Assessment of undiscovered copper resources

  • Georelief
  • Hillshade
  • Landsat


Assessment of undiscovered copper resources in Cambodia

Deposits, prospects, and permissive tracts for porphyry and sediment-hosted copper resources Cambodia, with estimates of undiscovered copper resources. Copper resources are reported for related deposits in close proximity to each other; the tracts outline principal areas of the world that have potential for undiscovered porphyry copper resources; the tracts were used to estimate the probable amounts of those resources at depths within 1 km below the earth's surface. Attributes include tract identifiers, tract name, location coordinates, country and state or province, grade/tonnage model used to assess tract, a brief description of the basis for tract delineation, age, assessment results, and multiple economic results.Location coordinates can represent a generalized location or a specific mineralized site; for all of the deposits in the group, grade represents the weighted average while tonnage represents the total ore tonnage.

License: CC-BY-SA-4.0

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