Urban administration and development
New Battambang village established to accomodate growing population
The Ministry of Interior has decided to establish a new village in Battambang province to accommodate a burgeoning population. The village, named “Prey Talonh Village”, is located in Bavel district and commune as was requested by the provincial administration. ...
Lay Samean
JICA provides concessional loan for Siem Reap water supply expansion project
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has decided to provide approximately $58 million in concessional loan to the Royal Government of Cambodia for a project to expand water supply capacity in Siem Reap province. ...
Khmer Times Staff
S’ville set to turn into ‘second Shenzhen’
The Ministry of Economy and Finance has awarded a master plan consultancy contract to top Chinese institute for the development and transformation of Preah Sihanouk province into a “Model Multi-Purpose Special Economic Zone”, Southeast Asia’s next logistics and resort hub and innovation centre. ...
May Kunmakara
Officials say release of overloaded vehicles not an act of impunity
The 217 trucks initially impounded for one year for breaking load limits but then pardoned by Prime Minister Hun Sen have been returned to the owners, while another 12 trucks were still being processed. ...
Long Kimmarita
Thirty Tuol Kork families request change in plans for relocations
Residents from villages 16 and 17 who have been affected by the railway development project in the capital’s Tuol Kork district met with municipal hall officials to discuss the plans for their relocation to Kandal province or Phnom Penh’s Kambol district. ...
Long Kimmarita
New vehicles sold in Kingdom need safety certification
The Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology and Innovation has advised all companies, factories, enterprises and importers of all types of new vehicles in Cambodia to apply for safety certification of those vehicles at the Institute of Standards of Cambodia (ISC). ...
Nov Sivutha
PP improves traffic management skills
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and Phnom Penh City Hall yesterday signed an agreement to improve the capacity of traffic management personnel. ...
Tin Sokhavuth
Tea Banh orders tax payment on RCAF-plated private cars
Minister of national defense Tea Banh issued a circular on September 20 calling on all owners of private vehicles bearing Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) number plates or special command number plates to pay taxes and duties on their vehicles or face legal action. ...
Lay Samean
JICA provides support to improve traffic safety control in Phnom Penh
The Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) has provided support to contribute to strengthening traffic safety control in Phnom Penh. ...
Khmer Times Staff
Parking banned on Angkor Wat roads
The Apsara National Authority (ANA), a body tasked with managing the Angkor Archaeological Park, has requested that visitors refrain from parking their vehicles on the streets in the area because it obstructs traffic and lessens the beauty of the temples. ...
Lay Samean
Right-hand drive vehicles no longer allowed after June 2022
A senior official at the Council of Ministers warned owners of right-hand drive vehicles that they must change their vehicles over to left-hand drive by June, 2022, or risk having them seized and destroyed. He also noted that beginning in 2021 all privately owned vehicles ...
Lay Samean
Right-hand drive ban enforced
Military officers working along the Cambodian-Thai border have been ordered to prevent the smuggling of right-hand drive vehicles into the country. ...
Nov Sivutha
Campaign to raise awareness of road safety under way
The Ministry of Public Works and Transport has launched a campaign to distribute road safety leaflets to civil servants and then the public nationwide with the aim of reducing traffic accidents and providing general education on the traffic law. ...
Long Kimmarita
Canal restoration 70% complete
The restoration of the main drainage canal between the border of Por Senchey and Sen Sok districts in Phnom Penh is 70% complete as of yesterday. ...
Chhun Sunly
Rules set for police, RCAF plates
The Ministry of Economy and Finance has announced that privately-owned vehicles bearing police and Royal Cambodian Armed Forces (RCAF) licence plates or other official insignia must pay registration fees as the exemption only applies to vehicles that are registered as state property. ...
Lay Samean
Capital’s south an ‘improving foundation to build on’: CBRE
Interest in “Southern Phnom Penh” has gained substantial traction over the past five years since plans for Hun Sen Boulevard were unveiled, triggering a frenzy of real estate speculation, CBRE Cambodia reported on August 12. ...
Hin Pisei
Train track squatters told to clear out
More than 60 families living in Boeung Kak I commune of Phnom Penh’s Toul Kork district were ordered by local authorities to remove fences and crops lining railway tracks by August 19. However, the people have protested and refused to follow the order. ...
Long Kimmarita
Phnom Penh officials rehabilitates drainage canals to combat flooding
On June 22, a team from the Phnom Penh Capital Administration began the rehabilitation of 5 drainage canals with s combined length of 1 km in Sangkat Stung Meanchey 3, Khan Meanchey. The rehabilitation was done with the purpose of preventing the canals from overflowing ...
Khmer Times Staff
Roluos Lake in Battambang developing into tourist resort
The Battambang Provincial Administration has announced that it has a project to develop Roluos Lake in Peam Ek commune’s Takorm village of Ek Phnom district with the goal of protecting the lake as a sustainable tourist resort and preventing encroachment. ...
Nov Sivutha
State markets allowed to fully reopen
All kinds of business in state markets are permitted to resume from the onset of June 15, according to a new decision issued by Phnom Penh municipal governor Khuong Sreng late on June 14. ...
Post Staff
Capital's designated zones retained for another week
The Phnom Penh Municipal Administration will retain through May 19 the capital’s three-colour-coded system that determines to what extent coronavirus restrictions are placed on parts of the city. ...
Post Staff
Another 17 hectares of Tamok Lake carved out for Gov’t agencies
The 17 hectares carved out of Tamok Lake were detailed in three separate sub-decrees published in the Royal Gazette. Ten hectares of land was given to the Health Ministry, four to the Civil Services Ministry and three to Phnom Penh Municipal Police. ...
Aun Chhengpor
Large-scale Mekong River landfilling draws concern eco-system and water way
Almost every day for the past year about a dozen boats carrying thousands of cubic meters of sand dump their load at Koh Norea, a small tip of land where the Mekong spills into the Bassac river. According to workers at the site, the sand ...
Sorn Sarath
Waste management firms plan mobile service app
A meeting was held at Phnom Penh municipal hall discussing the establishment of a phone app for the solid waste management system. Phnom Penh municipal deputy governor Huot Hay headed the meeting on February 15 which was attended by representatives from Optistech Co Ltd and ...
Long Kimmarita