Development Assistance Committee (DAC) members
United States aid
CMAC director: US resumes funding Cambodian demining
The US has lifted the suspension of the aid it provides for mine clearance operations in the Kingdom. This decision has restored the hopes of the 210 demining personnel who were affected by the recent suspension of aid, according to Cambodian Mine Action Center (CMAC) ...
Niem Chheng
Business and Human Rights Law Group report: Cambodia must act fast to offset US Aid cuts
A new analysis by the Business and Human Rights Law Group (BHRLG) warns that the suspension of US aid to Cambodia threatens critical sectors like health, education, and mine clearance, putting thousands of lives at risk. ...
Seoung Nimol
Chinese government continues demining support to tune of $4.4M
Although US assistance for mine clearance through USAID has been suspended, the Chinese government continues to provide support for the elimination of landmines in Cambodia, with a $4.4 million Chinese-funded project set to begin operations next month. ...
Niem Chheng
US announces over $17M for new initiatives to improve the health of Cambodian people
Administrator Power announced new US initiatives to support the health and well-being of the Cambodian people. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Local communities partner with USAID for conservation grants
Eight local communities have signed small grants agreements (SGAs) with the USAID Conserve project to build capacity, improve community livelihoods and preserve natural resources on the Tonle Sap and in wildlife sanctuaries. ...
Phak Seangly
MRC, USAID partner to enhance Mekong Basin management
The US Agency for International Development (USAID) has signed a grant agreement worth $5 million with the Mekong River Commission (MRC) to launch their new Mekong Basin Partnership. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Ministry seeks more US help to manage natural disasters
Thor Chetha, Minister of Water Resources and Meteorology, is seeking further assistance from the US Embassy in Cambodia to manage natural disasters, as well as greater technical assistance for ministry officials. ...
Nop Sreymao
Agreement to promote non-deforested cashew value chain in Mondulkiri
USAID Morodok Baitang and Olam Outspan (Cambodia) Co., Ltd. have reached a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) on the promotion of non-deforested value chains in KeoSeima district, Mondulkiri province. ...
Khmer Times Staff
USAID helps improve Cambodian cashew value chain
The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) is partnering with the Cambodia Cashew Federation to improve Cambodian cashew value chain through the Cashew Export Development Programme. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Tetra Tech to support conservation in Cambodia under USAID contract
Tetra Tech has secured a contract from the U.S. Agency for International Development to support conservation efforts in Cambodia. ...
Khmer Times Staff
USAID announces new project for enhancing quality of healthcare across Cambodia
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announces the award of its new, five-year Enhancing Quality of Healthcare Activity II (EQHA II) to continue supporting efforts to improve the quality of public and private health services for all Cambodians. ...
Khmer Times Staff
US senators submit bill on funding landmine clearance in Indochina
Members of the US Senate Appropriations Committee, Senator Tammy Baldwin of the Democratic Party from Wisconsin state, and Senator Jerry Moran of the Republican Party from Kansas state, have submitted a bipartisan bill that allocates funding for clearing landmines and other unexploded ordnances left over ...
Khmer Times Staff
US to scale up cyber security ties with Cambodia
The US is keen on boosting cyber security ties with the Kingdom amid the world witnessing a new set of challenges with its fast transformation into the digital economy, US Ambassador to Cambodia Patrick Murphy said while addressing the Digital Economy Forum II held at ...
Sreekanth Ravindran
U.S to spend thousands in a mindboggling exercise to teach Cambodian kids how to ‘Stop The Spread Of Misinformation’
The sitting US administration is set to spend thousands in US tax dollars to educate youth in Cambodia on how to “stop the spread of misinformation” on the internet, according to a federal grant listing reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation. ...
Khmer Times Staff
US pledges $25mn in aid to improve food security
Anthony Blinken, Secretary of State of United States, said yesterday that the US will assist Cambodia with $25 million to improve the country’s food security system under Harvest III project, which will be launched next week. ...
Yim Sreylin
U.S. donates two million doses of COVID-19 vaccines to the Cambodian people
The United States, in partnership with COVAX, UNICEF, and WHO has donated two million Pfizer vaccine doses to the Royal Kingdom of Cambodia yesterday. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Cambodia has received more than 53 million doses of COVID-19 vaccines with another 20 million doses on the way
The Minister of Health, Dr Mam Bunheng, said that so far Cambodia has received more than 53 million doses of Covid-19 vaccine, including bilateral assistance, assistance from the Covax Center and direct orders. An additional 20 million doses are due to arrive in a row ...
Khmer Times Staff
Today another two million doses of US-donated Pfizer COVID-19 vaccines arrive in Cambodia
Two more million doses of Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, donated by the US to Cambodia via the COVAX facility, is scheduled to arrive at Phnom Penh International Airport’s VIP pavilion today. ...
Khmer Times Staff
U.S. Embassy in Cambodia launches $25 million Inclusive Primary Education Activity (IPEA) programme
A new $25 million U.S. government-funded education program that will improve the reading and learning experience for Cambodian primary schoolchildren was launched in Phnom Penh yesterday at an event jointly presided over by Dr. Hang Chuon Naron, Minister of Education, Youth and Sports; U.S. Ambassador ...
Khmer Times Staff
US providing over $6 million for demining efforts until 2025
The US government is providing more than $6 million for demining efforts in Svay Rieng, Prey Veng, Kampong Cham, Tboung Khmum, Kratie, Ratanakkiri and Mondulkiri provinces and until 2025. ...
Tith Kongnov
USAID provides $15 million to boost skilled digital workforce in Cambodia
USAID and University of California, Berkeley, yesterday launched a “Digital Workforce Development project” from USAID-funded initiative of $15 million that will give young Cambodians the skills to compete in the digital economy for five years. ...
Soth Koemsoeun
USAID announces partnerships to propel economic growth in Cambodia
The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced two new partnerships with private firms to co-invest in cold chain, agricultural storage capacity, and logistics in Cambodia. ...
Khmer Times Staff
U.S. embassy calls for proposal on cultural preservation grants
The U.S. Embassy in Phnom Penh and the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the U.S. Department of State have called for proposals for the Ambassadors Fund for Cultural Preservation (AFCP) Grants Programme. ...
Khmer Times Staff
US help sought to develop, improve road infrastructure
Minister of Public Works and Transport Sun Chanthol has sought the help of United States Ambassador Patrick Murphy to help build reliable roads in Cambodia by providing adequate tools and materials. ...
Tin Sokhavuth