Aid and development

Multilateral development assistance

$5 billion ADB replenishment agreed for most vulnerable countries

Donors and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) have agreed to replenish $5 billion for its Asian Development Fund (ADF) and its Technical Assistance Special Fund. ...

Khmer Times Staff

IMF revises Cambodia’s GDP up 35% with 2014 base

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) in its World Economic Outlook for April 2024 revealed Cambodia’s new GDP figures by taking 2014 as the base year for the calculations instead of 2000, showing the economy 35 percent larger than previous GDP calculations indicated. ...

Manoj Mathew

Kingdom hosts int’l forum on climate change

The Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) in collaboration with Climate Investment Funds (CIF) and the Asian Development Bank (ADB) is co-hosting a four-day international forum aimed at exchanging experiences to address climate change, sustainable forestry and nature-based solutions in the Asia-Pacific region. ...

Nhean Chamrong

World Bank sees Cambodia and Philippines as fastest growing developing ASEAN economies this year

The World Bank forecast Monday that GDP in Cambodia and the Philippines would expand by 5.8 percent this year, making the two countries the fastest growing developing economies in Southeast Asia. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Minister, World Bank discuss active and new water projects

The Minister of Water Resources and Meteorology received a senior World Bank delegation to exchange lessons learned from on-going water and irrigation projects to improve the implementation of a new one. ...

Khmer Times Staff

$35M for rural road resilience work signed off by World Bank

The World Bank (WB) has approved an additional $35 million of financing projects which will improve the quality of rural roads in Kratie, Kampong Cham and Tbong Khmum provinces. It is expected that the work will improve the lives of more than two million people ...

Samban Chandara

$35M rural road fund to boost health and education access

The World Bank has approved a $35 million credit to help rural roads in three Cambodian provinces become more climate resilient to ensure residents have access to critical services and markets amid shifting weather patterns. ...

Marissa Carruthers

Cambodia feted with IFAD Gender Award in Rome

Cambodia came under the spotlight in Europe recently as its project was bestowed with a prestigious honour in Rome. At the International Fund for Agricultural Development (IFAD) ’s annual Governing Council, the Tonle Sap Smallholder Development Project – Additional Financing (TSSD-AF) – co-financed by IFAD ...

Khmer Times Staff

UN provides compensation for Cambodians hurt or slain in missions

The United Nations (UN), through the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation of Cambodia, has provided compensation for peacekeepers wounded or killed for the cause of humanity and peace around the world during missions in Lebanon and Mali. ...

Hang Punreay

UNDRR Lauds Cambodia’s Disaster Management

The United Nations for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR) has commended Cambodia’s disaster management and its effective response to disasters. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Ministry, ADB prioritise water access, rural sanitation

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) is working in close collaboration with the Ministry of Rural Development on transport infrastructure, water supply and sanitation. ...

Chea Sokny

Global economy will slow for a third straight year in 2024, World Bank predicts

That is the picture sketched by the World Bank, which forecast Tuesday that the world economy will expand just 2.4% this year. That would be down from 2.6% growth in 2023, 3% in 2022 and a galloping 6.2% in 2021, which reflected the robust recovery ...

Kiripost staff writers

Partners hold a projects completion workshop for key forestry initiatives

From 19-21 December 2023, the Forestry Administration of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, the Ministry of Environment (MoE), the UN-REDD Programme and the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) jointly organized the Projects Completion Workshop on the ‘UN-REDD initiative on ...

Khmer Times Staff

Cambodia confident as potential investment destination

Cambodia has proven itself as a potential investment destination with positive growth trends, development, and reform, according to a recent report by the Royal Government of Cambodia. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Singaporean companies look to tap into Cambodia’s carbon market

The Cambodian Minister of Environment, Dr. Eang Sophalleth, recently held a bilateral meeting with representatives of Singaporean companies, where he presented the opening of a new chapter in carbon trade in Cambodia, specifically under Article 6 of the Paris Agreement on Climate Change. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Data-Driven Policies: Cambodia’s commitment to sustainable agricultural development

Over 400 staff from the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) and the National Institute of Statistics, Ministry of Planning (NIS-MOP) have been deployed on one of the most comprehensive data collection initiatives to date – the Cambodia Agriculture Survey 2023 (CAS 2023).  ...

Khmer Times Staff

ADB, MPWT build $6.28 million landfill project in Battambang

The Asia Development Bank (ADB) in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) has successfully built a 20-hectare controlled landfill in Battambang province, aiming to serve 126,000 people in the community with the capacity to remove 100 tonnes of trash daily for ...

Nheng Chamrong

ADB, MPWT build $6.28 million landfill project in Battambang

The Asia Development Bank (ADB) in collaboration with the Ministry of Public Works and Transport (MPWT) has successfully built a 20-hectare controlled landfill in Battambang province, aiming to serve 126,000 people in the community with the capacity to remove 100 tonnes of trash daily for ...

Nhean Chamrong

Cambodia takes steps to eliminate illegal fishing practices

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) is teaming up with Cambodia’s Fisheries Administration (FiA) to strengthen the country’s efforts against illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing. ...

Khmer Times Staff

ADB approves $50 mln loan to improve Cambodia’s financial management

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) on Friday said it has approved a $50-million policy-based loan to support Cambodia in improving its public financial management (PFM) systems. ...

Khmer Times Staff

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