Who owns the 2,949 logs found by a government task force?
The government’s anti-logging task force on Monday confiscated nearly 3,000 logs stashed in a forest clearing in Mondolkiri province, officials said on Tuesday. The owner of the 2,949 pieces of second-grade timber—Khlong, Tbeng and Trach—is unknown, said Eng Hy, spokesman for the National Military Police, which ...
Ben Sokhean
Workers laid off at Kampong Speu teak farm
Close to 300 workers at Kampong Speu province’s Grandis Timber Limited, a teak nursery, have sought the aid of an agricultural union after they were asked to stop coming to work last week after management said they did not have enough work for them. ...
Sen David
Action urged over illegal mining
Rattanakiri provincial authorities were urged by a National Assembly commission yesterday to take swift action against illegal gem mining, which they blamed on infrastructure damage and tax revenue loss. Speaking after a meeting with provincial authorities at the provincial hall, opposition member Heng Danaro said the ...
Pech Sotheary
Cambodian rails linked to Thailand’s
The long-awaited railroad between Phnom Penh and Bangkok moved one step closer to completion yesterday after tracks on the Cambodian side were connected to those in Thailand. The Poipet-Phnom Penh rail line was joined to the Bangkok-Sa Kaeo line during a ceremony at the international border ...
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Rice millers can now get $20 mil
Rice millers in the country will now be able to access the government’s promised emergency loan of $20 million to purchase paddy rice from farmers in a bid to prevent rice prices from falling further, the Rural Development Bank (RDB) announced yesterday. Rural Development Bank CEO ...
Sok Chan
Terms announced on rice lending package
The government-owned bank charged with issuing $27 million in emergency loans to rice millers as part of an initiative aimed at propping up the struggling rice industry announced the terms of the credit lines yesterday, and said it would ensure that the funds were used ...
Hor Kimsay
Prime minister vows to ‘eliminate’ opponents who protest
Prime Minister Hun Sen on Monday said he would “eliminate” opponents who dare to protest against his government during a speech in which he also declared that he personally ordered the military to deploy around the CNRP’s headquarters late last month. Speaking at a graduation ceremony ...
Kuch Naren
MoU with UN stalled by government
A memorandum of understanding between Cambodia and the United Nations has been stalled for almost 10 months thanks to the government’s insistence that an updated version include pointed references to the concept of “non-interference” lifted from the UN charter, the Post has learned. ...
Shaun Turton
Embalming chemical found in Takeo prahok
Takeo provincial authorities yesterday confiscated and destroyed more than 180 kilograms of contaminated prahok from four production sites, according to an official with the Cambodia Import-Export Inspection and Fraud Repression Directorate-General (CAMCONTROL). ...
Niem Chheng
Unfinished Railway Connected to Thailand
Cambodia’s northern railway line has been linked to Thailand at the border in Poipet City, officials said at a ceremony on Monday—although sections of track in Cambodia still need to be finished before trains can start running between the two countries. At a ceremony marking a ...
Aun Pheap
Banking with a positive spin
A banking sector initiative launched yesterday aims to advise Cambodia’s financial sector on best practices for sustainable lending while capitalising on the growing pool of international funds that could flow into green and socially responsible projects. The Sustainable Finance Initiative will conduct two years of ...
Kali Kotoski
Turks push to close the Zaman schools
The Turkish government is preparing documents and evidence to give to the Cambodian government in order to close Zaman schools, an official said yesterday. Turkey’s ambassador to Cambodia Ilhan Kemal Tug told Deputy Prime Minister Hor Namhong yesterday that his government was gathering evidence and documents ...
Ven Rathavong and Ban Sokrith
Prime minister seeks $300 million from china for rice sector
In the latest effort to mitigate the impact of plummeting rice prices, Prime Minister Hun Sen said on Monday that the government was seeking $300 million from China to boost the capacity of rice millers and provide funds to them for purchasing paddy from farmers. ...
Kuch Naren and Janelle Retka
Linking villagers to health services
On the day 55-year-old Leangkim Theng was selected as a village health volunteer, she was not sure she could do it. The work required her to educate women on maternal and newborn health in Serei Sokha village of Kratie province. While she did not feel she ...
Khmer Time Team
Gold Green for Knai Bang Chatt
Kep province’s Knai Bang Chatt hotel is the first in Cambodia to receive the gold certification in the international Green Growth 2050 initiative after it was accredited by industry experts. In August, an Australian team of experts conducted an independent audit and found that the hotel ...
May Kunmakara
PM: the water festival is on again
The annual boat races in Phnom Penh, marking the Water Festival celebrations, will take place between November 13 and 15 even if water levels in the Tonle Sap are low, Prime Minister Hun Sen announced yesterday. Speaking at a university graduation ceremony in Phnom Penh, the ...
Mom Kunthear
Japan building Mekong supply chain
Greater connectivity between Japan and Cambodia is tightening economic links between the two countries while catalysing Japan’s ambitions to develop a chain of industrial complexes that cut a tract through the Lower Mekong region. Officials at Japan External Trade Organisation (JETRO), Japan’s development agency, say ...
Matthieu de Gaudemar and Cheng Sokhorng
Palm juice soft drink
The first hygienically produced soft drink made from palm juice, produced domestically, has proved popular enough to seek organic certification, and hopefully an export market. While palm juice has been used to make sugar, alcohol and vinegar, it has never been tapped for making soft drinks ...
Chea Vannak
Two months to claim land certificates
City Hall said villagers affected by the development project of the Overseas Cambodia Investment Corporation (OCIC) in Phnom Penh’s Chroy Changvar district would have two months to claim the certificate of land policy before it would stop assuming responsibility for losses, according to a statement ...
Pech Sotheary
Cambodian producers urged to build effective brands
Better branding of Cambodian products is essential as major global brands inundate the domestic market and local producers look to compete in international markets, panellists said Wednesday evening during an industry forum in Phnom Penh. Var Roth San, an adviser to the Ministry of Commerce, said ...
Matthieu de Gaudemar
ICC move fuels debate on Cambodian case
A new paper from the International Criminal Court laying out a shift in focus to crimes linked to environmental destruction and the unlawful dispossession of land has rekindled the debate over whether the court will launch an investigation into a case highlighting land-grabbing in Cambodia. ...
Cristina Maza
Gov’t: drive safe, pay workers
The Interior Ministry is hoping last year’s relative decrease in traffic accidents and deaths during the Pchum Ben holiday is a sign of things to come and asked citizens again this year to drive safely as they crisscross the country to celebrate the holiday. In a ...
Mom Kunthear
For ‘police’ vehicles, no tax, no problem
Prime Minister Hun Sen has quashed an attempt by the Ministry of Finance to collect back taxes owed on 470 police vehicles, granting them tax-exempt status after a request from the Ministry of Interior. The request, dated September 8, was approved on Tuesday. ...
Mech Dara and Andrew Nachemson
Envoy's report shifts gaze back to Prey Speu
Nougy Mom bounces her 2-year-old son in her arms as she waits at the gates of Phnom Penh’s notorious centre for “undesirables”, Prey Speu. The 34-year-old mother was there to visit her husband, a rubbish collector like herself, who was rounded up by authorities as he ...
Erin Handley and Kong Meta