The Cambodia Daily

Prime Real Estate May Be Set for Development

A 5,000-square-meter plot of land owned by the local Sokimex Group on Phnom Penh’s Street 154, near Wat Ounalom and Kandal market, could be the site of a new, multi-story hotel, the conglomerate’s CEO said Tuesday. Sok Kong, Sokimex CEO, said Tuesday that construction of a ...

Aun Pheap and Joshua Wilwohl

Desperate for a Cure, Thousands Flock to Child Healer

DAMBE DISTRICT, Kompong Cham Province – Lying on makeshift stretchers, seated in cheap wheelchairs, blind people wearing dark glasses, children with twisted limbs and slack jaws—all sat on the dirt clasping smoking sticks of incense and muttering quiet prayers Tuesday, hoping to be healed. Among ...

Mech Dara and Kate Bartlett

Cambodia Misses Deadline to Submit UN Human Rights Report

Cambodia failed Monday to make its deadline to submit a key human rights report—known as the universal period review (UPR)—to the U.N., said Mak Sambath, deputy chairman of the government’s Human Rights Committee. Having missed the submission deadline, the government is now hoping to get its ...

Kuch Naren and Dene-Hern Chen

Civil Society Organizations to Push for Electoral Overhaul

As the dispute over July’s national election enters its fourth month, a civil society umbrella organization, the Electoral Reform Alliance (ERA), is due to release a comprehensive report on widespread irregularities recorded during the ballot. The report will be followed by the drafting of a proposed ...

Colin Meyn

Trade With Indonesia up but Logistics a Hurdle

Trade and tourism between Indonesia and Cambodia is growing but the two countries can still increase cooperation in those fields, according to participants in the 7th Indonesian Trade and Tourism Promotion exhibition on Phnom Penh’s Koh Pich on Sunday. The sale of Indonesian pharmaceuticals, food products ...

George Styllis

Traditionally Pro-CPP Media See New Market With CNRP

In the prelude to and direct aftermath of July’s national election, local Khmer-language media largely ignored the opposition’s growing street rallies and demonstrations. But during the three days of protests last week, the CNRP was front-page news in all of the major Khmer-language newspapers. Broadcast media also ...

Aun Pheap and Colin Meyn

Education to Receive 20% Boost in 2014 Budget

The Education Ministry on Monday said it was in line for a near 20 percent hike from the government’s $3.52 billion draft budget for 2014, approved by Prime Minister Hun Sen’s Cabinet on Friday, though other details of how money was to be allocated remained ...

Zsombor Peter and Hul Reaksmey

Bun Rany Slams CNRP During Red Cross Event

Prime Minister Hun Sen’s wife Bun Rany on Saturday used a Cambodian Red Cross flood relief event in Pailin province to denounce the opposition CNRP’s three-day rally and marches in Phnom Penh last week as part of an effort to “cheat” the people of Cambodia. Ms. ...

Mech Dara and Alex Willemyns

Try Pheap Bulldozers Return to Clear Land, Stopped by Protesters

About 100 villagers in Preah Vihear province’s Rovieng district on Saturday turned out in protest for the second time this week to prevent a bulldozer that belongs to well-known businessman Try Pheap from clearing their land next to his rubber plantation, local officials and residents ...

Aun Pheap

Rainsy Lays Out Demands for Next Round of Negotiations

Opposition leader Sam Rainsy on Sunday said that the CNRP would formally appeal to the CPP this week to resume negotiations to end the ongoing political deadlock, but said that the CPP would have to meet the CNRP’s conditions for a new round of talks. “Now ...

Colin Meyn and Hul Reaksmey

Index Shows Little Progress on Gender Equality

Cambodia has made little progress on gender equality and is the lowest-ranked country in the region, according to the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) 2013 Gender Gap Index released Friday, slipping a place from last year to rank 104 out of 136 countries. The index examines the ...

Simon Henderson

Cambodia to Submit Human Rights Report to UN

Cambodia will submit a human rights report to the U.N. today for a universal periodic review (UPR), the second time it is participating in the process, according to the Council of Ministers’ Press and Quick Reaction Unit. Under the UPR process established in 2006, the Human ...

Dene-Hern Chen and Hul Reaksmey

Hun Sen’s Cabinet Approves $3.5B Draft Budget

Prime Minister Hun Sen’s new Cabinet on Friday approved a 2014 draft budget of $3.5 billion, a 13 percent increase over this year’s budget, but gave no details as to how the money would be spent. The CPP also said it will go ahead with a ...

Hul Reaksmey and Zsombor Peter

CNRP’s Protest Culminates in 25,000-Strong Street March

If opposition supporters are wearied by the CNRP’s continuing boycott of parliament, they refused to show it on Friday as an estimated 25,000 people turned out for the final day of a three-day protest that delivered petitions and letters to eight foreign embassies and the ...

Simon Henderson and Khy Sovuthy

Cambodia Urged to Do More to Protect Women, Advance Rights

The government needs to do more to protect migrant workers, ensure that women have access to legal aid, bring cases of violence against women to court and draft an anti-discrimination law, the U.N. Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women (Cedaw) said in a ...

Lauren Crothers

New Documentary Explores the Societal Costs of Development

The documentary “Even A Bird Needs a Nest,” which premiered Thursday night at Meta House in Phnom Penh, starts off strong: an interview of Prime Minister Hun Sen speaking about the country’s progress and development. “The period of Hun Sen is a period of searching for ...

Denise Hruby

Cambodia Signs Landmark Arms Trade Treaty

Cambodia has signed an international treaty designed to regulate the trade in conventional weapons, becoming the 114th country to formally pledge its support for the agreement, which was adopted by the U.N.’s General Assembly in April. Sea Kosal, Cambodia’s ambassador to the U.N. in New York, ...

Ben Woods

Protesters Stop Try Pheap Tractor From Clearing Land in Preah Vihear

More than 100 people on Thursday protested and stopped a bulldozer belonging to businessman Try Pheap from clearing their land next to a rubber plantation he owns in Preah Vihear’s Rovieng district, villagers and local officials said. Oeun Sitha said he was among more than 100 ...

Aun Pheap

Carlsberg Unworried by Call for Beer Boycott

Danish beer giant Carlsberg, a partner in Cambodia’s largest brewery, Cambrew, said it is not concerned by a call to boycott its popular Angkor Beer brand over a partner company’s investment in a Laos dam. Ben Morton, vice president of Carlsberg’s international media relations and issues ...

Dene-Hern Chen

CNRP Marches Through Phnom Penh, Delivers Petition to UN

More than 10,000 opposition CNRP supporters marched from Freedom Park to the U.N.’s human rights office in Phnom Penh on Wednesday to deliver a petition urging signatories of the 1991 Paris Peace Agreement to intervene in the country’s current political deadlock. The march marked the climax ...

The Cambodia Daily News Staff

Japan Pledges $9M to Demining in Battambang

The government of Japan will donate about $9.13 million to the Cambodian Mine Action Center (CMAC) to further their efforts in clearing Battambang province’s Bavel and Ratanak Mondol districts, two of the most heavily mined areas nationwide, officials said Wednesday. ...

Denise Hruby

NEC Falls Short of Removing All ‘Ghost Names’ From Voter List

The National Election Committee (NEC) on Wednesday closed the official voter registration period, which lasted for 20 days and saw more than 170,000 people added and nearly 100,000 names struck from the voter list. The list has been heavily criticized by election monitors, who say the ...

Eang Mengleng

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