Human Rights Watch

Cambodia: over 145 opposition members summoned

Cambodian authorities should immediately end the harassment of former opposition party members and their supporters, Human Rights Watch said today. European Union officials arriving in Cambodia on June 3, 2019 to review the Cambodian government’s rights record in connection with the Everything but Arms (EBA) trade privileges should ...

Human Rights Watch

Cambodia: death highlights detention center abuses

The Cambodian government should promptly close all centers arbitrarily detaining people outside the criminal justice system, Licadho and Human Rights Watch said today. The abusive nature of these centers was highlighted by the death on November 26, 2014, of a man who was arbitrarily detained ...

Human Rights Watch News Staff

Cambodia: New crackdown on protesters

The Cambodian government is carrying out a new wave of arrests of opposition party and social activists. Cambodia’s donors should speak out against the government’s harassment, arbitrary detention, and summary trials of peaceful protesters and the government should end the crackdown. The crackdown has ...

Human Rights Watch News Staff

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