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1031 Records found for "rel sponsored seo【telegram∶@dremf】TUTU"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated the map features of community fisheries in Koh Kong and Preah Sihanouk province in the dataset of "Fisheries resource management"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated the map features of community fisheries in Koh Kong and Preah Sihanouk province in the dataset of “Fisheries resource management”. This dataset provides information on fish sanctuary, community fishery, and flooded forest in Cambodia.=> Please click here to go to ...

Start Your 2014 With Big Data Workshop

For those who has an unquenchable thirst for knowledge and is passionate about big data and data visualization, here's an exciting learning opportunity for you: Visualizing Open Data to Bring Out Global Issues by Margo & Alex, supporting by Transparency International Cambodia on Monday, January ...

The launching workshop of ODC’s social accountability profile page

On November 11, ODC shared its new Social Accountability profile page with a public launch. The page was brainstormed by the ODC team as an improvement in the presentation and organization of ODC data, and designed to share information on Social Accountability and public service ...

Workshop on the legal and regulatory archives of Open Development Cambodia

In Phnom Penh on 21 October 2020, Open Development Cambodia (ODC) conducted a workshop on the legal and regulatory archives of Open Development Cambodia. The workshop aimed to improve the user experience of ODC’s “Legal documents” section.Workshop, participants came from varying backgrounds. Some were from ...

Oil and gas resources

Oil and gas have been found on Cambodian territory but no commercial extraction has begun. When extraction may begin is uncertain while oil prices are at comparatively low levels. All the petroleum products for local demand are imported, chiefly from Vietnam, Singapore and Thailand. Consumption ...


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A half-day conversation: Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and stakeholder engagement

The Open Development Cambodia (ODC) organized a half-day workshop on 9 May 2024 in Phnom Penh, on “Using CSR data to promote transparency in business and stakeholder engagement in Cambodia,” which provided opportunities for people from various domain backgrounds to explore the concept of corporate ...

Governor continues to delay UN meeting with Montagnards

The U.N.’s efforts to locate a group of Montagnards hiding in Ratanakkiri province continued to be hindered Monday as the provincial governor was yet again unavailable to meet its delegation, four days after it traveled to the northeastern province. Despite the delegation’s expectation that it would ...

Aun Pheap and George Wright

Open Data Day 2022: The role of open data in digital government

On 5 March 2022, Open Development Cambodia (ODC), in collaboration with the Institute of Digital Governance of the Cambodia Academy of Digital Technology (CADT), was delighted to host the Open Data Day 2022 at CADT in Phnom Penh. This is the 8th consecutive year that ...

The first district website to have its domain officially registered and served for promoting budget transparency

Located at Banteay Meanchey province, Ou Chruv district lies in the west of the province and is also one of the nine districts of the province. Bordering with Thailand makes Ou Chruv a border crossing point that is home to one of the busy districts. ...

Gender equality and Open Data Day 2020

The theme for Open Data Day 2020 “Equal Development” is aligned with the Global Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Since global SDG 5 focuses on Gender Equality and to celebrate International women’s rights day which happened to fall on the same week as the event, it ...

Extractive industries policy and administration

Cambodia’s extractive industries have traditionally operated on a small scale, mostly mining construction materials, gold or gemstones. While commercial production of minerals or oil has yet to begin on a large scale – these products made up just 0.1% of the country’s exports in 20161 – ...

Prayuters Library opening in Preah Vihear

On Saturday, September 16th, 2023, Open Development Cambodia Organization’s Open Development Library Initiative formally launched Prayuters Library in Preah Vihear province. Located in Hmor Seth Village, the Library is the culmination of five years of fundraising and planning and aims to promote reading, digital connectivity, ...

ODC participated in Barcamp ASEAN 2017

Barcamp ASEAN 2017 took place on October 21-22, at Institute of Technology of Cambodia (ITC), Phnom Penh, Cambodia. The principle of the camp is to bring and gathers together the participants in Cambodia and the regional for the open exchange of knowledge, skills, and experiences on how ...

ODC, a Cambodian NGO, presented in the fifth edition of the Paris Peace Forum 2022

Last three years, Mr. Thy Try, Executive Director/Editor-in-Chief of Open Development Cambodia, was selected to attend the Paris Peace Forum 2019 on 12–13 November. He was impressed by how the Forum brought together many participants and high-level experts from all over the world. He learned ...

Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Cambodia
COVID-19 Slider

Based on the available data and information released by the Ministry of Health of Cambodia, ODC has recently been collecting and has published a new dataset, interactive map layer and profile page of the “COVID-19” cases found in Cambodia. This new COVID-19 dashboard and dataset ...

Institut Pasteur du Cambodge: COVID-19 related activities update on 25 February 2020

On 25 February 2020, the Institute Pasteur du Cambodge (IPC) has announced on the update of COVID-19 related activities. Utilizing BLS-3-level biosafety and biosecurity capacity in conjunction with multiple diagnostic tests according to the WHO interim guidance, IPC has implemented, validated, and ensured diagnostic capacity ...

Institut Pasteur du Cambodge

Download: pdf

ODC works with Newsgain to assess and improve ODC's website

As a part of Internews’ work with ODC for the Innovations in Social Accountability in Cambodia project (ISAC), plans were developed for Internews’ Media Business Unit (‘Newsgain’) to review ODC’s website using tools such as Google Analytics. The design and function of ODC’s website have ...

Open Development Cambodia updates an existing dataset on “State land reclassification”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “State land reclassification” adding 6 new map features in Koh Kong, Preah Sihanouk, and Phnom Penh. This dataset contains information regarding​​ the establishment of land as state public properties and the reclassification to state private properties ...

Introductory animation training

Open Development Cambodia is increasing its development of video outreach material, such as the presentation of local Sangkat budget information for the Innovations in Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC) Project. Videos document ODC’s ongoing work and serve to promote upcoming events and activities.These are done ...

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Do you have resources that could help expand the Open Development Cambodia (ODC) website? We will review any map data, laws, articles, and documents that we do not yet have and see if we can implement them into our site. Please make sure the resources are in the public domain or fall under a Creative Commons license.

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