Ministries and other national bodies

Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications

Telecoms ministry to host e-shopping fair

The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, in collaboration with The Idea Consultancy Co Ltd and UN Development Programme (UNDP) Cambodia, is set to host “The Grand Online Shopping Fest” from September 17-19. ...

May Kunmakara

CamDX to add three more ministries to its network

The Industry Science Technology and Innovation, Tourism and the Post and Telecommunications ministries will join the newly launched Cambodia Data Exchange (CamDX) platform to exchange data with other ministries as well as with the private sector. ...

Tin Sokhavuth

Cambodia organises online child protection workshop

The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports in collaboration with the Ministry of Post and Telecommunications, is organising a workshop on online child protection. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Ministry will launch a new COVID rapid test kit for only $ 2 soon

The Minister of Post and Telecommunications Chea Vandeth said that the Ministry will launch a Rapid Test soon for only $ 2, which is easy to use and high quality. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Telecoms association launched

The Association of Telecommunication Operators in Cambodia (ATOC) was officially launched on March 25 in a move to build a united voice in dealing with relevant stakeholders and the Royal Government of Cambodia for the development of the telecommunications industry. ...

May Kunmakara

Cambodia Posts sets stricter time demands

Cambodia Post (CP) has imposed more stringent time demands for its domestic Express Mail Service (EMS) across its branches to carve a larger slice of the local market and offset the Covid-19 pandemic’s toll on international postage services, the state-owned enterprise said in a notice ...

Thou Vireak

MPTC, Microsoft agree to promote digitalisation in Cambodia

Ministry of Post and Telecommunications (MPTC) and Microsoft in Asia Pacific have agreed to enhance the digital usage in Cambodia, as the Royal Government is transforming itself into e-government. ...

C. Nika/AKP

NIG aiming to create level playing ground for ISPs

The National Internet Gateway’s (NIG) will level the competitive playing ground for Cambodian internet service providers (ISPs). It may however, also  limit  companies who invested millions of dollars building the Kingdom’s internet infrastructure from  realising the return on investment they had counted on. ...

Husain Haider

ISPs revel in ministry’s legal threat to unlicensed telcos

The private sector welcomed the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications newest warning to unlicensed or otherwise non-legally-compliant telecoms operators as a necessary building block for sustainable growth in the industry. ...

May Kunmakara

Digital businesses urged to register at telecoms ministry

Minister of Posts and Telecommunications Chea Vandeth on February 24 encouraged budding digital entrepreneurs to register for licenses and receive technical support, training and “encouragement” from the ministry. ...

Thou Vireak

National Internet Gateway gets PM stamp of approval

Cambodia has approved the establishment of a “national internet gateway” (NIG) through which all of the Kingdom’s online traffic will be routed. ...

May Kunmakara

ASEAN digital ministers hear Kingdom’s infrastructure priorities

Cambodia prioritised the development of its telecommunications infrastructure as a commitment at the first ASEAN Digital Ministers’ Meeting. ASEAN, already the most-connected region in the world, has set a goal for transitioning to a digital economy under the ASEAN Digital Masterplan 2025. ...

Husain Haider

Digital services tax levy under study

The Ministry of Economy and Finance, Ministry of Commerce and Ministry of Post and Telecommunications held a joint meeting last week to discuss the potential collection of a digital services tax. ...

Jason Boken

Deadline set for telecom operators to hand over data

The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications (MPTC) has asked the nations’ telecom operators to connect to its Data Management Centre (DMC) by January 1, 2021. Based on the telecom laws, all operators and stakeholders involved in telecom must provide data service information to the MPTC. ...

Jason Boken

Draft digital policy speeding up

The government is speeding up its draft digital policy to adapt the economy to e-government. Minister of Post and Telecommunications Chea Vandeth was joined by the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) Secretary of State Vongsey Vissoth to discuss the government’s digital policy concept note. ...

Sorn Sarath

Local mobile applications expanding in all directions

The importance of apps in Cambodia is becoming more and more prevalent. The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport (MoEYS) and the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (MPTC) announced last week the news of them building a new distance education app in partnership with mobile ...

Jason Boken

Huawei pledges to support digital development in Cambodia

Chinese-owned giant telecom and technology company Huawei has pledged to support Cambodia’s digital development and bring new technology, according to its Cambodia’s country director. ...

Sorn Sarath

Cambodia records 14.8 million mobile internet subscribers as of May, down 2.36 percent

Cambodia recorded 14.8 million mobile internet subscribers, accounting for 90 percent of the population, by May 2020, down 2.36 percent compared to May last year, according to a Telecommunication Regulator of Cambodia (TRC) report on Monday. In contrast, the number of fixed internet subscribers increased by ...


Government eyes domain name registry

The Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications has set up a working group to study the idea of establishing a Cambodian Network Information Centre (KHNIC) to manage domain name registration and encourage people to use the national (.kh) domain. ...

May Kunmakara

Calls for cellular improvement

The Ministry of Post and Telecommunications (MPTC) has called all cellular operators to improve their signals in the Kingdom, as the network experiences a surge in use because of growth and COVID-19 isolation policies. ...

Chhut Bunthoeun

Draft over infrastructure linking Lancang-Mekong countries

Ministry of Post and Telecommunications (MPTC) this week opened discussions for the draft on 2020-2030 cooperation plan Lancang-Mekong countries. ...

Sorn Sarath

Minister urges China telecoms to build digital infrastructure

Newly appointed Minister of Posts and Telecommunications Chea Vandeth urged two Chinese telecom giants – China Communication Construction Co Ltd (CCCC) and Huawei Technologies Co Ltd – to further invest in the Kingdom’s telecommunications infrastructure in a move to bring Cambodia into the full realm ...

May Kunmakara

Kingdom prepared for digital economy

The government plans to establish a national digital television platform and will release the 700MHz band to the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications to help it develop the 5G network. ...

May Kunmakara

Ministry studies apps for coronavirus response

Posts and Telecommunication Minister Chea Vandeth on Monday held a meeting to review research findings for two mobile applications and a ventilator, which could be used in the Kingdom’s response to the coronavirus. ...

Va Sonyka

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