
Tax tweak makes it hard to hide

An amendment to the tax code gives government auditors clearer authority to access individual and corporate financial data, providing a tool to identify tax evasion and a deterrent to prevent it, tax professionals said yesterday. ...

Kali Kotoski

Ministry issues measures meant to counter wildfires

The Ministry of Agriculture, Forests and Fisheries on Monday signed off on a list of seven measures intended to guard against forest fires, although details on implementation remained scarce yesterday and observers said they expected little to come of the new document. ...

Alessandro Marazzi Sassoon and Khouth Sophak Chakrya

EDC: 2017 electricity imports to fall

The EDC report stated that Cambodia’s purchase of electricity from overseas fell by about 25 percent in 2016 compared with the previous year. According to EDC’s projections, this year’s imports are expected to fall further by 20 percent compared to 2016 due to domestic production ...

Sok Chan

PM to consider the release of rights officials

Prime Minister Hun Sen said he would consider releasing four human rights officers and an election official – who have been detained since April – after the verdicts in their cases, but he said two members of the opposition will receive no such consideration. ...

May Titthara

Minister plans railway for workers

The Labor Ministry is considering constructing a railway line connecting Phnom Penh and select provinces to special economic zones (SEZ) or industrial areas in response to the high number of road accidents involving commuting workers. ...

Mom Kunthear

Council starts rejecting CNRP voter complaints

The Constitutional Council of Cambodia on Monday rejected the CNRP’s complaints against the first 76 of 2,441 people the opposition party says were unlawfully registered to vote last year, arguing, like the National Election Committee, that the opposition party lacked evidence to back up its ...

Khuon Narim

Workers unearth US bomb

An unexploded bomb dropped by the US in the 1970s was found on Saturday and unearthed yesterday by the Cambodian Mine Action Centre (CMAC) in Svay Rieng province’s Svay Chrum district, according to CMAC director Heng Ratana. ...

Niem Chheng

Online vehicle registration and driving tests launched

The Ministry of Public Works and Transport officially launched a pair of new websites yesterday that will allow Cambodians to register their vehicles as well as take the written portion of their driver’s exam online. ...

Sen David and Andrew Nachemson

South Korea pledges $417 million in development loans to Cambodia

South Korea will hand out nearly $420 million in development loans to Cambodia this week, much of it for roads and other infrastructure, bringing its total assistance to more than $880 million since 2001.   ...

Hannah Hawkins

Coal-fired plant tests new power generator

Structural testing of the third unit of a 700-megawatt coal-fired power plant under development in Preah Sihanouk province has begun, with the new unit expected to go online by the end of the quarter, a government official said yesterday. ...

Kali Kotoski

Villagers accuse official of logging shakedown

Two hundred ethnic Phnong villagers in Mondulkiri’s Koh Nhek district launched a protest on Friday after the deputy district governor and an armed escort seized timber from their homes, before allegedly attempting to extort a bribe for its return. ...

Phak Seangly

Mystery blazes destroy more seized timber

Government officials say they are investigating the causes of two separate weekend fires in Mondolkiri province that reportedly burned through hundreds of high-value logs the government had sold to a businessman after confiscating them from a pair of rubber plantations. ...

Aun Pheap

Water authority overcharges village residents

Representatives for nearly 50 families protested yesterday asking the Phnom Penh Water Supply Authority (PPWSA) to rectify a clerical error that led to high monthly water bills for residents of two communities. ...

Pech Sotheary

Nearly 50 civil society groups back activists

In a joint statement, 48 civil society organizations have urged the Appeal Court to overturn a ruling by the Koh Kong Provincial Court in a case against three Mother Nature activists. The statement says the three activists are not criminals,but brave environmental protectors who had contributed ...

Taing Vida

More than 20 die in New Year accidents

More than 20 people were killed and 60 were injured in traffic accidents over the first two days of the Lunar New Year, a nearly 30 percent decline in fatalities compared with the same period last year.According to a National Police report, 38 traffic accidents ...

Mom Kunthear

Cambodia to host LDC roundtable

Cambodia is set to host a meeting in Siem Reap to help coordinate the trade interests of 48 least-developed countries (LDCs), said the Minister of Commerce Pan Sorasak on Thursday.“The members of the World Trade Organization (WTO) were confident in us and chose Cambodia, at ...

Sum Manet

Minister wants tougher fisheries crackdown

Interior Minister Sar Kheng has ordered government officials and department heads to crack down on anyone committing fishing crimes, telling a committee meeting that lax efforts to “educate” repeat offenders continued to fail and exacerbate the problem.According to Deputy National Police Chief Kirth Chantharith, Mr. ...

May Titthara

Constitutional Council to hear voter registration complaints

The Constitutional Council of Cambodia will today start hearing claims from the opposition CNRP that more than 2,400 non-citizens were recently added to the country’s voter rolls, days after the government’s National Election Committee threw out the same complaints. ...

Khuon Narim and Kuch Naren

Newly protected areas to span 1.5M hectares

The government has declared almost 1.5 million hectares as protected areas in a bid to enhance the sustainability of the ecology system and reduce the impact of climate change, according to a sub-decree signed on Thursday. The so-called Biodiversity Conservation Corridors cover a total of more ...

Touch Sokha

Free the detained five, UN urges

A United Nations expert has called on the government to immediately release human rights and National Election Committee officials who have been controversially accused of bribing a witness.“The charges are seen as politically motivated and in November 2016, the UN Working Group on Arbitrary Detention ...

Mom Kunthear

New public bus service to province

Kampong Speu province will be the second place after Phnom Penh to launch a public bus service after an agreement between the provincial authority and Brickston Cambodia on Wednesday.Provincial governor Vei Samnang said: “We cannot confirm the specific date because we need to process the ...

Mom Kunthear

CNRP may sit out rules change

Cambodia National Rescue Party lawmakers are considering boycotting next week’s extraordinary plenary session vote to strip away their role as the National Assembly’s minority group, saying the ruling party-backed proposal highlight’s the parliament’s weakness. ...

Meas Sokchea

Khmer Krom ethnic group denied many rights: report

While Cambodia in theory offers full citizenship to members of its Khmer Krom minority, in practise, many members of the community remain in a legal shadowland, unable to access a wide range of rights, a new report released yesterday shows. ...

Leonie Kijewski and Kong Meta

Heavy spending for Chinese New Year

Chinese-Cambodians have been busier than usual buying decorations and religious items for Chinese Year New which starts today.Shops yesterday were full of customers looking for decorations and other religious items. Flower venders near Sampov Meas pagoda in Phnom Penh were flooded with customers and sellers ...

Chea Vannak

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