The Cambodia Daily

Chinese money instrumental to progress, Hor Namhong says

Cambodia’s development “could not be detached” from Chinese aid, Deputy Prime Minister Hor Namhong said on Monday, joining a chorus of officials from both parties praising a relationship that appears to be deepening over similar stances on the South China Sea.   ...

Ben Paviour

Government launches framework for livestock law

After eight years in the works, the Agriculture Ministry on Monday circulated the framework for Cambodia’s first law regulating the quality of domestic and imported meat products and livestock. ...

Aun Pheap and Janelle Retka

Animal deaths from pesticide spark fears

Evidence that a deadly pesticide is being used to kill wildlife at watering holes in two provinces has raised fears of widespread poisoning that could jeopardize biodiversity and the health of rural communities, according to a new report.   ...

Kang Sothear and Sonia Kohlbacher

Timber smugglers flee during roadside inspection

Authorities stopped a truck illegally transporting a load of valuable timber through Kratie province on Saturday, but failed to apprehend the driver and his assistant, who fled on foot, an official said on Sunday.   ...

Aun Pheap

Justice ministry to consider laws on surrogate mothers

Justice Minister Ang Vong Vathana agreed to consider drafting the country’s first surrogacy law during a Friday meeting with Australia’s ambassador to Cambodia, according to the minister’s spokesman.   ...

Kang Sothear and Janelle Retka

Government slams ‘injustice’ of South China sea response

Cambodia has been treated unfairly by some ASEAN countries and members of the media, which have wrongly blamed the country for blocking a regional statement on a recent South China Sea verdict, Foreign Affairs Minister Prak Sokhonn said yesterday. ...

Khy Sovuthy and Ben Paviour

Australian ex-peace broker calls for sanctions

The international community should put “maximum pressure” on the Cambodian government to improve the country’s human rights situation, including possible sanctions on top officials, former Australian Foreign Minister Gareth Evans said on Friday.   ...

Ben Paviour

Government asks for more funds as EU mulls cuts

Lawmakers on Thursday sought additional funding from the E.U. to benefit tourism, mining and exports of rice and garments, despite calls last month by the European Parliament for aid cuts unless Cambodia shows greater respect for human rights.   ...

Khuon Narim

Auctions called off for most of seized timber

The government has given up on trying to auction off the majority of 71,000 cubic meters of illegally logged timber seized by authorities earlier this year amid a persistent lack of interest from potential buyers. រដ្ឋាភិបាលបានបញ្ឈប់ការព្យាយាមលក់ដេញថ្លៃចំពោះឈើភាគច្រើននៃចំនួនសរុប ៧១ ០០០ ម៉ែត្រគូប ដែលបានមកពីការរឹបអូសដោយអាជ្ញាធរកាលពីដើមឆ្នាំនេះ ខណៈពេលដែលមានកង្វះខាតនៃចំណាប់អារម្មណ៍ពីអ្នកទិញ។  ...

Aun Pheap

Investigation of police official possible: ACU

Corruption czar Om Yentieng said on Wednesday that he might still open an investigation into graft allegations against the head of the National Police’s public order department, which oversees the nation’s traffic officers, if the subordinates who made the claims were unsatisfied with their boss’s ...

Aun Pheap

Spared eviction, airport families ask government for land titles

Families living next to Phnom Penh International Airport filed a petition with the Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU) on Wednesday to find out why City Hall has not yet issued them land titles now that Prime Minister Hun Sen had promised to protect them from eviction.   ...

Ben Sokhean

Immigration department to introduce new visa for retirees

Immigration officials say they will introduce a new visa category for foreign retirees as soon as Monday—the latest push in a campaign to encourage more expatriates to settle in Cambodia. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Past deadline, most cigarettes still lack graphic pictures

Days after a law went into effect requiring all cigarette packages sold in Cambodia to be plastered with graphic images of the health effects of smoking—blackened lungs and an infant on a respirator—there was little evidence of the new packaging in the capital. ...

Samoeurth Seavmeng and Janelle Retka

Traffic police accuse boss of corruption

Employees of the National Police’s public order department, which oversees the country’s traffic officers, have accused their boss of embezzlement, favoritism, abuse of power and other offenses, according to the Anti-Corruption Unit (ACU). ...

Aun Pheap

Ten tanks moved through Phnom Penh for ‘repairs’

Defense Ministry spokesman Chhum Sucheat said on Monday that 10 tanks being transported from the north to the south of Phnom Penh on Sunday night were on the way to be repaired, but would not say where they went. ...

Khy Sovuthy

EU considers union appeals, urges government to respect human rights

The E.U.’s ambassador to Cambodia said he would weigh appeals from pro-government unions critical of a call by opposition party leader Sam Rainsy to push the government to improve its human rights record through increased economic pressure. ...

Khuon Narim, Khy Sovuthy and Sonia Kohlbacher

Disney carbon deal follows past emissions credit failure

A $2.6 million deal by Walt Disney Company to preserve nearly 300,000 hectares of eastern Cambodian forest through the purchase of carbon credits will need to overcome past failures to succeed, critics said on Monday. ...

Ben Paviour

Ministry wants tourism businesses to accept Chinese Yuan

The Tourism Ministry has started urging businesses and tour operators to accept Chinese yuan notes as part of a drive to attract tourists from China, sparking concern among some business owners who fear losses and fake currency. ...

Kang Sothear and Michael Dickison

Japan to donate 140 new buses in $10 million deal

Phnom Penh’s fledgling public transportation system received a welcome boost on Thursday as Japan agreed to donate 140 new buses to the city over the next four years, according to City Hall.   ...

Khuon Narim

Prime minister knocks article on south China Sea Dispute

A local newspaper misrepresented a meeting between Prime Minister Hun Sen and his Japanese counterpart, Mr. Hun Sen said on Thursday, inviting Japanese Ambassador Kumamaru Yuji to clarify the accuracy of the offending article. ...

Kuch Naren and Ben Paviour

Rosewood logger shot dead by Thai soldiers

Soldiers in Thailand fatally shot a logger from Battambang province who slipped across the border with six other Cambodians to cut rosewood on Wednesday night, authorities said.   ...

Ben Sokhean

HIV infections nearly doubled over past decade

The number of new HIV infections in Cambodia nearly doubled over the past decade—the greatest increase in Asia—while less than a third of Cambodians living with the virus are receiving medication to slow its development, according to a report released this week. ...

George wright

Students migrate, leaving school at the border

Before she dropped out of school in April, following her cousin to a factory in Thailand where a week of making mattresses pays $48, Dong Sreyda was ranked third in her ninth grade class in Banteay Meanchey province.   ...

Janelle Retka and Samoeurth Seavmeng

Government says will enforce smoke ban; restauranteurs doubtful

Smokers who light up inside bars, restaurants, hotels and other establishment where the public gathers will face fines of 20,000 riel (about $5) starting September 16, the Ministry of Tourism announced on Wednesday. ...

Kang Sothear and Ben Paviour

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