The ASEAN Post

Cambodia’s rice farmers in serious danger

Half a million Cambodian farmers could possibly be looking at empty rice bowls if the European Union (EU) pushes through with the withdrawal of its Everything But Arms (EBA) trade preference. While the garment and footwear sectors stand to lose the most if the EBA trade ...

Jason Thomas

Cambodia’s workforce needs help

The Asian Development Bank’s (ADB) recent US$60 million loan to Cambodia is set to boost the skills and competitiveness of its growing labour force as the country’s economy undergoes a key transition. Driven by garment exports and tourism, Cambodia’s economy grew by an average of ...

Jason Thomas

Cambodia’s sanctuaries under threat

Cambodia’s Beng Per Wildlife Sanctuary is symbolic of the country’s poor forestry management. Around 2,000 square kilometres (sq km) – around three times the size of Singapore – is lost to illegal logging in Cambodia every year where wildlife sanctuaries – despite their name – ...

Jason Thomas

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