
Communications policy and administration

Information Minister Orders TVK to Scrap Tedious Coverage

If Information Minister Khieu Kanharith is any indication, even the government is tiring of state television. Mr. Kanharith announced on Facebook on Wednesday that he had personally ordered the state-run TVK channel to stop broadcasting the comings and goings of state officials on foreign excursions. Mr. ...

Alex Willemyns

MobiTel Named in Leaked Australian Phone Tap Document

When one of Australia’s top intelligence agencies in 2009 presented staff with a slideshow detailing their attempts to intercept mobile telephone calls by Indonesia’s president, first lady and top officials, it also revealed other possible spying targets—including one of Cambodia’s largest mobile operators, MobiTel, according ...

Joshua Wilwohl

Locals’ Internet Access Doesn’t Equal Freedom

An increasing number of Cambodians have access to the Internet due to ownership of smartphones, tablets and the expansion of wireless broadband to rural areas of Cambodia, but access does not mean freedom from restrictions, according to a new report by New York-based Freedom House. In ...

Lindsey Peterson

Sar Kheng Says ‘Change’ Needs to Go Beyond New Names

Officiating a ceremony on Friday to welcome the country’s new minister of post and telecommunications, Interior Minister Sar Kheng reminded the audience of government officials that the public expects change—as was demonstrated in their election support for the Cambodia National Rescue Party (CNRP). Mr. Kheng, who ...

Khy Sovuthy

Resurgent mobile deals could hurt margins, analysts say

‘Top up $2 and get 30 free minutes daily for 20 days. Top up $5 and expand the same offer for a month. And, for a $10 recharge, that half-an-hour freebie lasts 50 days.” Mobile operator Beeline, which announced the promotion in August, called it “another ...

Anne Renzenbrink

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