
Communications infrastructure

Youth forum discusses ‘responsible’ social media use

More than 100 young people gathered yesterday in Phnom Penh to discuss the benefits and pitfalls of social media in Cambodia.At the youth forum, which focused on “Politics in the Digital Age”, youths, monks, politicians and NGO leaders spoke about the increasing importance of social ...

Lay Samean

New players shake up mobile money market

Since launching in 2009, Wing has been largely on its own in the mobile money transfer market, opening thousands of payment kiosks across the country and benefitting from rapidly expanding base of mobile phone users. ...

Tej Parikh

Gov't touts internet record despite telecom bill concerns

Government officials defended the Kingdom’s record on internet freedom yesterday, despite concerns that recent and proposed legislation could curtail the rights of those speaking out online. ...

Charles Rollet

Draft telecoms law gives Gov’t broad spying powers

A new draft of the proposed Telecommunications Law would give authorities the right to eavesdrop on any conversation, along with a host of other powers that a rights group has warned would effectively nationalize private service providers. ...

Mech Dara and Kuch Naren

Internet firms to lose licences

Cambodia’s telecom regulator will strip the operating permits of more than 30 private companies licensed to provide internet and Voice-over-Internet Protocol (VoIP) services unless they can demonstrate that they are commercially active and operating in accordance with their licensing agreements, a telecom official said yesterday.Im ...

Cam McGrath and Cheng Sokhorng

Smartphone ownership exploded since ’13: study

The number of Cambodians who own at least one smartphone has almost doubled since 2013, helping put the Kingdom on track to having more than half of its population accessing the web in about a year, according to a new study.Almost 95 per cent of ...

Charles Rollet

Watchdog eyes telecom, ISP licenses

The Telecom Regulator of Cambodia (TRC) has called on 34 telecom operators and Internet service providers (ISPs) to submit their business performance reports by the end of this month to ensure they are in compliance with their licensing agreements, officials said yesterday. ...

Sum Manet

Delayed shipment puts iPhone on hold

The opening weekend for the official launch of two new iPhone models in Cambodia hit a few bumps when the Kingdom’s two authorised iPhone resellers faced supply-side issues.Telecom company Smart, one of the two licensed resellers, was forced to turn away customers who had pre-booked ...

Cheng Sokhorng

Radio waves signal hope for indigenous minorities

She had to leave Cambodia to learn how radio can be used to keep indigenous communities both up to date and in touch with their roots – and now she wants to do the same for the ethnic Jarai community in Ratanakkiri’s O’Yadav district.  ...

May Titthara

Officials firm on deadline for sim card registration

The deadline for the country’s five mobile operators to ensure all their subscribers are registered by National ID cards or other legal documents is December 22, officials said yesterday.  ...

May Kunmakara

‘Pitfalls ahead’ for web freedom, report finds

While Cambodia lacks a “rigorous, systematic approach to internet censorship”, new programs regulating telecommunications, online expression and cybercrime threaten the relative freedom it currently enjoys, according to a new report.The Freedom on the Net 2015 report, released on Friday by American watchdog organisation Freedom House, ...

Daniel Nass

Media experts warn against a cyber-crime law that hurts online freedom

As the Cambodian government moves forward with the creation of a law to regulate cyber-security, experts say any legislation should include clear language to prevent abuse of the law and restrictions to online freedoms.A draft of the law from July obtained by VOA Khmer says ...

Sok Khemara

Controversial Facebook internet service launched in Cambodia

A controversial Facebook platform that offers users free Internet —but a limited choice of websites and apps—was launched in Phnom Penh on Thursday in cooperation with mobile operator Smart Axia­ta, its CEO said on Friday. ...

George Wright

Cambodia to expand ultra-broadband network

An agreement signed between Alcatel-Lucent and Cambodia’s Chuan Wei Ltd. is expected to pave the way for expanding mobile ultra-broadband connectivity across the country. According to data from Alcatel-Lucent, approximately one-third of Cambodians are connected to the Internet, with the majority accessing data on their ...

Enterprise INNOVATION News Staff

Cambodia to expand ultra-broadband network

An agreement signed between Alcatel-Lucent and Cambodia’s Chuan Wei Ltd. is expected to pave the way for expanding mobile ultra-broadband connectivity across the country. According to data from Alcatel-Lucent, approximately one-third of Cambodians are connected to the Internet, with the majority accessing data on their ...

Enterprise INNOVATION News Staff

SIM card crackdown

Anyone who purchased a mobile phone SIM card without providing appropriate ID can expect to see those phone numbers terminated, while any retailer selling SIM cards without collecting identification documents faces arrest, the government announced yesterday. The crackdown, which begins today, will see any retailer ...

Vong Sokheng

Monitoring the internet

Coming on the heels of high-profile arrests linked directly to Facebook posts, the Interior Ministry has revealed plans to establish a new “anti-cybercrime” department that will not only “crack down” on crimes like hacking, but a broad range of misdeeds open to interpretation including incitement ...

Taing Vida

Website names no longer as easy as 'ABC'

For English speakers, it’s easy to take for granted opening a web browser and typing in a URL. But what do people do when their languages have Chinese characters or Vietnamese tone markers? Such needs are greatest in the developing world, where English is less ...

Lien Hoang

Cambodia hails Chinese firm for helping develop telecom industry

Cambodian Minister of Post and Telecommunications Prak Sokhonn on Sunday praised Chinese-owned Southeast Asia Telecom (Cambodia), or SEATEL, for investing a huge amount of capital in the development of 4G services in Cambodia. ...

Shanghai Daily News Staff

Opposition eyeing plot of land for TV station

The Cambodian National Rescue Party has started negotiations to buy land in Kandal’s Kien Svay district for its television station Sun TV. ...

Shaun Turton

Cambodia seeing e-commerce grow due to more access to Internet

Investors have turned their eyes to the e-commerce sector in Cambodia as more people in the Southeast Asian nation have access to the Internet, businessmen and commerce officials say.​ ...

Xinhuanet News Staff

Chinese-invested telco firm launches 4G services in Cambodia

Chinese-owned Southeast Asia Telecommunications, Seatel, has officially launched its 4G network in Cambodia after entering the country’s oversubscribed telco sector last year, a local newspaper reported Monday. ...

Xinhuanet News Staff

Malaysia's internet faster than Cambodia’s

The government today dismissed as inaccurate information in a report released by global broadband speed test operator Ookla that the Internet speed in the country was worse than in Cambodia and Vietnam. ...

Malaysiakini News Staff

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