Khmer Times

Minimum wage talks officially begin

Negotiations to determine 2019’s minimum wage for garment workers began at the Labour Ministry yesterday with the issue of worker welfare as the first order of business, the Labour Advisory Committee said. ...

Sen David

Group worried over new provinces

Indigenous people in northeastern provinces yesterday raised concern over wildlife sanctuaries that could be affected by the government’s plan to set up new provinces carved out from Mondulkiri province’s Koh Nhek district and Ratanakkiri province’s Lumphat district. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Ministry calls for ozone layer-safe inventions

Ministry of Environment senior officials yesterday urged people, especially students, to invent substances to replace those which harm the ozone layer. The call was made during a workshop on “The Implementation of Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer in Cambodia” held at ...

Pech Sotheary

Two new provinces being studied

The government is planning to create two new provinces carved out of the provinces of Kandal, Ratanakkiri and Mondulkiri, according to a letter Interior Minister Sar Kheng sent to Prime Minister Hun Sen on Friday. ...

Khy Sovuthy

Flood waters continue to rise

Prey Veng provincial officials yesterday warned residents that water levels of the Mekong river under the Neak Loeung bridge are continuing to rise. Provincial Governor Chea Somethy said yesterday that residents should continue to be cautious, noting that the water is close to reaching the ...

Sen David

Ministry issues warning over rabies vaccine

The Health Ministry on Saturday warned all pharmacies, hospitals and other health service providers to immediately stop selling a China-made rabies vaccine over concerns it was not manufactured according to strict guidelines. ...

Pech Sotheary

Deminers to get training in China

The Cambodian Mine Action Authority is going to dispatch 40 of its demining staff to China to receive training next month as part of China’s commitment in supporting mine clearance.​ ...

Pav Suy

Event to counter bushmeat consumption

As International Vulture Awareness Day approaches, conservationists have called for a boycott of bushmeat and a halt to using poison to hunt wildlife. Ny Naiky, BirdLife International Cambodia Programme coordinator who has been tasked with vulture conservation, said yesterday that red-head, white-romped and slender-billed vultures ...

Pech Sotheary

Dry spell prompts pumping measures

The Agricultural Minister on Saturday instructed provincial authorities to find a solution for persisting drought problems in Banteay Meanchey province. Agriculture Minister Veng Sakhon said during his visit to Phnom Srok district that while other villagers in the province are facing floods, major parts of ...

Sen David

Illegal fishing crackdown on Chomrouk lake

Fisheries administration officials and local authorities on Saturday cracked down on banned types of fishing along Chomrouk lake in Kampong Cham province and seized fishing nets, wooden poles and various types of fish, the provincial police said. ...

Or Sreypich

Ministry plans to support pedestrian welfare

The Land Management Ministry announced last week a series of construction projects to increase safe spaces for pedestrians, including new sidewalks and bike lanes in Phnom Penh and provincial cities.​​ ...

Pech Sotheary

Former KPP leader pardoned by King

King Norodom Sihamoni yesterday granted a royal pardon to former Khmer Power Party president Sourn Serey Ratha, who had been jailed for just over a year after being convicted of inciting military personnel disobedience and demoralising the army. .. ...

Khuon Narim

Crackdown nets more than one tonne of fish

Authorities in Tboung Khmum province’s O’raing Ov district on Wednesday seized several kilometres of small-hole fishing nets, bamboo poles and more than one tonne of small fish during a crackdown on illegal fishing on Kapit lake, according to officials.​ ...

Pav Suy

Fishermen and farmers want environmental issues addressed

With the government pushing the sustainable development goals (SDG) agenda forward, fishermen and farmers urged authorities to address the various ecological and environmental challenges they face during an event this week in Siem Reap. ...

Kazi Mahmood

Plans for World Cleanup Day event

The Environment Ministry has asked the Interior Ministry to help facilitate its World Cleanup Day event planned for next month to raise environmental protection awareness. ...

Or Sreypich

FAO-led project to boost meat quality in the Kingdom

A new partnership with the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations seeks to enhance the quality of local meat by modernising facilities and raising hygiene standards, with a pilot project launched in Takeo in November.​ ...

Sok Chan

Nine communities join contract farming scheme

Nine more agricultural communities in Kampong Thom province have joined the government’s Boosting Food Projection Programme, entering a contract farming scheme with local exporter Amru Rice. The communities have recently signed agreements with Amru Rice, agreeing to supply a combined 8,000 tonnes of paddy rice ...

Chea Vannak

Ministry issues health warning over receding flood waters

The Health Ministry is appealing to flood victims to take precautions against contracting diseases as waters recede. Health Minister Mam Bun Heng on Tuesday made the appeal during a visit to distribute medicine to families in Tboung Khmum province. ...

Sen David

More than 100 turtles freed into protected zone

Banteay Meanchey provincial authorities yesterday released more than 100 rescued turtles into a conservation area in Preah Netr Preah district. Sin Rasy, district military police commander, said that the turtles were seized from poachers earlier this month and were released into the O’ronteah Banh turtle ...

Pav Suy

Ministry: Selling untitled lands creates conflict

In a bid to prevent land conflicts across the country, the Land Management Ministry is requesting capital and provincial authorities to stop the practice of registering land without approval. ...

Pech Sotheary

Crackdown on illegal fishing in Tonle Sap

Pursat provincial police and fishery administration officials cracked down on a large scale illegal fishing operation along Tonle Sap lake and seized equipment including over 5,300 fishing nets in Kandieng district’s Raing Til commune. ...

Pech Sotheary

First highway to break ground in November

Construction of the Kingdom’s first-ever highway, stretching 190 kilometres to connect Phnom Penh and Sihanoukville, was confirmed to start in November. The highway will begin in Phnom Penh’s Chaom Chao area, starting at street Tom Nop Kop Srov, which links national roads 4 and 5, ...

Chea Vannak

Five people held for illegally-cut timber

A joint task-force consisting of the national police and Pursat province’s Phnom Kravanh district police on Saturday arrested five people found transporting illegally-felled timber in Santre commune. ...

Pav Suy

Ministry to monitor Kirirom national park

Senior Environment Ministry officials on Saturday agreed to continue to work together and cooperate with local forest rangers in order to maintain order and prevent forestry crimes from occurring in Kirirom national park. ...

Pech Sotheary

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