Law and judiciary

Legal framework

HIV-infected villagers continue trial testimony

More than 20 HIV-infected villagers provided testimony during the third day of the trial of an unlicensed medic—accused of infecting more than 270 people with the virus—at the Battambang Provincial Court on Thursday, a court official said. ...

Khy Sovuthy

In bid to increase helmet use, campaign focuses on fines

With a new traffic law set to come into force next year, officials and NGOs Thursday announced an aggressive campaign to tell people that failing to wear a helmet while riding a motorbike will threaten their lives and their wallets. ...

Meghan Tribe and Khuon Narim

Court hears case of businessman’s land swap deal gone sour

The Phnom Penh Municipal Court yesterday heard the case of a businessman who was charged with fraud after he acquired the office of the municipal women’s affairs department in a 2012 land swap, but failed to hand over the property to a tycoon to whom ...

Ouch Sony

Vehicle tax cut gets mixed reaction

The government will eliminate taxes on vehicles used by low-income families and farmers to improve their livelihoods and boost farm production, according to the bill on the national budget approved by Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday. ...

Sum Manet

Gov’t official removed pending investigation

Pheng Vannak, an Interior Ministry officer accused of making a death threat against CNRP Deputy President Kem Sokha, has been removed from his position and will face trial over defamation allegations, the ministry’s spokesman said Wednesday. ...

Khuon Narim

Workers arrested amid dispute between Unions

Two garment workers who broke away from the only union operating at their factory in Kompong Speu province in an attempt to provide workers an alternate choice for representation were charged Wednesday with a slew of crimes and are being held in provisional detention, officials ...

Ben Sokhean

Cambodia extends deportation deadline for asylum-seeking montagnards

The Cambodian government has extended the deadline for the deportation of 13 ethnic Montagnard Christians who have obtained refugee status in the Southeast Asian nation if they do not find a third country in which to permanently settle by next January, prompting criticism from a ...

Tha Kitya

Hun Sen tells CNRP to be more civil

Angry at a new Facebook post by an opposition party spokesman and another CNRP lawmaker’s mention of the 1980s government’s deadly “K5 Plan,” Prime Minister Hun Sen on Tuesday used the floor of the National Assembly to warn opposition lawmakers to be more civil. ...

Kang Sothear

Opposition supporters in Banteay Meanchey defect

Almost 100 opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP) supporters and several dozen members of the Royalist Funcinpec Party in Svay Chek district, Banteay Meanchey province, defected yesterday to the ruling Cambodian People’s Party. Among them were provincial and village-level leaders. ...

Ros Chanveasna

Trafficked loggers returned from Thailand

Twenty-nine loggers were sent back to Cambodia from Thailand on Sunday after the group was arrested by Thai soldiers while logging rosewood across the border from Banteay Meanchey province, an official said Monday. ...

Saing Soenthrith

Protesters want government to revitalize dilapidated beach

A representative of 18 vendors in Sihanoukville asked the government for help in reviving the area where they used to live and work, claiming that the half-finished construction sites destroyed the area and any businesses operating there.  ...

Chea Takihiro

Two Chinese arrested in VoIP ring crackdown

Two Chinese nationals were arrested and 72 others were temporarily detained on Friday in a series of coordinated raids carried out by the Interior Ministry to dismantle a suspected cybercrime ring run by Chinese citizens extorting people in their home country, officials said. ...

Saing Soenthrith

PM orders government to raise efforts in fighting smuggling

Prime Minister Hun Sen has issued an appeal for government officials to strengthen cooperation to prevent and combat the rampant smuggling of goods in and out of the country, causing the loss of much-needed tax revenue.   ...

Kang Sothear

Provincial officials to investigate burned CNRP sign

Oddar Meanchey provincial police chief Men Ly said yesterday he will launch an investigation into the burning of an opposition CNRP sign during a protest in Samraong City on Friday led by a defector to the ruling CPP. ...

Mech Dara

Medic in HIV outbreak case to be tried next week

The trial of an unlicensed medic who was charged with murder af­ter allegedly infecting more than 270 people with HIV will begin on Tuesday, a court official said on Fri­day. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Official facing trial over Facebook post

An Information Ministry official has been charged with defamation over a Facebook post accusing a CPP senator of being the mistress of a military general, and has been summoned to trial on Monday. ...

Aun Pheap

Police search for final suspect in commune chief beating case

Police in Svay Rieng province said Wednesday that they were still searching for one of two men suspected in a violent attack on an elderly commune chief that stemmed from a drunken fight on Saturday. ...

Buth Kimsay

Draft statistics law approved by assembly

A new law on the collection and dissemination of statistical data is set to be put to a vote at the National Assembly later this year after being approved by a parliamentary commission Wednesday. ...

Ouch Sony and Peter Ford

‘Free market’ no excuse for price gouging: CNRP

Despite Prime Minister Hun Sen’s request for bus owners and cab drivers to not hike prices over the Pchum Ben holiday, passengers were subjected to a familiar price bump this week. ...

Chea Takihiro and Srey Kunmeth

International organization condemns ‘harassment’ of rights work

The Geneva-based Observatory for the Protection of Human Rights Defenders has appealed to the public to urge Cambodian authorities to end their “judicial harassment” of prominent human rights advocate Ny Chakrya, who stands charged with public defamation and attempting to coerce court officials. ...

Kang Sothear and Taylor O'Connell

Appeal court extends Pedophile’s sentence

Philippe Broaly, the former French judge and child-protection NGO director who was convicted in May for sexually assaulting boys in his care, had his sentence extended to three years by the Appeal Court on Friday, according to anti-pedophile NGO Action Pour Les Enfants (APLE). ...

Peter Ford

Court acquits land broker in $2.5m fraud case

The Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Friday acquitted a land broker of allegedly defrauding a businessman out of $2.5 million over a 9,000-hectare economic land concession (ELC) in Mondolkiri province that was eventually revoked by the government. ...

Khuon Narim

Women get five years for smuggling attempt

The Phnom Penh Municipal Court on Friday sentenced two Vietnamese women to five years in prison for attempting to send pseudoephedrine—a common precursor in the synthesis of methamphetamine—to Australia in a box of bras. ...

Khuon Narim

Robbers’ terms made concurrent

Both Prum Chan Samnang, a 20-year-old former Smart Axiata employee, and Phy Phirum, a 20-year-old air conditioning technician, were lucky enough to receive a rare “consolidation of sentences” yesterday at Phnom Penh Municipal Court. ...

Tin Sokhavuth

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