

GDT earns nearly $540 million in January-February

The General Department of Taxation (GDT) has collected $539 million as tax income in the first two months of this year, representing 15 percent of the national budget plan 2023. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Over $53M in e-commerce taxes since May, GDT says

The General Department of Taxation (GDT) reports that it has collected 214.68 billion riel ($53.01 million) in taxes from e-commerce to date since May 2022 – with an above-average 36.62 billion riel or $9.04 million last month alone – in a feat seen as an ...

May Kunmakara

GDT collects over $300M in taxes for January

The General Department of Taxation (GDT) collected $300.59 million in tax revenue last month, or about 8.42 per cent of the $3.57170 billion target set in the 2023 Law on Financial Management, marking a 4.29 per cent increase over January 2022. ...

Lay Samean

Cambodia collects $300 million as tax income in January 2023

The General Department of Taxation (GDT) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance collected some $300 million as tax income in the first month of 2023, up 4.29 percent compared to that of December 2022. ...

Khmer Times Staff

PM pats GDT chief on back after record tax revenues

Prime Minister has congratulated General Department of Taxation (GDT) chief Kong Vibol on a job well done after the agency last year collected revenues equivalent to 122.54 per cent of the target set by the annual financial management law, in the “highest surplus of all ...

May Kunmakara

PM appreciates GDT for increased tax collection

Prime Minister Hun Sen lauded the General Department of Taxation (GDT) for its efforts in collecting tax revenue that exceeded the budget plan in 2022, adding that the increased tax revenue contributed to the national economic development. ...

Chea Vanyuth

$3.4b collected in taxes in 2022

A total of $3.4 billion was collected in taxes in 2022, marking a 23.96 percent increase from 2021. ...

Seng Mengheng

GDT intends to simplify tax payments for all businesses

Cambodian taxes can currently be paid at 10 commercial banks, thanks to memorandums of understanding (MoU) signed by the Ministry of Economy and Finance in a bid to improve tax administration efficiency and make life easier for taxpayers, according to a General Department of Taxation ...

Hin Pisei

GDT changes VAT rules for e-commerce transactions for taxable persons who are non-resident taxpayers

The General Department of Taxation (GDT) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has changed its instruction on implementing the value-added tax (VAT) on e-commerce transactions ...

Kang Sothear

Tax collection exceeds 22% of plan last year

The General Department of Taxation (GDT) at the Ministry of Economy and Finance collected $3.45 billion as income from taxes in 2022, which is equivalent to 122 percent of the target for the year. ...

Chea Vanyuth

$106m collected in unpaid vehicle tax

The General Department of Customs and Excise of Cambodia announced on Thursday that it has collected roughly $106 million from tax of vehicles between September 2021 and December 31, 2022. ...

Seng Mengheng

$1.5 billion collected as VAT till Nov 2022; June most rewarding

The Royal Government of Cambodia collected $1.5 billion in value added tax (VAT) for goods and services in the first eleven months of 2022. ...

Manoj Mathew

Tax break for textile-linked industries to stay till 2025

The government has extended a suspension of “advance income tax” until the end of 2025 for eligible textile-related enterprises, a good deal of which have been hurt by a drop in orders as a result of global economic headwinds linked to the ongoing Ukraine crisis. ...

May Kunmakara

Tax break for textile-linked industries to stay till 2025

The government has extended a suspension of “advance income tax” until the end of 2025 for eligible textile-related enterprises, a good deal of which have been hurt by a drop in orders as a result of global economic headwinds linked to the ongoing Ukraine crisis. ...

May Kunmakara

GDT issues guidelines for new salary tax implementation

The General Department of Taxation (GDT) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) yesterday issued a set of guidelines for all enterprises that are resident taxpayers, public institutions and non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and have tax obligations to implement the new monthly salary tax from ...

Kang Sothear

Implementation of new income, salary tax come into effect

All organisations and institutions associated with the Royal Government of Cambodia have started implementing the new taxes on the annual income of individuals and sole proprietorship businesses and monthly salaries of resident employees from January 1, 2023, following a new sub-decree issued on September 28, ...

Kang Sothear

GDT earns $37 million on e-commerce VAT income

The General Department of Taxation earned e-commerce value-added tax (VAT) income of $37 million from the operation of electronic goods and services till November this year. ...

Chea Vanyuth

GDT collects $3.21B as taxes by November end

The General Department of Taxation (GDT) collected $3.21 billion as taxes in the first eleven months of 2022, which is equivalent to 113.99 percent of the target set for 2022. ...

Sok Sithika

Tax revenue on the rise

Cambodia’s tax revenue collected rose to $3,214.06 million in the first 11 months of the year, marking a 25.29 percent year-on-year (YoY) increase, with economic analysts claiming it is due to the strengthening of tax collection policies. ...

Meas Molika

Tax revenue passes target amid money laundering cases

The General Department of Taxation (GTD) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) has collected more than $2.94 billion of tax revenue for the period of first 10 months this year, which passes the amount set in the budget law 2022 and increases 26.96 ...

Kang Sothear

Tax chief vows reforms to meet 2023 revenue goal

The General Department of Taxation (GDT) will make further reforms and upgrade the technology used in tax processes to make things easier for taxpayers and ensure the achievement of the 2023 revenue collection target of $3.57170 billion, or 14.46539 trillion riel, according to director-general Kong ...

May Kunmakara

Follow NBC official exchange rate, taxpayers told

The General Department of Tax (GDT) of the Ministry of Economy and Finance has asked tax payers to follow the official exchange rate issued by National Bank of Cambodia (NBC), in a move to strengthen tax collection efficiency. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Survey finds VAT issues as major concern

The Majority of participants in a survey conducted by the European Chamber of Commerce in Cambodia (EuroCham) have reported that they experienced issues with regard to Value Added Tax (VAT) that included non-issuance of refunds. ...

Manoj Mathew

GDT’s tax collection target for 2023 up by $750M

The General Department of Taxation (GDT) has been given a stiff tax collection target of $3.5 billion for next year, $750 million more than the current year’s budget target, said Kong Vibol, Minister attached to the Prime Minister and Delegate of the Royal Government in ...

Manoj Mathew

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