Site updates
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Patient rights”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on “Patient rights”. This bilingual new topic page gives the overviews of patient rights in Cambodia, together with the related contents such as law and regulations, daily news and publications.=>Please click here to go to “Patient rights”. ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Economic policy and administration”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on “Economic policy and administration”. This bilingual new topic page gives the overviews of the economic policy and administration in Cambodia, together with the related contents such as law and regulations, daily news and publications.=>Please click here ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new profile page on "Sub-national infrastructure project implementation"
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new page on “Sub-national infrastructure project implementation” in Cambodia. On the new bilingual page, the public can access to map layers which display the total number of actual expenditures and actual projects of sub-national infrastructure, and a data table ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Banking and financial services”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on the “Banking and financial services”. On the new bilingual page, the public will be able to get more information regarding banking and financial services in Cambodia, together with an understanding of the evolution of policies ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Legal aid policy and regulation”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on “Legal aid policy and regulation”. This bilingual new topic page give the overviews of the legal aid policy and regulations in Cambodia, together with the related contents such as law and regulations, daily news and ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Health care policy and administration”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on the “Health care policy and administration”. On the new bilingual page, the public will be able to get more insights about Health care policy and administration in Cambodia, specifically on policies and regulations. => Please click ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Banking and financial services policy and regulation”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on the “Banking and financial services policy and regulation”. On the new bilingual page, the public will be able to get more insights about banking and financial development in Cambodia, specifically on policies and regulations. => Please ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Legal aid providers”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on “Legal aid providers”. This bilingual new topic page give the overviews of the legal aid bodies in Cambodia, together with the related contents such as law and regulations, daily news and publications.=>Please click here to go ...
Open Development Cambodia updates a topic page on “Business structures and legal registration”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has recently updated an exiting topic page on “Business structures and legal registration“. With the content updating, the public now can access to the most up to date information in the current context and legal documents, downloadable datasets, news and press ...
Open Development Cambodia updates a topic page on "Environment and natural resources policy and administration"
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has recently updated an exiting topic page on “Environment and natural resources policy and administration“. With the content updating, the public now can access to the most up to date information in the current context and legal documents, downloadable datasets, news ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Floods”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on “Floods”, a hot topic discussed in the present day. In this bilingual new topic page, you will get some insights regarding the situation of floods in Cambodia, together with the related statistic figures and references. =>Please ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “SDG 18 Cambodia Mine/ERW free”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on “SDG 18 Cambodia Mine/ERW free”, a special goal of Cambodia beyond the 17 goals of the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). In this bilingual new topic page, you will get a comprehensive understanding of why ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Securities exchange policy and regulation”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on the “Securities exchange policy and regulation”. On the new bilingual page, the public will be able to get more insights about financial development in Cambodia, specifically on Cambodia securities exchange (CSX). => Please click here to ...
Open Development Cambodia updates a number of topic pages under the landing page of “Environment and natural resources” and “Land”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has recently updated three existing topics under the landing page of the Environment and natural resources and Land. Those topics are “Environmental impact assessments“, “Overview of policy and legal framework” and “Special economic zones“.With the content updating, the public now not ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on Cambodia”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on the “Socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on Cambodia” on the “COVID-19” profile page. On the new bilingual page, the public will be able to get more insights and information regarding the socio-economic impact of COVID-19 on ...
Open Development Cambodia has published a new map layer and dataset of "Targeted municipalities for the implementation of the Innovation for Social Accountability in Cambodia (ISAC) in 2020"
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published a new map layer of target areas to be implemented in 2020 under MoU between NCDDS and Family Health International (FHI360) on the implementation of Social Accountability for Sub-National Democratic Development on the interactive map, under the map category ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new profile page on “COVID-19” in Cambodia
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new profile page on “COVID-19” in Cambodia. On the new bilingual page, the public can access to an informative dashboard where all the COVID-19 cases found in Cambodia are visualized as an info-graph, classifying the cases by type, province, ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on "Small and medium enterprises (SME)"
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on “Small and medium enterprises (SME)”, which is the main driver contributing to the robust and resilient economic growth of Cambodia, in both Khmer and English languages. With this ODC’s new topic page of SME, you ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “United States aid”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on “United States aid”, which is one of the biggest aid donor to Cambodia, in both Khmer and English languages. Through ODC’s new topic pages on United States aid, you will get more comprehensive knowledge of ...
Open Development Cambodia uploaded a new library resource on “Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development Project III - LASED III”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has uploaded a new library resource on “Land Allocation for Social and Economic Development Project III – LASED III”, which a number of environmental and social risk management documents are available to access. Those documents include Environmental and Social Management Framework ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new profile page on "Municipal/district/khan administration contact"
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new page on “Municipal/district/khan administration contact” under Access to public services. The spreadsheet contains information both in Khmer and English including service type, eligible customers, service standard, required document and references.=> Please click here to get in to “Municipal/district/khan administration ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new profile page on "Contact number of director of municipal-provincial health department"
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new page on “Contact number of director of municipal-provincial health department” under Access to public services. The spreadsheet contains information both in Khmer and English including names of head of health department, contact numbers and references.=> Please click here to ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new map layer and dataset of "Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Cambodia"
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published a new map layer of “Coronavirus (COVID-19) cases in Cambodia” on the interactive map, under the map category of “Social development”. The dataset of map layer shows the cases of Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Cambodia. The dataset information will be ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new web-based dashboard dataset of “Coronavirus COVID-19 global cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) has published a new dataset of an interactive web-based dashboard hosted by the Center for Systems Science and Engineering (CSSE) at Johns Hopkins University, to visualize and track reported Corona virus COVID-19 global cases in real-time.=> Please click here to get ...