Public health

Health care policy and administration

Officials meet to discuss HIV outbreak strategy

The first meeting to discuss a long-term strategy for dealing with last year’s freak outbreak of HIV in Battambang province’s Roka commune was held at the Council of Ministers building in Phnom Penh on Thursday, officials said. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Iv drips still the treatment of choice in Kratie

It used to be a common sight in Phnom Penh – a child wandering on a street with a needle in his hand, followed by a parent holding a bag of IV fluid. ...

Aisha Down and Srey Kumneth

Government talks tough on counterfeit drugs

The government says that it is increasing its efforts to clamp down against counterfeit drugs in Cambodia.Speaking at a Pharmaceutical and Medical Expo yesterday in Phnom Penh, Nov Phalla, deputy director at the Department of Drugs and Food at the Ministry of Health said the ...

Sok Chan

Dengue cases flying under the radar

Dengue fever can kill. But like the mosquitoes that carry the disease, the number of cases of dengue each year can be difficult to count. One thing is certain: the number of cases in Cambodia goes massively underreported every year. ...

Jonathan Cox

For many, alcohol has become a ‘communication’ tool

Alcohol consumption in Cambodia is high enough that authorities are now drafting legislation for a drinking age. But as the country and its economy develop, many here say it has become an essential part of their social—and professional—lives. ...

Pang Chamnan

Cambodia reports sharp rise in dengue fever cases in 1st half of 2015

The number of reported dengue fever cases has risen to 2,688 dengue in the first six months of this year, up 116 percent from the 1,245 cases over the same period last year, a statement from the Health Ministry said. ...

Xinhua team

Alcohol law to go to council of ministers by week’s end

A draft of Cambodia’s first alcohol law—which if passed would introduce a drinking age of 21 and ban the sale of alcohol between 12 a.m. and 6 a.m.—will be sent to the Council of Ministers by the end of the week, Health Minister Mam Bunheng ...

Khy Sovuthy

Unlicensed dentist flees after robbing, killing patient

Police are searching for a 26-year-old unlicensed dentist in Tbong Khmum province who is believed to have used a rope to strangle a patient to death at his clinic in order to steal her jewelry and motorbike, along with about $3,000 in cash, an official ...

Buth Kimsay

Milestone in eye health

Officials from the Ministry of Health’s national eye health program yesterday released a report announcing that trachoma, an eye infection that can lead to blindness, is no longer a public health problem in Cambodia. ...

Sen David

Ministry finishes its draft law on alcohol

The Ministry of Health has completed a draft law on alcohol regulation, which will set a minimum drinking age, increase taxes on alcohol and place other controls on the sale, consumption and advertising of alcohol. ...

Chhay Channyda

Death sparks new rabies warnings

The recent death from rabies of a French resident of Kampot has caused coastal vets and doctors to call for increased vigilance and improved preventative measures in Cambodia, which is still classed as a “red” zone for the lethal virus. ...

Jack Laurenson

200 clinics closed in 2015: Dept

The Phnom Penh Municipal Health Department has closed more than 200 illegal dental clinics in the capital in the first six months of the year, and has filed complaints against their owners to the Phnom Penh Municipal Court, health officials said yesterday. ...

Pech Sotheary and Stuart White

Gov’t relies on thermal scans to prevent spread of MERS

In an effort to demonstrate government measures to prevent the potentially fatal Middle East respiratory syndrome from entering Cambodia—days after the disease was found in Thailand—the health minister showcased machines that detect people’s body temperature at Phnom Penh International Airport on Tuesday. ...

Sek Odom

As MERS spreads, gov’t says it’s prepared

Following the first case of the potentially deadly Middle East respiratory syndrome being confirmed in Thailand on Thursday, government officials in Cambodia said entry points into the country were already equipped to prevent the disease from spreading here. ...

Maria Paula Brito and Sek Odom

Man who sold clinic license faces 10 years’ imprisonment

A Cambodian man who sold his license to operate a medical clinic in Stung Treng City faces up to 10 years in prison after a woman died following an abortion conducted illegally on the premises, a court official said. ...

Sek Odom

Over 3,000 illegal doctors in country: Ministry

A Health Ministry official said Thursday that an investigation in the wake of a devastating HIV outbreak in Battambang province’s Roka commune late last year had revealed more than 3,000 unlicensed doctors operating across the country. ...

Khy Sovuthy and George Wright

Only 4 out of 1,000 people donate blood in Cambodia

Cambodian Health Minister Mam Bunheng on Sunday called for more blood donations since the Southeast Asian country saw only 4 out of 1,000 people donate their blood. ...

Shanghai Daily News Staff

Three new Czech-funded takeo health centers

The National Human Rights Commission of Thailand has accused the country’s Khon Kaen Sugar of “serious human rights violations” at its two Cambodian plantations in a new report that urges the firm to return the land to the hundreds of families forced off their farms—some ...

Zsombor Peter and Kuch Naren

Two more test positive for HIV in Roka commune

Two more people have tested positive for HIV in Battambang province’s Roka commune this month, bringing the total number infected to 272 since an outbreak of the virus was first detected in December, a health official said Wednesday. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Study finds substandard malaria drugs, but no fakes

A new report suggests counterfeit anti-malarial drugs are far less prevalent in Cambodia than previously thought, but almost a third of the legitimate medicines are of substandard quality. According to the study, published on Monday by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, none of ...

Charles Parkinson

Mental health plan risky: experts

Earlier this year, a mob in Takeo province beat a mentally ill man to death, then dragged his body into the rice paddies and set it on fire. The 27-year-old was suspected of robbery. This week, Takeo Governor Lay Vannak launched a campaign to combat future ...

Rebecca Moss and Chhay Channyda

Eighth villager dies in HIV-stricken Roka commune

An 89-year-old woman who was among the more than 240 villagers to test positive for HIV in Battambang province’s Roka commune died Monday, bringing the total number of deaths since the outbreak was first detected in December to eight. ...

Ouch Sony

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