Disasters and emergency response
Strict new Standard Operating Procedures and Certification for KTVs and Nightclubs issued ahead of possible reopening on 30th of November
Ahead of the possible reopening of KTVs and Nightclubs after November 30th, the Ministry of Tourism has issued strict new Standard Operating Procedures (SOP) to ensure public safety against the continuing threat of COVID-19. ...
Religious ceremonies and gatherings allowed to resume in Cambodia
The Ministry of Cults and Religious Affairs has authorised the resumption of all religious ceremonies and gatherings in Cambodia ...
Khmer Times Staff
Floods affected 45,000 families in 17 provinces
Floods over the past four months in the Kingdom affected more than 45,000 families across 17 provinces, the National Committee for Disaster Management (NCDM) said. ...
Chhun Sunly
Vaccination of adolescents in Cambodia against COVID-19 remains a challenge
Vaccination of adolescents have hit a snag and a roadblock as vaccination numbers and percentage has stagnated at the 98+ percentage since Pchum Ben Holidays. ...
Khmer Times Staff
SOPs issued for weddings and traditional ceremonies
The Culture and Fine Arts Ministry yesterday issued Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) to maintain health and safety from Covid-19 at weddings and other traditional ceremonies. ...
Sen David
PM: Nightclubs and KTVs cannot open until 30th of November at earliest but weddings permitted
Speaking today at the opening of the new $28 million office building of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, PM Hun Sen has made a far reaching speech discussing, amongst other topics, further developments in the ‘reopening’ of Cambodia ...
Khmer Times Staff
PM urges int’l push for sustainable food systems
Cambodia is committed to work hand in hand with other countries to strengthen its food systems, especially as the Kingdom assumes the ASEAN chairmanship in 2022, according to Prime Minister Hun Sen. ...
Ry Sochan
China pledges continued support for Cambodia's Covid fight
China has vowed to continue providing assistance to Cambodia in the fight against Covid-19 until the pandemic is over. ...
Ry Sochan
Grade 12 exam postponed to Dec 27
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport has set December 27 as the new date for high school diploma examination. The Grade 12 exam was originally scheduled for December 6. ...
Ry Sochan
Cambodia urges int'l support for climate change action
A senior Ministry of Environment official called for funding support from all countries to address climate change issues in the post-Covid-19 pandemic. ...
Ry Sochan
China: Sino-Cambodian friendship stronger than steel
Cambodia, with the help of China, has made great achievements in preventing the spread of COVID-19, bringing it under control while the rate of vaccination against the deadly virus has risen dramatically, according to a press release issued by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Beer Gardens allowed to reopen nationwide
Beer garden patrons and diners need not wait any longer as the once high risk business is now open to all nationwide. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Emergency nod given to Merck’s Covid pills
The Ministry of Health has authorised the emergency use of the US-produced drug Molnupiravir which was recently developed to treat Covid-19, with the government planning to spend around $2.5 million to ensure Cambodian patients have access to the medicine. ...
Mom Kunthear
Ways for Cambodia to meet its health system financing and pandemic response challenges
Cambodia has made great strides in recent years, both in terms of economic growth and key health indicators like life expectancy and infant, child and maternal mortality rates. The country reached lower-middle income status in 2015 and was advancing steadily toward Universal Health Coverage (UHC) ...
Khmer Times Staff
Jab card check for students a one-off
The Ministry of Education, Youth and Sport instructed municipal and provincial education departments across the country to inform school administrators that the vaccination card check for students should be done just once on the first day they attend classes. ...
Post staff
Home-based Covid patients warned about waste disposal
Phnom Penh municipal governor Khuong Sreng reminded Covid-19 patients with mild symptoms who are treating themselves at home to dispose of their waste properly. ...
Mom Kunthear
CMAA warns residents of flooded areas about mines
Ly Thuch, Senior Minister and First Vice-President of the Cambodian Mine Action and Victim Assistance Authority (CMAA), called on government officials at all levels to continue spreading awareness about the dangers of mines and explosive remnants of war (ERW) whenever meeting with the public in ...
Voun Dara
Phnom Penh’s Governor calls for stricter measures to ensure high-risk businesses remain close
Amid clandestine operations by desperate club, karaoke, and other high-risk business owners, Phnom Penh’s Governor issued an order to authorities of the capital’s 14 districts to implement stricter crackdowns on those who defy administrative measures. ...
Khmer Times Staff
COVAX provides refrigeration equipment to Cambodia
The COVAX Facility donated advanced refrigeration equipment to the Royal Government to boost the country’s vaccination storage capacity. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Gov’t rolls out 10th round of relief measures
The government has rolled out the 10th round of economic relief measures to manage the impact on key sectors from Covid-19 and the ongoing recovery process, and bolster economic growth during and after the crisis. ...
Nov Sivutha
PM declares Cambodia fully reopen from Nov 1
Prime Minister Hun Sen has announced that Cambodia is reopening the country fully across all sectors from November 1 on the basis of four factors: Full vaccination of much of the population, the availability of effective Covid-19 treatments and medicines, increased experience in dealing with ...
Mom Kunthear
PM: Grade 12 exam still on
Public and private educational institutions across Cambodia reopened their doors on November 1 after being closed since March due to the Covid-19 pandemic, while Prime Minister Hun Sen made it clear that high school diploma exams would be taking place this year and students will ...
Voun Dara
Wedding gatherings can be allowed with the limit of attendees
Prime Minister Hun Sen said that wedding gatherings are allowed if the number of attendees is limited. ...
Yim Sreylin
Russian jabs get approval
The Health Ministry has authorised the use of four types of Russian Covid-19 vaccines in emergency situations, including, Sputnik V, Sputnik-Light, CoviVac and EpiVacCorona. .. ...
Tith Kongnov