Mekong dam a threat to rare dolphins - and villagers too

The Don Sahong hydroelectric dam threatens the last 80 Irrawaddy dolphins in the Mekong River – as well as the livelihoods of the people downstream in Cambodia, who depend heavily on the river’s resources. ...

Pratch Rujivanarom

Meat seized after wild chase

About 100 kilograms of pig and dear meat was seized on Wednesday night after police chased down a luxury car in Kratie town’s Orusey commune, deputy chief of the Provincial Economic Police Unit Major Rin Veansa said. ...

Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

Cambodia scouts for tigers before relocating big cats from India

Before it takes action on ‘relocating’ Indian tigers, Cambodia’s forestry administration is on a special mission – scouting for signs of indigenous tigers in its dense jungles, where according to reports they are “functionally extinct”.   ...

Ians team

Community ravaged by drought steps up to save monkeys

Touch Tren used to fish the Tonle Sap Lake’s flooded Ek Phnom district for a living, but after finding the bodies of 30 black monkeys, dead from thirst in the nearby Veal Don Om forest earlier this year, he had a change of heart and ...

May Titthara

Rare ‘costumed ape’ sighted in forest

Robin Loveridge had rolled out of his hammock at dawn to go on a walk along the Sekong River in Siem Pang forest when he saw three bright gold faces peering down at him from the tree canopy. ...

Jonathan Cox

Heat, water shortages affecting rare bird life

Conservationists are expressing concern that some of the Kingdom’s endangered birds are not reproducing this year due to extreme heat stress, inability to find enough food and habitat loss from wildfires and human encroachment. ...

Igor Kossov

Endangered animals freed by police

Five endangered polecats were rescued yesterday morning after provincial military police in collaboration with Wildlife Alliance staff stopped a man on a motorbike who was attempting to sell them at the Veal Ring market in Preah Sihanouk’s Real Rinh commune, according to Prey Nob district ...

Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

Monkey business stopped at border

More than 40 monkeys were rescued by customs officials at the Cambodia-Vietnam border in Memot yesterday, according to Police Lieutenant Colonel Chuon Phally, the Deputy Commander at Tbong Khmom military camp. ...

Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

Cambodia’s Royal Turtle nearly extinct as fewer than 10 remain in wild

Cambodia’s Royal Turtle is nearly extinct, with fewer than 10 left in the wild, because increased sand dredging and illegal clearance of flooded forest have shrunk its habitat, a conservationist group warned Monday. ...

The Star Team

Men detained after killing endangered ox

Four farmers were arrested and charged yesterday over allegations of killing an endangered banteng, considered to be one of the most beautiful species of wild ox, in a protected forest in Mondulkiri, according to officials. ...

Buth Reaksmey Kongkea

Social media users in a flap as hundreds of bats die

Hundreds of dead bats were found inside Siem Reap’s Phnom Bouk temple in Banteay Srey district after district police and environmental officers were notified by local residents on Tuesday. ...

Pav Suy

Hornbill rescued in Seima protected forest

A patrol in Seima Protected Forest in Mondulkiri last weekend found a young great hornbill near an illegal logging site. Hornbill sightings have become rarer as the bird’s population drops. ...

Jonathan Cox

Expert says tiger reintroduction plan sure to fail

A leading Indian conservationist and tiger expert is warning that a multimillion-dollar scheme to reintroduce the big cat to Cambodia will be a “tragic failure” that could cost lives, and that its advocates will come to rue the attempt.    ...

Zsombor Peter

World tiger numbers rise for first time in 100 years

The number of tigers in the wild has risen for the first time in 100 years, marking a major turning point in the big cat’s plight against poaching and habitat loss. Figures collated from national surveys conducted in tiger range states and from the International Union ...


India may send tigers to Cambodia

There will be discussions on whether some tigers can be relocated from India to Cambodia, at the third Asia Ministerial Conference on Tiger Conservation. No evidence of tigers have been found in Cambodia since 2007 and the World Wide Fund for Nature recently declared tigers ...

Jayashree Nandi

Smuggled turtles discovered in Kampong Chhnang province

A driver’s assistant has been arrested for smuggling 18 turtles hidden in mattress covers in a truck from Thailand on Saturday in Kampong Chhnang’s Toul Kralanh village, according to officials. ...

Pav Suy

Tigers to be reintroduced to Cambodia in 2019

Eight tigers will be released into the Cambodian wild in an unprecedented plan projected to cost between $20 and $50 million, the Ministry of Agriculture and WWF-Cambodia announced at an event in Phnom Penh on Wednesday.   ...

Kang Sothear and Peter Ford

Kandal forestry officials find zoo inside corn truck

A truck transporting corn from Battambang to Prey Vang province was seized by forestry officials on Monday evening after hundreds of turtles and pythons were found stashed inside, according to officials. ...

Pav Suy

Ministry encourages conservation, domestication of wild animals

The Ministry of Environment is encouraging people living in or around protected areas to start feeding and domesticating wild animals, and to abstain from eating them, with similar strategies in animal conservation being attempted in communities in Preah Vihear province. ...

Mom Kunthear

The hunt for long-tailed macaques

Villagers in the Cardamoms said earlier this month that the illegal practice of capturing wild long-tailed macaque monkeys is alive and well, despite a government ban. The practice was outlawed in 2010, after wild captures devastated Cambodian populations of the monkeys, but high demand by ...

Jonathan Cox

Concern over decline of Cambodia’s honeybees

Honeybees have a huge role in tropical ecosystems, but illegal logging and unsustainable honey harvesting are hurting their population. Honeybees have co-evolved with flowering plants and their overall health is an indicator of an ecosystem’s wellbeing. ...

Hong Chenda

River Coalition of Cambodia: say no to Lao dam

The River Coalition of Cambodia, along with 13 other NGOs, released a letter yesterday requesting Prime Minister Hun Sen demand the Lao government to cancel the construction of their Don Sahong hydropower dam and also pause all hydropower projects along the Mekong River due to ...

May Titthara

Upgraded training program for elite forest rangers

The first graduates of a special training program for elite forest rangers began work this month in Preah Vihear’s protected forest.The 29 newly-minted rangers will be responsible for leading efforts to stop illegal logging, land clearance, and poaching in a forest that is home to ...

Jonathan Cox

Cambodia may seek India's help for tiger reintroduction

Cambodia may seek tigers from India as it plans to reinstate the big cat in the Southeast Asian nation. The last tiger was sighted in Cambodia in 2007.Representatives from Cambodia, Myanmar and Thailand participated in a two day study programme to understand the successful tiger ...

Desh Deep

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