Environment and natural resources
Environment and natural resources policy and administration
Villagers Appeal to Halt Stung Treng Dam
Eleven village representatives from Stung Treng and Ratanakiri provinces traveled to Phnom Penh yesterday to meet with National Assembly lawmakers and appeal for an end to the planned construction of the Lower Sesan 2 Dam. The hydropower project, funded by Vietnam Electricity, will flood tens ...
Law drafted to enforce environmental reports
The Ministry of Environment has drafted a law that will hand out fines and prison terms for companies that fail to complete and submit Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs) on the development projects they undertake. According to a copy of the EIA draft law, fines of 100 ...
Rare giant ibis loses habitat
The latest in a series of land concessions granted in protected forests has cut nearly 10,000 hectares from Cambodia’s largest wildlife sanctuary – home to the Kingdom’s critically endangered national bird, the Giant Ibis. A September 7 sub-decree, released on Monday evening, reclassified 9,237 hectares of ...