

Voter drive extended for one day

The National Election Committee (NEC) decided to extend voter registration by only one day after pleas from the opposition and civil society to extend the deadline due to more than one million citizens failing to register in time.​ ...

Taing Vida

CNRP to meet NEC over voter registration ‘problems’

The opposition party will meet with the National Election Committee this morning to discuss a number of “problems” with the voter registration process, highlighting that 2 million people could lose their right to vote at upcoming elections. ...

Meas Sokchea

CNRP leader diversifies social media playbook

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy has waded into the Twittersphere, using his first tweet to congratulate US President-elect Donald Trump on his victory, and later calling on the few Cambodians who use the site to register to vote in next year’s commune elections.   ...

Alex Willemyns

Voter registration lags with 12 days remaining

Election officials toured the country during this week’s Water Festival holiday to investigate a recent sharp drop-off in the pace of voter registrations, but no glaring issues were found, a National Election Committee (NEC) spokesman said on Wednesday.   ...

Kuch Naren

Election body ponders registration extension

The National Election Committee (NEC) says it will consider prolonging voter registration in some areas only if it’s needed as compiling this year’s voter list ends in two weeks. ...

Taing Vida

Voter registration drive falls behind schedule

Voter registration has fallen far behind schedule over the past two weeks, with enrolment dropping to just 30,000 a day from a target of 100,000, according to official figures, leaving more than 2 million Cambodians at risk of not registering to vote in time. ...

Bun Sengkong

Officials brawl at voter drive

Two Chak Angre Leu commune officials traded blows at a voter registration drive in Phnom Penh on Sunday morning and the National Election Committee (NEC) said it will hold a hearing for both men to air their grievances and explain their actions. ...

Taing Vida

Voter registration push slows in recent days

The number of people registering to vote has dropped sharply in recent days, statistics show, with an election watchdog calling on the National Election Committee to step up its game. ...

Bun Sengkong

US diplomat expresses concern, hopes over upcoming elections

United States Assistant Secretary of State Daniel Russel yesterday said Cambodia’s political stalemate was a matter of concern, but nonetheless expressed hope the coming elections would be free and fair. ...

Vong Sokheng and Shaun Turton

Military voting scheme ‘concerning’: watchdog

An election watchdog yesterday announced it had uncovered plans to move registration stations closer to military bases in Kampong Speu, Tbong Khmum and Kampong Chhnang provinces.​ ...

Vong Sokheng and Shaun Turton

Local chiefs still key to registration, study finds

Despite having access to other sources of information about the election process, including television and smartphones, Cambodia’s urban poor remain heavily reliant on potentially biased village-level officials when it comes to voter registration, according to a new report. ...

Ananth Baliga and Kong Meta

Voting rules changed for police, army

Less than one week after refusing to create a way for migrant workers to vote in the coming elections, the National Election Committee (NEC) yesterday asked the Interior Ministry to urgently intervene and allow National Police units and Royal Cambodian Armed Forces to vote near ...

May Titthara

CNRP claims voter fraud

The opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) will file a complaint with the National Election Committee (NEC) this week, alleging that more than 2,000 Vietnamese migrants have illegally registered to vote. According to party spokesperson Yim Sovann, the alleged registrations took place across southern Cambodia. ...

Pech Sotheary

Thieves rob Takeo voter registration location

Police in Takeo province’s Prey Kabbas district are investigating the theft of equipment from a Prey Lvea commune voter registration office on Thursday. National Election Committee voter registration department head Top Rithy said the thief or thieves broke the building’s lock and swiped all but the ...

Bun Sengkong

NEC: migrants can’t vote

The National Election Committee (NEC) dismissed a request to help migrant workers vote in the upcoming elections, despite creating a system similar to what was requested for soldiers only seven days ago. NEC spokesman Hang Puthea said they would be unable to help the roughly ...

May Titthara

Call for border registration

The Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) has submitted a letter to the National Election Committee (NEC), asking them to help Cambodian migrant workers in Thailand to register to vote in communes along the Thai border. The letter, signed by acting party president Kem Sokha yesterday and ...

May Titthara

NEC cites inaccuracy rate of 3%

About 3 percent of registered voters’ data has been found to contain inaccuracies, according to a National Election Committee official, who said the figure was inconsequential.​ ...

Bun Sengkong

Young voters face disenfranchisement

Young potential voters who have migrated abroad in search of work are facing the loss of their voting rights due to a lack of information and documents required to register to vote from a location different to their registered address, civil society groups said yesterday.​ ...

Pech Sotheary

NEC: army to vote near bases

In an effort to squelch fears of roving army units patrolling polling stations and terrifying local residents, National Election Committee (NEC) member Rong Chhun said the group plans to ask the Interior Ministry and Defense Ministry to have soldiers vote in communes near their garrisons. ...

May Titthara

NEC receives heaps of hardware from China

The National Election Committee yesterday announced the details of an assistance package from China, which has pledged to support Cambodia’s upcoming commune and national elections, set for 2017 and 2018. ...

Vong Sokheng

Poipet roadblock for would-be registrants

More than 300 Cambodian workers living in Thailand were prevented from registering to vote in Banteay Meanchey province’s Poipet town on Sunday after being unable to provide proof of residence there, officials said. ...

Meas Sokchea

National Election Committee voter registration passes halfway mark

More than half of Cambodia’s 9.6 million eligible voters had been registered as of Saturday, despite the National Election Committee reporting that heavy rains had dampened the pace of registrations recently. Updated figures released on the weekend show that 4.9 million voters had registered in the ...

Bun Sengkong

Sokha leaves CNRP HQ to register, raising hopes of thaw

After four months hiding inside CNRP headquarters to avoid arrest, deputy opposition leader Kem Sokha briefly emerged from his sanctuary yesterday to register to vote, telling supporters he believed months of rising political tensions were starting to dissipate. ...

Mech Dara and Alex Willemyns

Voter registrations hit peak on final day of Pchum Ben

A surge in voter registrations over the Pchum Ben holiday weekend pushed totals above 40 percent of eligible voters with just under two months to go before the deadline for next year’s commune elections, the National Elections Committee (NEC) said on Tuesday. .. ...

Kuch Naren

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