Ministries and other national bodies

Ministry of Environment

Climate change to delay Kingdom’s ascent to middle-income economy

Climate change will slow down Cambodia’s economic growth progressively over the next decades and delay the country’s graduation to middle-income economy by one year, recent government reports show. The ministries of Economy and Finance and Environment on Friday launched two research papers: ‘Addressing Climate Change Impacts ...

Sok Chan

Ministry warns of rise in single-use plastic waste

The Environment Ministry and representatives of European Union member states yesterday reminded people to reduce single-use plastic waste, which make up 20 percent of 10,000 tonnes of garbage produced in the Kingdom daily. The appeal was made at the end of the EU’s Green Weeks campaign ...

Pech Sotheary

Ministry orders halt to sale of ivory souvenirs

The Ministry of Environment has issued a total of 59 notices to souvenir vendors in the capital and Siem Reap and Preah Sihanouk provinces instructing them to halt the selling of sculptures made of elephant ivory or rhinoceros horns and all forms of trade involving ...

Khorn Savi

Ministry scolds park rangers

The Environment Ministry on Tuesday issued two directives reminding park rangers to properly manage their small arms and refrain from donning unsanctioned uniforms. According to the first directive, rangers must follow 10 points on how to properly store their weapons, meet safety standards and when to ...

Pech Sotheary

Thousands of trees planted in Siem Reap, Preah Vihear

The Environment Ministry has planted 40,000 tree saplings in the protected areas of Preah Jayavarman-Norodom National Park in Siem Reap province and Beong Per Wildlife Sanctuary in Preah Vihear province. The tree planting event was held on Friday and Saturday, and involved provincial authorities, monks, and ...

Pech Sotheary

Firm returns 14 rubbish-filled containers to contries of origin

Chungyuen Plastic Manufacture Co Ltd has returned 14 containers of plastic waste found at the Sihanoukville Autonomous Port last month to their countries of origin. It also paid a one billion riel ($250,000) fine, the General Department of Customs and Excise said on Friday. ...

Long Kimmarita

NRWPO call for probe into alleged land grab in sanctuary

The director of the Natural Resource and Wildlife Preservation Organisation (NRWPO) requested the Ministry of Environment on Tuesday order an investigation into an alleged land grab in Phnom Oral Wildlife Sanctuary in Oral district’s Trapaing Chor commune in Kampong Speu province. NRWPO director Chea Hean ...

Voun Dara

Ministry focuses on land grabbing

The Environment Ministry over the weekend reiterated that encroachment upon or the sale of protected land is illegal, noting that more than 20 people have been arrested this year over alleged land grabbing. Environment Minister Say Samal on Saturday posted on his Facebook account stressing that ...

Pech Sotheary

Prey Lang group calls for closure of sawmill

Members of the Prey Lang Community Network are urging the National Committee for Forest Crime Prevention to close a sawmill run by Think Biotech in Kratie province. According to a PLCN statement published yesterday, members from the provinces of Kratie, Stung Treng, Preah Vihear and Kampong ...

Pech Sotheary

Ministry to pilot school climate change project

The Ministry of Environment has proposed a model project to be implemented in urban schools to mitigate the impact of climate change. The pilot scheme will involve five target schools in the capital, including Preah Sisowath High School, Chaktomuk Primary School, Samdech Hun Sen Prey ...

Ry Sochan

Ministry official probed for attempted land grab

An official in Mondulkiri province has said the ministries of Interior, and Environment are investigating Ministry of Justice undersecretary of state Seng Sovannara on suspicion of faking documents to grab land in the Phnom Prich and Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuaries. ...

Khorn Savi

Sub-decree to regulate plastics in the works, says government

A sub-decree aimed at regulating single-use plastics and foam containers is currently in the works, the Ministry of Environment said on Sunday. Neth Pheaktra, the ministry’s spokesperson, said he could not provide further details as yet while the regulation is being formulated. ...

Ry Sochan

Wildlife Alliance celebrates annual World Ranger Day

Wildlife Alliance on Wednesday commemorated “World Ranger Day” with a call to support the Kingdom’s forest rangers. World Ranger Day is celebrated globally every July 31 to mark the accomplishments and work done by rangers in the name of conservation and to honour those killed ...

Khorn Savi

Kingdom to host Asean ministerial meeting for environmental issues

Cambodia is set to host the 15th Asean Ministerial Meeting for the Environment from October 7-11 in Siem Reap province. Ministry of Environment spokesman Neth Pheaktra told The Post on Wednesday that the ministry and stakeholders alike are prepared to host the event but could ...

Ry Sochan

Spanish nature activist court hearing begins

The Koh Kong provincial court on Tuesday heard the case of Spanish environmental activist Alejandro “Alex” Gonzalez-Davidson, who is accused of being an accomplice in “threatening to cause destruction, defacement or damage” and inciting others to do the same. Gonzalez-Davidson’s defence lawyer, Sam Chamroeun, said ...

Niem Chheng

Sihanoukville waste firm fined $250K

Chugyuen Plastic Manufacture Co Ltd has been ordered to return 83 containers filled with plastic waste found at Sihanoukville port to their countries of origin. The company has been fined more than one billion riel ($250,000) for illegally importing the waste. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

Kingdom to import and release six tigers

Six tigers will be brought into Cambodia from India and released into the Srepok Wildlife Sanctuary in Mondulkiri province in 2022, while wildlife protection organisations have urged all stakeholders to raise awareness of the importance of tiger conservation. ...

Khorn Savi

Ministry holds drive to cut plastic bag use in Siem Reap province

The Environment Ministry on Saturday held a campaign in Siem Reap province as part of its ongoing drive to reduce the use of plastic bags in the Kingdom. Neth Pheaktra, spokesman for the ministry, yesterday said the drive focuses on reducing plastic bag use in the ...

Mom Kunthear

Activists launch ‘Rescue Island’ campaign for Koh Kong Krao

Environmental activists have launched the “Rescue Island” campaign to urge the government to preserve Koh Kong province’s Koh Kong Krao island, Cambodia’s largest, as a national park. They are concerned that development could destroy forever the natural beauty of the 103sq km island. ...

Khorn Savi

Cambodian firm probed over S’ville plastic waste

Kun Nhem the director-general of the General Department of Customs and Excise, said on Sunday that the owner of a Cambodian business is being questioned over the discovery last week of 83 plastic-rubbish filled containers at Sihanoukville Autonomous Port. ...

Soth Koemsoeun

NGO seizes 2,300 chainsaws

International wildlife and forest conservation organisation, Wildlife Alliance, said on Monday that 2,300 chainsaws were seized from illegal loggers in the Southern Cardamom Mountains in the last two years. The seizing of the chainsaws is a joint programme initiated by the Ministry of Environment and ...

Khorn Savi

King urges tree planting on Arbour Day

On a visit to Kratie province on Tuesday to celebrate Arbour Day, also known as National Tree Planting Day, King Norodom Sihamoni called on the people to plant trees in public areas and on their farmland and join together to prevent deforestation and environmental crimes. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

National committee set to destroy timber vehicles

In order to preserve the Kingdom’s forests, the National Committee for Forest Crime Prevention has warned it will take strict action against offenders by burning any vehicles used to transport timber at the crime scene itself. But environmental activists said this course of action would ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

New forestry committee formed

The government has created a new national committee to tackle forest land clearing and grabbing. However, the move was immediately shot down by a prominent forest activist who said it would be ineffective, given the systemic collusion between the authorities and land grabbers. ...

Voun Dara

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