
MOE ignores ‘twisted’ CYNA report on high forest crimes

The Ministry of Environment (MoE)  yesterday rejected the report of the Cambodian Youth Network Association (CYNA) and  Prey Lang Community Network that found high forest crimes in the Prey Lang Wildlife Sanctuary. ...

Son Minea

Concern over declining numbers of sarus cranes

Birdlife Cambodia has expressed concern over the sarus crane population following destruction of nests by wild pigs. ...

Mao Chanvireak

Drought destroys 1,300ha in Pailin

An almost three months of severe drought has destroyed 1,300 hectares of crops in Pailin province that has caused untold hardship to farmers. ...

Son Minea

Cambodia supports sustainable agriculture production

Cambodia has voiced support for regional efforts towards more effective and competitive agriculture production while sustaining the environment as discussed at a regional conference yesterday. ...

Yin Soeum

As ecotourism grows in popularity, so does a garbage problem

After a lengthy trek from the nearest village, Lim Sengleang finally reached the peak of Khnong Phsar on a clear day in June. The fresh air and striking views of the surrounding Cardamom Mountains made the hike well worth the effort, said the 26-year-old Phnom ...

Sam Sopich

Work starts on $3 mn highway in Kampong Cham

Work is under way on a new road in Kampong Cham, funded with $3 million from the World Bank and the Cambodian government. The two-lane double bituminous surface treated road will run nearly 30 kilometres between Boeung Trav and Anlong Koki.​ ...

Khmer Times Staff

Seven provinces targeted for eco-tourism sustainability

The government has set up an inter-ministerial working group to pick seven provinces where work will be done on landscape sustainability projects to increase eco-tourism in Cambodia.​ ...

Michael Firn

Kampong Chhnang to benefit from National Road 5 construction

Once the southern section of the National Road 5 Improvement Project is officially launched, Kampong Chhnang province governor Sun Sovannarith expects that it will assist the area in becoming a destination for national and international tourists. ...

Lay Samean

Multilateralism for humanity – from a Cambodian perspective

This article aims to discuss what multilateralism should or should not be, and on the importance of multilateralism for humanity. ...

Post Staff

Minister of Agriculture holds meeting with foreign counterparts to discuss sustainable agricultural production and food system

A meeting attended by various ministers and authorities of agriculture, forestry, and fisheries from multiple countries to discuss the topic of sustainable agriculture production and food system. The ministers and authorities met through video conference on July 19. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Cambodian exports reach $8 billion Jan-June

Cambodia exported $8.201 billion in the first six months of 2021, a 17 percent increase compared to the same period last year, according to a report from the Ministry of Economy and Finance. ...

Chea Vanyuth

Kingdom’s development funding trending to domestic financing

Cambodia is fronting more money for its own development financing according to a new report from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). ...

Michael Firn

Vietnam-Cambodia friendship consolidated amid Covid-19

Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on July 17 announced the donations, which include 1 million medical masks, 100,000 N95 masks, 100 oxygen generators and $200,000. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Non-textile industrial exports up 50%

Cambodia earned $1.8997 billion from the export of non-textile-based industrial products in the first half of this year, an increase of 49.9 per cent from $1.2672 billion in the same period of 2020, the General Department of Customs and Excise of Cambodia (GDCE) reported.​ ...

Hin Pisei

Cambodia to benefit from ADB’s climate resilience in health sector project

A six-year, pioneering regional technical assistance initiative has boosted the capacity of health systems in Cambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic (Lao PDR), and Viet Nam to respond to climate-induced health threats amid the coronavirus (COVID-19) disease pandemic, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) announced today. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Kampong Chhnang large irrigation project finished

The construction of the Lum Hach irrigation and drainage system in Kampong Chhnang province’s Boribor, Teui Phos and Rolea Ba’ier districts has been completed and can provide water to 3,289ha of land. ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Agriculture minister clarifies ministry’s roles

The management of natural resources, especially the prosecution of forestry and fisheries crimes, is not within the jurisdiction or the sole responsibility of the Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries, minister Veng Sakhon said. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

China tops list of investors in H1

China was ranked first in terms of foreign direct investment (FDI) equity inflows to Cambodia in the first half of this year, at about $2 billion, according to the Chinese ambassador.​ ...

Thou Vireak

Officials meet with their EU counterparts to talk recovery

Senior government officials and European counterparts met last Friday to discuss Cambodia’s economic plan. New trade policies to help the Kingdom recover from the pandemic were the focus of the conversation as well as the World Trade Organization’s role in shaping the post-pandemic recovery. ...

Husain Haider

Training to hone workforce’s skill

For the Cambodian workforce to emerge stronger amidst the ongoing Covid-19 crisis, UNESCO has called for accelerated investments in the lifelong learning efforts to enable them to “skill, re-skill, and up-skill” to maintain the Kingdom’s impressive economic growth.   ...

Sar Socheath

Parliament function strengthened

The National Assembly, Senate and the Parliamentary Center of Asia (PCAsia) have partnered to strengthen the capacity of officials in parliament through training. ...

Chea Vanyuth

Forestry crimes persist, but on small scale, official says

In the first six months of this year, rangers from the Ministry of Environment went on 14,422 patrols in protected natural areas and biodiversity corridors, investigated 4,238 cases of natural resource offences, imposed fines in 511 of those cases and sent 515 of the cases ...

Voun Dara

Jabs for kids bring hope for school reopening

Cambodia is tentatively planning to reopen schools – at least at the secondary level – when the vaccination of children aged 12-17 is completed, even though daily transmissions and deaths in other age groups remain high. ...

Voun Dara

Sar Kheng responds to social media concerns

In the first six months of this year, the Ministry of Interior had received 665 complaints and suggestions through minister Sar Kheng’s official Facebook page, 259 of which have been solved. ...

Ry Sochan

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