Public health

Health care policy and administration

ILO holds third meeting on occupational safety, health in construction

The International Labour Organisation’s (ILO) Project Advisory Committee on enhancing Occupational Safety and Health (OSH) standards in the construction sector on September 6 held its third consultative meeting, where they shared the results of the projects that were implemented this year and outlined their 2023 ...

Chea Sokny

Primary healthcare framework introduced

The introduction of a new framework to promote primary healthcare in Cambodia will help ensure that the Ministry of Health’s latest strategic plan can be implemented effectively, its senior official said. The framework will be based on the National Health Policy, the fourth phase of which ...

Mom Kunthear

Factories ‘follow all’ Covid guidelines

The Garment Manufacturers Association in Cambodia (GMAC) said it has been disseminating Covid-19 prevention measures set by authorities to factories, enterprises and workers. GMAC stressed that it has no authority to force factories to implement the measures, but has urged them to follow all Covid-19 ...

Mom Kunthear

Ministry urges journalists to respect patient privacy

The Health Ministry yesterday urged journalists not to name or show pictures of COVID-19 patients because it violates their right to privacy. ...

Sun Mesa

Government to take action against doctors who cheat NSSF

The National Assembly is drafting a law to take action against doctors and patients who collude with each other to cheat the National Social Security Fund into paying for false medical expenses. Chheang Vun, chairman of the National Assembly’s Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation, Information and Media ...

Khuon Narim

South Korea to continue aiding Kingdom’s healthcare sector

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday received assurance that South Korea will continue to assist the Kingdom with the development of its healthcare sector, including training doctors.​ ...

Khuon Narim

PM proposes free medical treatment for foreign workers

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday said the Kingdom should begin providing free medical treatment to foreign workers in order to kick start reciprocal treatment for migrants working abroad. ...

Mom Kunthear

E-hospital system launched

The Ministry of Health formally launched the Kingdom’s first digital hospital service, using the new Peth Yoeung system, on Thursday at Preah Ang Duong Hospital in Phnom Penh following a successful one-month trial. Peth Yoeung, an innovative web-based hospital operating management system for the digital ...

Long Kimmarita

Ministry warns of food poisoning over New Year

The Ministry of Health has called on the people to take 11 preventive measures to protect themselves from food or alcohol poisoning during the Khmer New Year celebration. Those who felt unwell should immediately seek medical treatment, it said. On Friday, the ministry said hundreds ...

Khorn Savi

Nokor Tep women’s hospital launched in Phnom Penh

The Women’s Affairs Ministry last week launched the Nokor Tep hospital in Dangkor district in a bid to provide female reproductive services to those less fortunate. Women’s Affairs Minister Ing Kantha Phavi said the hospital’s first task is to secure equipment and human resources. ...

Sen David

Dengue cases hit 1,000-mark in 2019

More than 1,000 cases of dengue fever have been reported so far this year, a number similar to that reported over the same period last year, said Leang Rithea, the dengue control programme manager at the National Centre for Parasitology, Entomology and Malaria Control. Rithea ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Payouts to mothers to ‘combat malnutrition’

In what may become yet another populist pledge, Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday said he is considering giving $50 to every woman who gives birth in Cambodia to decrease child mortality and tackle malnutrition of mothers. ...

Ben Sokhean

Free state healthcare extended

The Health Minister has ordered civil servants to prioritise the implementation of new social security services for public officials, former government workers and veterans, which came into force at the start of this year. ...

Mom Kunthear

Focus shifts to oversight of health care providers

After a yearlong campaign to register health providers, the Ministry of Health and medical councils now say they must turn their focus to training and oversight of nurses and doctors in the field. ...

Danielle Keeton-Olsen

Hun Sen promises free hospital treatment, checkups for workers

In yet another potentially major new benefit to Cambodian workers ahead of next year’s national election, Prime Minister Hun Sen on Sunday announced that employees in some of the country’s key industries would soon be able to receive free checkups and treatment at state hospitals. ...

Ben Sokhean

As its rabies plan lags, Cambodia feels the bite

Despite killing some 800 people in the Kingdom each year, rabies has been largely off the public health radar. Plans are in the works for a nationwide response, but can funding catch up? ...

Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon and Sonen Soth

Surrogacy exit rules released, with parents required to provide yearly updates

Parents of children born to surrogate mothers in Cambodia will be required to provide the government with yearly updates of their child’s mental and physical development, according to new guidelines officially disseminated to embassies for the first time yesterday. ...

Kong Meta and Erin Handley

PM announces plan for social security system

Prime Minister Hun Sen yesterday announced that the government has plans to have a functioning social security system operational in the country by 2025, including universal health care, unemployment insurance and old-aged pensions. ...

Touch Sokha and Yesenia Amaro

Health Ministry admits shortcomings in report

The Ministry of Health acknowledged yesterday in its annual report that the quality of health care services in the Kingdom remains poor, with experts concluding that the slow improvement is due to a lack of government commitment.   ...

Kong Meta and Yesenia Amaro

Surrogacy to be legal

Authorities are preparing a draft law to make surrogacy legal with a range of protections for the women and babies involved. News of the move emerged yesterday after a meeting between Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn and newly appointed United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA) representative to Cambodia ...

Ros Chanveasna

Surrogacy ban temporary as government drafts law

The ban on surrogate pregnancies announced by the health minister on Monday will remain in place until the government drafts a law protecting Cambodian women giving birth to the children of other parents, an official said on Thursday. ...

Sek Odom

Ministry of health bans surrogate pregnancy

The health minister has banned surrogate pregnancy arrangements in the country, putting the brakes on what appeared to be a quickly expanding—if controversial—industry. The move comes just days after the justice minister called for the practice to be outlawed. ...

Sonia Kohlbacher and Sek Odom

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