Women policy and administration
Leaders denounce insults against women ahead of Women's Day
Prime Minister Hun Manet and Minister of Interior Sar Sokha have spoken out against derogatory remarks targeting women, following public outrage over comments by a Kun Khmer TV show host’s offensive comments about women’s dignity. ...
Hong Raksmey
Official urges women’s economic empowerment to combat human trafficking
A senior official at the Ministry of Women’s Affairs has urged for human trafficking prevention by promoting women’s economic empowerment and identifying the needs and opportunities for women working in the informal economy. ...
NA President Sudary addresses ‘2024 Women Speakers Summit’
The president of the National Assembly Khuon Sudary has shared the government’s action plan to eliminate maternal mortality and violence against women and girls with delegates at the “2024 Women Speakers Summit” in Paris, France. ...
Hang Punreay
National Assembly President joins French summit on women’s rights
A National Assembly of Cambodia delegation is participating in a 10-day summit of female parliamentary speakers in Paris, France. ...
Hang Punreay
Pay gap in construction sector attributed to ‘skill’
Approximately 35 per cent of Cambodia’s 250,000 construction workers are women, according to Sok Kin, president of the Building and Wood Workers Trade Union Federation of Cambodia (BWTUC). ...
Kim Sarom
Women journo safety project starts
UNESCO and the Women’s Media Centre are promoting media freedom through the project “Strengthening Media Development and Freedom of Expression in Cambodia”, having seen women journalists and media workers face increasing offline and online attacks that make them subject to disproportional, and often specific, threats. ...
Long Kimmarita
Women’s affairs ministry urges end to ‘misogynistic language’
The Ministry of Women’s Affairs expressed its dismay regarding the use of inappropriate and immoral language on social media by a small number of individuals. It considered these acts as having damaged the honour and dignity of Cambodian women as well as being detrimental to ...
Long Kimmarita
Ministry prepares guidelines to define sexual harassment
Police and public in the Kingdom are on the same side when it comes to determining what is sexual harassment and what is not. The main reason: guidelines to identify sexual harassment are yet to be framed by the lawmakers. ...
Yim Sreylin
PM lauds women’s contributions
Women form an incalculable part of Cambodia’s economy, Prime Minister Hun Sen has declared, as he praised efforts of the Cambodian National Council for Women’s (CNCW) in contributing to the Kingdom’s development over the years. ...
Ry Sochan
Alliance of 45 CSOs lobbying for ratification of conventions to help women
A group of 45 civil society organisations (CSOs) demanded that the government ratify four international labour conventions as proof of its commitment to ending violence against women and girls. ...
Orm Bunthoeurn
Cambodia ranks top in women workforce
The UNDP in Cambodia published a statement yesterday on its Facebook page stating that the rate of women workers in the Kingdom is higher than others in the region. However, the wage gap between women and men remains a challenge. ...
Tin Sokhavuth
Report reveals snags for women, youth on path to leadership roles
Transparency International (TI) Cambodia on March 19 released a survey report on the challenges of women and youth in leadership roles in Cambodia. The report recommended the government, NGOs, relevant ministries and institutions to promote women and youth in decision-making positions. ...
Niem Chheng
Promote values of women, says PM
Prime Minister Hun Sen has appealed to relevant ministries to promote social morality, values of women and prevent violence against them. ...
Sen David
National action plan against gender violence launched
Senior officials and international envoys have urged cooperation from society to put a stop to all forms of violence against women amid concerns that incidence has risen across the country and the world since the beginning of the Covid-19 crisis. ...
Long Kimmarita
Minister pushes for more women in top civil positions
Interior Minister Sar Kheng has urged his subordinates to continue increasing gender equality and advancing women’s political participation. ...
Taing Vida
Hun Sen celebrates women's rights
On the occasion of the 109th International Women’s Day, Prime Minister Hun Sen called for more women in leadership positions, better law enforcement to speed up the trials involving them, and improved education for their next generation in the Kingdom. ...
Voun Dara
Disabled women speak of discrimination
A group of disabled women yesterday raised concerns over discrimination faced by girls in getting an education, despite progress being made in the Kingdom to improve their rights. They raised their concerns during a forum jointly organised by Pact Cambodia, Agile, USAID and the government ...
Sen David
Domestic violence campaign starts
Local and international NGOs, universities and government institutions on Monday began the annual international “16 Days of Activism against Gender-Based Violence” campaign demanding the elimination of all forms of violence against women. National Police spokesman Chhay Kim Khoeun said there was no recorded figure in ...
Niem Chheng
UN reiterates call to abolish criminalization of surrogates
The United Nations has called on Cambodia to repeal its decision criminalizing surrogacy and asked the government to ensure that its draft law will not impose criminal liability on surrogate mothers. ...
Leonie Kijewski
UN panel notes problems in bid to foster gender equality
A UN women’s rights committee has praised the government’s efforts to promote gender equality and combat violence against women, but noted its concern that there are no provisions in the constitution that define direct or indirect discrimination against women. ...
Taing Vida
Civil groups call for clear policies on women’s rights
Some 400 youth and women from 12 civil society organisations gathered at a hotel in Phnom Penh’s Meanchey district on Sunday to celebrate women’s rights, weeks after they were prevented by security forces from marching to mark International Women’s Day. At Sunday’s gathering, the group ...
Long Kimmarita
Forces prevent Women’s Day march
Some 400 women from various associations, unions and civil society organisation were blocked by Phnom Penh municipal security forces from marching from the Olympic Stadium to the Council of Ministers to deliver a joint petition on International Women’s Day which fell on Friday. ...
Khorn Savi
NGOs draft petition to improve women’s rights
As International Women’s Day approaches, 12 organisations have finished drafting a petition calling on the government to continue to address challenges women are facing, including violence, inequality and poverty. The 12 organisations include the Centre for Alliance of Labour and Human Rights, Coalition of Cambodian ...
Pech Sotheary
Women lack full rights at Appeal Court
The Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR) has released an observational report on the rights of woman defendant’s at the Appeal Court, claiming that many weren’t granted due process. Having monitors attend 453 trials from December 2016 to June this year, CCHR found that there ...
Niem Chheng