Government has issued a notification to achieve a Mine free 2025
The Prime Minister Hun Sen on Friday issued a notification on focusing on mine action management to achieve a mine free year by 2025. ...
Kirirom National Park, Bati district land granted to elites
Relatives of infamous Pheapimex CEO Choeung Sopheap received forest land in the center of Kirirom National Park, while a minister, tycoons and an apparent relative of first lady Bun Rany all received state land, according to official documents published in late December. ...
Keat Soriththeavy
Kirirom national park, Bati district land granted to elites
Relatives of infamous Pheapimex CEO Choeung Sopheap received forest land in the center of Kirirom National Park, while a minister, tycoons and an apparent relative of first lady Bun Rany all received state land, according to official documents published in late December. ...
Keat Soriththeavy
Kampong Chhnang provincial court summons two land activists in Lor Peang community
Kampong Chhnang Provincial Court has summoned two land activists in the Lapeang community to stand trial in mid-January in connection with a land dispute last year in Tamol Leu village, Koh Thkov commune, Choul Kiri district, Kampong Chhnang province. ...
Kandal residents near new airport asked to take down structures
Kandal residents affected by the new airport development said they were told by company workers to dismantle small sheds they use to house animals, causing anxiety among people that their land could be cleared soon. ...
Pa Sokheng
Australia contributes significantly to Cambodia’s demining
Australia is one of the longest-standing supporters of mine clearance action in Cambodia, contributing essentially to Cambodian government’s goal to reach mine-free status by 2025. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Growing Pursat gains fifteen new villages
The Ministry of Interior has announced the establishment of 15 new villages in Pursat province. The new villages have been separated from existing ones in order to bring public services closer to the people and in a timely manner, as well as to address challenges ...
Orm Bunthoeurn
Kandal residents near new airport asked to take down structures
Kandal residents affected by the new airport development said they were told by company workers to dismantle small sheds they use to house animals, causing anxiety among people that their land could be cleared soon. Residents in four communes of Kandal Stung district have been affected ...
Pa Sokheng
Big $0.3B tyre plant finished ‘by May’
Construction work on a massive tyre factory in Sihanoukville Special Economic Zone (SSEZ) is expected to be completed by May, according to Preah Sihanouk Provincial Administration spokesman Kheang Phearom on January 3. ...
May Kunmakara
CMAC vows to clear 265km2 of landmines, UXOs in 2023
Reiterating its support to the efforts of authorities to make Cambodia a mine-free nation by 2025, the Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC) has pledged to clear more than 265 square kilometres of landmines and unexploded ordnance (UXOs) this year. ...
Hang Punreay
Hun Sen instructs ministries and authorities to complete land registration for citizens by 2023
Prime Minister Hun Sen instructs relevant ministries and authorities to accelerate land registration for citizens to solve land issues and implement the task of clearing land in the Tonle Sap Lake area for the people to be ready by 2023. ...
Pich Sotheary and Khan Leakhena
460 families adjacent to new airport ask authorities for land title over fear of forced evictions
About 460 families living in Ndok commune, Kandal Stung district and Kampong Samnang commune, Takhmao city, which is adjacent to the airport under construction, requested Kandal provincial governor gives them land title as they fear forced evictions after airport staff and local authorities went to ...
Community zones, land titles planned inside protected areas
The government will take nearly 1 million hectares out of protected areas across the country to create “community zones” with land titles, but the exact locations of these areas — and who will get titled land — are still unclear. ...
Danielle Keeton-Olsen
Acquisition of islands: Cambodian officials buy almost exclusive beaches in some islands in Koh Kong province
Rich in corals, sea creatures, and palm trees, Koh Sdach, located on the west and southwest coast of Cambodia, has long attracted tourists and investors with its beautiful white sand beaches. ...
Gerald Flynn, Andy Ball, and Vutha Srey
Families seek clarity after displacement rumors related to the Kandal Stung mega-airport project
Some 200 villagers living in Kandal province’s Kandal Stung district and Takhmao town gathered at Kandal City Hall on Tuesday demanding to know whether they would be joining the hundreds of others who are being displaced by the new Phnom Penh International Airport. ...
In protected Prey Lang forest, communities pushed out but mining companies welcomed in
Kampong Thom’s Sandan district: Snang An village chief Sok Heng proudly displays a photo of his new home, constructed in July 2021, as his phone’s background image. But Late Cheng Mining Development, a gold mining firm with ties to Prime Minister Hun Sen’s bodyguard unit, ...
Khuon Narim and Jack Brook
Cambodia committed to end land title registration next year
Prime Minister Hun Sen said Cambodia will end the land registration in 2023. Addressing to the closing ceremony of the annual meeting of the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction and the inauguration ceremony of the National Construction Laboratory, held Tuesday, Mr Hun ...
Khmer Times Staff
New towns designated in Kandal, Kampong Speu
The government has established three new towns – Sampov Poun and Arey Ksat in Kandal province and Oudong Me Chey in Kampong Speu – following requests from the Ministry of Interior, according to a sub-decree issued by Prime Minister Hun Sen on December 23. ...
Lay Samean
Five Preah Vihear community representatives released after questioning over death threat allegations in long-standing land dispute
Preah Vihear Provincial Court last week questioned five community representatives from Prame commune over allegations that they had issued a death threat to a man who had been clearing contested land in Tbeng Meanchey district. ...
Four land disputants arrested in Mondulkiri
Mondulkiri prosecutors are questioning four people arrested after a confrontation between authorities and residents over an alleged land grab in Keo Seima district. ...
Mech Dara
More than 200 people in Siem Reap protest to the authorities to resolve the land issues as promised before the election
More than 200 people representing more than 300 families gathered in front of Khun Ream commune hall, Banteay Srei district, Siem Reap province on Wednesday to request the authorities to resolve land issues for them as promised before the Commune/Sangkat Elections. ...
Khut Sokun
An indigenous Punong human rights defender describes struggle and experience
After going through countless obstacles, an indigenous Punong, Mr. Kreung Tola, who loves to protect the environment, forest and land tenure, have become a human rights defender at the human rights organization in a district. ...
Hay Setha
Nearly one million hectares of protected conservation area now eligible for privatization
More than 930,000 hectares of state public land inside protected conservation areas are now eligible for privatization, according to a November 30 sub-decree signed by Prime Minister Hun Sen. ...
Villagers in Sna Sangkram village again urge authorities to expedite resolving land disputes
Representatives of more than 70 families in Sna Sangkram village, Balong commune, Prasat Bakong district, Siem Reap province, who have claimed that there was a land dispute with the Apsara National Authority again urged the authorities to expedite resolve the land disputes that have dragged ...