Khmer Times

Government to pay LIDA workers

The Labour Ministry will pay money to 257 garment workers today from the LIDA factory in Phnom Penh who rallied multiple times over missing wages after their employer fled. A ministry press release yesterday advised the workers to get the cash at the company’s office ...

Sen David

Prey Lang Community Network seeks government intervention

The Prey Lang Community Network today submitted a report to the Environment Ministry accusing local authorities in the province of colluding with businessmen to illegally cut trees in protected forests. ...

Khuon Narim

EU a key economic partner in Cambodia: Ambassador

The European Union is a key economic partner in Cambodia, with preferential access to European markets a key element of the Kingdom’s robust growth in recent years, said European Union Ambassador George Edgar. ...

Sum Manet

Waste production continues to rise

The Ministries of Environment and Tourism have reiterated calls for factories, restaurants and markets to properly handle waste disposal as the amount produced in the Kingdom continues to grow.   ...

Pech Sotheary

Four villagers guilty of encroaching on land

Preah Sihanouk Provincial Court yesterday found four villagers guilty of clearing and encroaching on land belonging to businessman Tan Tap in Stung Hav district. Each villager was sentenced to a year in prison, but after five months were suspended and with time served, each have ...

Khuon Narim

Rice seeds to be distributed to flood victims this weekend

The Agriculture Ministry will distribute about 3,000 tonnes of rice seeds to the farmers affected by floods across the Kingdom, an official said yesterday. Ngin Chhay, director general of the ministry’s general agriculture department, said the ministry has prepared about 3,000 tonnes of rice seeds ...

Ven Rathavong

Poverty falling at rapid pace, says UNDP

Poverty in Cambodia has fallen dramatically over the last two decades, and continues to fall at a rapid pace, said a high official of the UNDP to Khmer Times yesterday. All the poverty rateslines, either based on income and other dimensions, have seen big reductions at a ...

Kazi Mahmood

A dozen Kratie farms demolished

Authorities in Kratie province yesterday demolished a dozen family farms deemed illegal in Snuol district’s Khsoem commune. A villager who requested anonymity said that the demolition was conducted by provincial and district authorities along with police and military police officers. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Companies concerned over bi-weekly pay directive

Private companies have expressed concern regarding a Labour Ministry directive requiring them to pay employees twice per month and provide seniority indemnity annually. ...

Khy Sovuthy

More than 4,000 border crimes foiled this year

The Defence Ministry prevented more than 4,000 border crimes so far this year and has pledged to continue cooperating with neighbouring countries to fight crime. A report posted yesterday by ministry spokesman General Chhum Sucheat on his Facebook page said that the Royal Cambodian Armed ...

Ven Rathavong

Germany commits to MRC funding

The German government has committed about $4.6 million to the Mekong River Commission to increase dialogue and cooperation on transboundary water resource planning with Cambodia, Laos, Thailand and Vietnam, the MRC said yesterday. ...

Pech Sotheary

Mondulkiri governor tackles logging

Mondulkiri provincial Governor Svay Sam Eang led a taskforce to inspect private companies operating nearby protected forests on Sunday in the wake of being criticised by Interior Minister Sar Kheng for failing to curb illegal logging. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Environment Minister pledges to eradicate illegal wildlife trade

The government has vowed to combat the illegal wildlife trade and cooperate with foreign countries to conserve the Kingdom’s natural resources. Environment Minister Say Samal made the commitment during a wildlife awareness event with British Ambassador Tina Redshaw at her residence in Phnom Penh on ...

Khy Sovuthy

NEC begins updating voter list

The National Election Committee yesterday commenced the 18-day voter registration period to update the country’s voter list. Nuth Sokhom, an NEC official, said during a meeting at the NEC headquarters that the election body will carry out its voter registration from October 1 to 18 ...

Khuon Narim

City Hall launches five new bus routes

City Hall yesterday launched five new city bus routes using buses provided by the Japanese government. The Japanese agreed to provide 100 buses and 60 have already been delivered with 20 more arriving today. The rest will be delivered later this year. ...

Mom Kunthear

Hun Sen denounces protectionism at UN

Speaking at the United Nations’ latest gathering, recently re-elected Prime Minister Hun Sen on Saturday raised concerns over protectionist practices by key economies. ...

May Kunmakara

Improving construction sector safety

Labour Ministry officials met with members of Japan’s parliament and the International Labour Organisation to discuss a project aimed at improving safety standards in the construction sector on Thursday.​ ...

Mom Kunthear

River residents to be relocated

Kampong Chhnang provincial authorities are planning to relocate hundreds of Cham and Vietnamese residents living on the Tonle Sap river to dry land by the end of 2019. Provincial Governor Chhour Chandoeun on Thursday said that residents have already been informed regarding the decision. ...

Pech Sotheary

US businessmen seek improved ties to Cambodia

US-ASEAN Business Council President Alexander Feldman wants Cambodia and the US to maintain and improve their relationship.​ ...

Ven Rathavong

Timber trade sanctions sought

The UK-based Environmental Investigation Agency on Wednesday called for a rosewood trade suspension against Vietnam, accusing it of accepting fake Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species permits from Cambodia. ...

Khmer Times Team

Boao Forum to further bolster Cambodia-China relations

The Boao Forum for Asia-Phnom Penh Conference brought together this week Chinese and Cambodian leading business ​people and politicians to discuss economic ties between the countries and promote inter-regional economic cooperation. ...

Sok Chan

Consultative council members to present findings today

Members of the Supreme Consultative Council are expected to gather today to unveil results of fact-finding missions carried out this month, an adviser to Prime Minister Hun Sen said yesterday. ...

Taing Vida

Svay Sam Eang responds to Sar Kheng criticism

Mondulkiri provincial Governor Svay Sam Eang has responded to criticism from Interior Minister Sar Kheng who claimed that provincial officials have failed to curb forestry crimes. ...

Khy Sovuthy

ADB says Cambodia to grow at 7% in 2018, 2019

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) forecasts that Cambodia’s gross domestic product (GDP) will grow by 7 percent in 2018 and 2019, backed by strong export growth, robust tourist arrivals, buoyant domestic demand, and an expansionary fiscal policy. ...

May Kunmakara

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