank of Cambodia (NBC). ...

Sok Chan

Gov’t: Kingdom’s sovereign debt manageable

A senior official at the Ministry of Economy and Finance described Cambodia’s level of public debt as manageable and allowing flexibility for further borrowing to meet the country’s development needs. ...

May Kunmakara

Recovery to be driven by three principles

A senior official at the Ministry of Economy and Finance said the government’s driving principles to restore the economy post-COVID-19 from 2021-2023 will be strategic approaches towards survival, reform and resilience. ...

Sok Chan

Ministry revamps self-assessment tax regime classifications

The Ministry of Economy and Finance has issued a prakas (directive) for the classification of taxpayers doing business in the Kingdom currently under the existing self-assessment regime. ...

Sok Chan

Tax inspections on vehicles to begin in early February

Tax officials in collaboration with sub-national authorities will begin tax inspections on all means of transportation and vehicles for 2020 throughout the country by early next month. ...

Mom Kunthear

Tax collection near $3B in 2020

The Minister of Economy and Finance’s General Department of Taxation (GDT) collected 11.70052 trillion riel ($2.87 billion) in tax revenue last year, up 423.20 billion riel or 3.73 per cent compared to 2019, it said in a January 11 press release. ...

Hin Pisei

Applause after non-bank finance regulator minted

The private sector applauded the establishment of the Non-Bank Financial Services Authority (NBFSA) following Senate approval of a draft law on its organisation and function. ...

May Kunmakara

In-principle nod given to securities companies in Kingdom

The Securities and Exchange Commission of Cambodia (SECC) on January 5 approved in principle a handful of applications for licences. In a press release on the minutes of an SECC meeting led by chairman and Minister of Economy and Finance Aun Pornmoniroth, the securities regulator ...

Thou Vireak

TV goes digital by 2023, paving way for 5G

The government on December 28 held an inter-ministerial meeting to discuss setting up a digital television platform as part of the Kingdom’s shift away from analogue. Held at the Ministry of Economy and Finance, the meeting discussed the would-be platform operator’s models of management and ...

Hin Pisei

Cambodia adopts ASEAN service for customs clearance

Cambodian importers and exporters can now apply for ASEAN Customs Declaration Documents (ACDD) electronically through the ASEAN Single Window (ASW), the General Department of Customs and Excise of Cambodia (GDCE) said on December 24. ...

May Kunmakara

EDF outlines support to growing local entrepreneurial ecosystem

The Entrepreneurship Development Fund  (EDF) Board of Trustees convened last week to review some of EDF’s notable achievements in 2020 in supporting Cambodia’s growing entrepreneurial ecosystem. ...

Harrison White

Digital services tax levy under study

The Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Post and Telecommunications held a joint meeting last week to discuss the potential collection of a digital services tax. ...

Jason Boken

Gov’t predicts per capita GDP will reach $1,771 next year

The Cambodian government has projected the country’s per capita gross domestic product (GDP) will reach $1,771 by the end of 2021, up from $1,600 this year, an anticipated increase of 10.6 percent. ...

Harrison White

GDT terminates the E-VAT Refund System

General Department of Taxation (GDT) has announced to the taxpayers that it has terminated the electronic value added tax refund system (E-VAT Refund System), replacing it with the electronic filing system (E-Filing System), according to the GDT’s announcement. ...

Sok Chan

New digital platforms to ease tax collection and management

The General Department of Taxation (GDT) has organised an official signing ceremony of the letter of User Acceptance Testing (UAT), and launched the trial of a Data and Information Sharing Automatic System, according to a recent GDT’s press release. ...

Lim Nary/AKP

Gov’t credit guarantee unit set for 2021

The Credit Guarantee Corporation of Cambodia (CGCC) is on track to be launched in the first half of next year, Banking Association of Cambodia (ABC) president In Channy told The Post on November 26. The CGCC was established by Sub-Decree No 140 ANKr BK on ...

Thou Vireak

27 startups and SMEs chosen for special government grants

Khmer Enterprise (KE) yesterday signed grant agreements with 27 startups and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) for the first and second Khmer Enterprise Assistance Package programme, responding to the challenges and impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on Cambodian entrepreneurs. ...

Sok Chan

Prakas on tax debt management issued

The Ministry of Economy and Finance on November 20 issued Prakas No 962 SHV BrK on Tax Debt Management. The new prakas sets forth rules and procedures relating to tax debt management and aims to ensure a more efficient, effective and transparent collection process. ...

Thou Vireak

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