
Water rises at Tonle Sap River in Kampong Chhnang due to heavy rain

With heavy rain in the last three days, the water level had risen at the Tonle Sap River at Phsar Krom Station in Kampong Chhnang province but thankfully it has not affected the crops of farmers along the river side. ...

Sen David

Trade body, MFI hatching plans to fund rice sector

The Cambodia Rice Federation (CRF) and AMK Microfinance Institution Plc are brainstorming plausible approaches to jointly channel finance into the rice sector. ...

May Kunmakara

PM launches under 18’s vaccination campaign in Phnom Penh

Cambodia launched this morning at the Peace Palace the vaccination campaign of children aged between 12 and 17 years old against the COVID-19 pandemic. ...

Khmer Times Staff

PM makes major speech on Cambodia’s current and future COVID situation and strategy

Prime Minister Hun Sen made a major speech this morning at opening ceremony of the COVID-19 vaccination campaign for children and young people from 12 to 17 years old. ...

Khmer Times Staff

PM Hun Sen bans public hospitals from collecting fees for Covid-19 testing

Mr. Hun Sen banned public hospitals nationwide from charging fees and he has also appealed to private hospitals to keep fees for Covid-19 testing affordable. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Flood shelters in Tboung Khmum ready to go

Tboung Khmum provincial authorities have prepared safe shelters for residents in the event of a Mekong River flood this rainy season. ...

Chhun Sunly

Koh Kong fish deaths mystery solved

Residents in Koh Kong province spotted dead fish washing up on the beach, causing a foul odor that has  raised  concerns among the people. ...

Chhun Sun Ly

Cambodia joins 54th ASEAN Foreign Ministers Meeting

Foreign Affairs minister Prak Sokhonn will participate in the 54th ASEAN Foreign Ministers’ Meeting (54th AMM) and related meetings starting today until August 6 via video conference. ...

Son Minea

Cambodia and Russia agree to boost bilateral trade and investment

Cambodia and Russia have agreed to boost bilateral cooperation on trade and investment, as the two countries mark the 65-year anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations. ...

Chea Vanyuth

EU $2billion pledge benefits Cambodia’s education system

The European Union (EU) has pledged €1.7 billion (about $2 billion) to the Global Partnership for Education (GPE) with an objective to help reform education system in 90 countries around the world including Cambodia. ...

Tin Sokhavuth

Eight million more vaccines to arrive by middle of August

The Health Ministry yesterday confirmed Cambodia will receive eight million more doses of Covid-19 vaccines by middle of this month. ...

Tith Kongnov

Boosting protection: PM approves third jabs in wake of Delta variant scourge

In the wake of the rapid spread of the Delta variant of Covid-19, Prime Minister Hun Sen announced yesterday that the AstraZeneca, Sinovac and Sinopharm vaccines will be used as booster shots for all Cambodians who have been vaccinated twice. ...

Tith Kongnov

Kingdom forecasts $5Bn in government revenue

The Cambodian government expects to earn tax and customs income of at least $5 billion by the end of 2021. This would bring revenue expectations in line with the $5.28 billion collected as registered in 2020. ...

Chea Vanyuth

Agricultural exports rise 87% in first seven months despite rice shipment drop

Cambodia exported nearly $3 billion worth of agricultural products in the first seven months of the year, a rise of more than 87 percent over the same period in 2020. ...

Khmer Times Staff

WHO: collective action necessary to prevent Delta variant disaster

The World Health Organisation (WHO) in Cambodia on July 30 called on people from all walks of life to make a concerted effort to stamp out the spread of the novel coronavirus. ...

Lay Samean

Nat’l Road 4 to be widened

The Ministry of Public Works and Transport is in the final stages of project planning for the widening of National Road 4 from 7m to 10m. The project is scheduled to last 24 months from 2022 to 2023. ...

Long Kimmarita

Kingdom collects $3B in revenue from tax, customs in Jan-Jul: PM

The government collected some $3.061 billion in revenue from customs duties and taxation during the first seven months of this year, according to Prime Minister Hun Sen. ...

Thou Vireak

Kingdom, Russia in investment vow

Cambodia and Russia have pledged to explore ways to encourage and promote joint investment projects between the two countries, according to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. ...

Thou Vireak

Cambodia marks World Ranger Day

World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF-Cambodia) regards the Ministry of Environment rangers as the guardians of healthy forests that help mitigate the risk of future zoonotic diseases infecting humans in the same manner that Covid-19 likely did. ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Expressway construction works on schedule

According to the Ministry of Public Works and Transport of Cambodia, the construction of the Phnom Penh-Sihanoukville Expressway is progressing smoothly and to date, the project has achieved 63% in terms of overall completion. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Cambodia commits to enhancing the CLV Development Triangle Area

Cambodia has committed to develop the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Development Triangle Area (CLV-DTA) in order to contribute to enhancing cross border trade activities and improving the livelihoods of the region’s peoples. ...

Chea Vanyuth

Working group set up to map recovery pathway for tourism

The government has set up a public-private working group to restore and prop up the tourism sector in Cambodia during and after the Covid-19 crisis. ...

Thou Vireak

GDT strives to unfold tax intricacies: official

A senior tax official pledged to facilitate all tax issues for Japanese investors currently investing or doing business in Cambodia to ensure things go smoothly, as part of a broader effort to create productive feedback channels, and improve transparency and operational efficiency, according to the ...

Hin Pisei

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