The Phnom Penh Post
Snakehead fish farmers required to register: gov’t
Snakehead fish farmers are required to register with the Fisheries Administration as part of new regulations aimed at better governing and monitoring an industry that became legal in April after an 11-year ban. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Measures in works amid low child’s rights ranking
A new report has ranked Cambodia 125 out of 163 countries in terms of its protection of children’s rights, even as the government works to finalise a sub-decree and code of conduct to better shield children from abuse, exploitation and neglect. ...
Yesenia Amaro
Angel investors raise hopes for local startups
Seven angel investors descended on Phnom Penh last Friday as part of the launch of a new investment initiative that aims to tap into Cambodia’s growing startup culture and support entrepreneurial endeavours with guidance and early stage risk funding. ...
Kali Kotoski
PPAP board adds first independent directors
Phnom Penh Autonomous Port (PPAP) held its first general shareholder meeting last week, electing its first independent board members in a bid to ensure greater transparency in corporate governance, a company official said yesterday. ...
Post Staff
Bonna Realty says business as usual after chairman’s arrest
A representative of Bonna Realty Group said yesterday that the arrest of the company’s eponymous chairman on Friday on fraud charges stemming from a bounced cheque would have no impact on the business because it was purely a personal matter. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Advertisers spend less on print
Advertising budgets are getting bigger, but an increasingly smaller share of the revenue is going to traditional print media, with 2016 shaping up to be an exceptionally lean year, new market research shows. ...
Hor Kimsay
Health Ministry and WHO sign 5-year plan
The Ministry of Health and the WHO on Friday signed a new five-year plan that will seek to address communicable and non-communicable diseases, advance universal health care, strengthen capability to respond to new emerging diseases and increase collaborations and partnerships, a ministry official said yesterday. ...
Yesenia Amaro
Wing plans for more growth
Wing Specialised Bank is trying to stay ahead of the game in the money transfer and mobile payment sector by forging new partnerships. The Post’s Ayanna Runcie sat down with Wing’s recently appointed CEO Jojo Malolos to discuss his plan for the company’s future. ...
Ayanna Runcie
Angkor Wat ticket sales stagnating
Angkor Wat temple, Cambodia’s prime tourist attraction, experienced nearly stagnant growth for the first five months of this year, according to data released by Angkor Institution yesterday. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
NEC sets voter registration dates
After multiple delays, the National Election Committee yesterday released its schedule for voter registration, giving itself three months to register the close to 9.6 million eligible voters across the country. ...
Ananth Baliga
GTI profits rise 157 per cent
After posting an overall decline in profit of 70 per cent in 2015, Grand Twins International (GTI), the only publicly traded garment firm, reported bullish earnings for the first quarter of this year signalling hope that the manufacturer could launch a winning streak. ...
Kali Kotoski
NGO head apologises to NEC
The Victory Intelligent Standard Association issued an apology on Wednesday to the National Election Committee for accusing the body’s senior staffers of corruption during the transfer of its employees from independent contractors to the government’s fold. ...
Niem Chheng and Ananth Baliga
US official pushes for investment agreement
A visiting US government official urged Cambodia to continue with negotiations to develop a bilateral investment agreement between the two nations that could be used for further trade inclusion. ...
Kali Kotoski
Talks over garment factory’s closure bear no fruit
The Ministry of Labour met with Malaysian-owned Global Apparels Limited factory representatives, union officials and workers yesterday, to negotiate an agreement for compensation as the company closes down. ...
Sen David
Value of dam-affected homes being assessed
Officials have started to assess properties in Oddar Meanchey that will be flooded by an under construction dam, though the affected villagers remain in the dark about possible compensation. ...
Phak Seangly
Borei Keila evictees seek more compensation
Ten former Borei Keila residents who were relocated to a site in Kandal province’s Ponhea Leu district known as Phnom Bat filed a petition with the Ministry of Land Management yesterday requesting they either be given $5,000 and moved back to Phnom Penh or be ...
Pech Sotheary
New five-point plan to tackle drug slum
The government has announced a new action plan to deal with the drug problem in Trapaing Chhouk, a slum in the capital’s Sen Sok district that has been an open market for drug use and distribution for over a decade. ...
Niem Chheng and Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon
Safety standards for high buildings questioned
While skyscrapers are ceaselessly filling up Phnom Penh’s skyline, many construction and property experts, as well as ordinary citizens, are questioning whether the government’s measures to ensure safety in high buildings within the capital go far enough. ...
Zsombor Peter
Warning after spike in dengue fever cases
The number of dengue fever cases reported during the first 21 weeks of 2016 was double the same period last year and is expected to continue to rise in the coming months. ...
Bun Sengkong and Yesenia Amaro
CAMFOOD expo set to bring in foreign goods
The fifth annual CAMFOOD and CAMHOTEL expo is scheduled for October 22 and will mostly feature foreign companies, giving local companies the opportunity to learn from foreign business practices as well as showcase their own products, industry leaders announced yesterday. ...
Ayanna Runcie
UNICEF program aims to improve birth registration
One in every four children in Cambodia under the age of 5 has not had their birth registered, but a new program aims to tackle the problem at the commune level using mobile phone technology, according to UNICEF. ...
Yesenia Amaro
Royal Group gets exclusive steel deal from Posco
Yong Sheng Global Trading, a subsidiary within the Royal Group conglomerate, signed an exclusive partnership agreement with Posco SS-Vina, a Vietnamese-based steel company, for exclusive distribution rights of construction materials on Tuesday. ...
Cheng Sokhorng
Court in no hurry to charge timber traders
As the government prepares to start auctioning off the 70,000 cubic meters of illegal timber it has seized so far this year, not one of the companies on whose property it was found—nor anyone else—has been charged over the wood, following months of court procedures. ...
Ben Sokhean
‘Political prisoners’ partitioned in Prey Sar
A new set of security measures at Prey Sar prison, designed to stop rampant drug use at the facility, is instead being selectively applied to prisoners being held in a politically sensitive case related to an ongoing sex scandal involving opposition leader Kem Sokha. ...
Mech Dara and Shaun Turton