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1020 Records found for " ㎙ 시알리스 복제약 판매 ㏘ ♣♣▶▶ cia948.NeT (☜^0^☜) ↘ 정품 시알리스판매 ↳ 비맥스효과 ❡ 프릴리지당일배송 ㅹ 씨알리스구매처 ▷ 카마그라 여자 ㈋ 여성흥분제20mg 팝니다 ㈂ 발기부전치료제 구매 사이트"

Primary school

Cambodia’s education system is structured into a 6+3+3 formula -students spend their first 6 years in primary school (grades 1–6), followed by 3 years in secondary school (grades 7–9)  and 3 years in high school (grades 10–12) before sitting the diploma examination.1 Cambodian students are ...

Minerals and mineral products

Minerals from Halpern Mineral Collection, San Francisco, Photo by Eric Hunt taken on October 21 2006. License under: CC BY-NC-ND 2.0Many of Cambodia’s mineral resources are undeveloped, with most production concentrating on construction materials such as crushed stone, sand, gravel and limestone.53There is currently no ...

Press​ release​ of​ methanol-laced​ rice​ wine​ and​ water​ poisoning​ along​ Prek​ Ter​ stream​ in​ Kratie​ province

On​ 8​ May​ 2018,​ the​ Ministry​ of​ Industry​ and​ Handicraft​ showed​ the​ results​ of​ in-field​ testing​ and​ testing​ in​ laboratories​ of​ the​ Ministry​ of​ Industry​ and​ Handicraft​ related​ to​ the​ case​ of​ rice​ wine​ and​ water​ poisoning​ in​ Prek​ Te​ stream​ in​ Sre​ Non​ village​ ...

Ministry of Industry and Handicraft

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Cambodia Import-Export The First Half Year Analysis

Although the Cambodian government has projected Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of around 7 percent this year, a bit higher than come other international financial organizations like the Asian Development Bank (ADB) and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), it does not mean that the country’s projection could not ...


Bank Forecasts Drop in GDP Growth to 6.5%

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) yesterday revised its prediction for economic growth in Cambodia down to 6.5 percent as it warned that weakening demand from markets in the US and Europe could affect exports leaving the country. The ADB’s biannual outlook report for 2012 also said ...

New outsourcing players challenge export giants

Of course the BRIC countries are far from being the only emerging market suppliers for the global apparel sector – and a knot of competitors such as Bangladesh and Vietnam have long been vying for business. But there are smaller players (in terms of the ...


Charcoal prices rise in urban areas

Deforestation and Cambodia’s strong economic growth have resulted in an increase in the price of charcoal, an energy source the poor are dependent on, charcoal vendors say. The price of charcoal in Phnom Penh had increased at least 200 riel ($0.05) a kilogram compared to 2012, charcoal ...


Rice Farmers Struggle Despite Production Growth

High production costs and a lack of government assistance is keeping rice farmers near the poverty line despite unprecedented growth in the sector, according to a new study released by local microfinance institution Intean Poalroath Rongroeurng (IPR). The independent study, conducted by two Cambodian researchers ...

Stronger ties with Cambodia sought ahead of rice-trading zone

Thailand will forge closer ties with Cambodia and other neighbouring countries to increase competency in rice trading and boost the bargaining power of Asean countries by setting up a rice-trading zone soon. Also, Thailand will expand crop cooperation to cassava to raise farm incomes in the ...


Derailed dam angers EdC boss

Electricite du Cambodge director Keo Rattanak said on Saturday that the stalled Chinese-backed hydropower project in Koh Kong province’s Areng Valley has set back Cambodia’s plans to become energy self-sufficient. Rattanak, who was speaking at a gathering for soldiers in the Odar Meanchey province, singled out ...

Chan Muyhong

Timber by the numbers

Cambodia’s foremost logging baron exported more than 100,000 cubic metres of timber from Sihanoukville Port last year, likely including a species protected by an international treaty to which the Kingdom is a signatory, an analysis by Global Witness of leaked export records suggests. The data, obtained ...

Daniel Pye

Implementation of the new Carrying Capacity Management System for shops and markets

On 21 February 2022, the National Committee for Clean Cities Assessment issued a press release on the implementation of the new Carrying Capacity Management System for shops and markets.The system was developed in collaboration with the Ministry of Tourism, the National Committee for Clean Cities ...

National Committee for Clean Cities Assessment

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Inflation nears 8 percent, riel depreciates, trade deficit narrows in June

Cambodia’s inflation has risen to 7.85 percent in June 2022 compared on a year-on-year basis to 7.17 percent the previous month, which was the highest in the last decade, while the value of Riel has fallen 0.07 percent to 4,091 riel per US dollar and ...

Kang Sothear

European Union aid

The EU Ambassador to Cambodia, Carmen Moreno, shook hands with Prime Minister Hun Sen at Peace Palace on December 2, 2019. Photo from Prime Minister Hun Sen’s Facebook page.European Union (EU) has been one of Cambodia’s biggest trading partners and a major development partner since ...


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Strategic environmental assessment in Cambodia

Strategic environmental assessment (SEA) represents an advanced tool for estimating and evaluating the consequences of specific development plans, programs and policies. In contrast to widely-used environmental impact assessment (EIA) taking place at the end of the decision-making process, SEA is conducted before all major decisions ...

Government Hopes for Chevron Offshore Oil Deal This Year

The Cambodian government expects U.S. oil major Chevron Corp. CVX +0.77% to begin developing the country’s first offshore oil field early next year, and hopes the nation will become a regional hot spot for oil and gas investment, a government official said Wednesday. Cambodia has vast untapped oil and gas resources ...


His Excellency Sok Chenda Sophea, Deputy Prime Minister and Secretary-General of the Council for the Development of Cambodia, and His Excellency Masahiro Mikami, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Cambodia, chaired the 22nd Meeting of the Cambodia-Japan Joint Committee

On 30 August 2021, the Council for the Development of Cambodia issued a press release on His Excellency Sok Chenda Sophea, Minister Delegate to the Prime Minister and Secretary-General of the Council for the Development of Cambodia, and His Excellency Masahiro Mikami, Ambassador Extraordinary and ...

Council for the Development of Cambodia

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VONG Pisith

Senior Data Research & GIS Officer /Capacity Building Coordinator Pisith works as a Senior Data Research & GIS Officer /Capacity Building Coordinator at Open Development Cambodia (ODC). He satisfactorily completed Engineering’s Degree of Geo-Resources and Geotechnical Engineering (GGE) from the Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC) ...

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