
Cambodian Public Bank offers loan repayment deals during COVID-19

Cambodian Public Bank is responding to the Coronavirus crisis by taking pro-active action to provide help to its customers in distress by restructuring and rescheduling their loans to eligible individual and business customers. ...

Khmer Times Staff

Riel fund transfers to expand under FAST system

Two weeks since the central bank launched its FAST system, which provides instant riel-denominated fund transfers between banking institutions, operations are running smoothly, with usage of the new electronic payment system expected to pick up as it integrates more customers.   ...

Kali Kotoski

Campu Bank sees gains in first 9 months

Cambodia Public Bank (Campu Bank), a subsidiary of the Malaysian Public Bank Group (PBB), posted strong gains during the first nine months of the year.​​ ...

May Kunmakara

China currency deals surge

As trade activity between Cambodia and China intensifies, banks are seeing an increase in deals transacted in yuan, the Chinese currency. Operating in Cambodia since 2010, Bank of China’s Phnom Penh Branch has been trying to promote business transactions in yuan, and has seen a significant ...

Economists contest Moody's downgrades

In the past month, ratings agency Moody’s has downgraded its outlook for two of Cambodia’s largest commercial banks. On September 2, Acleda Bank’s performance outlook went from “stable” to “negative” due to risks associated with rapid credit growth and a drain on local currency by depositors. ...

Outlook on Campu 'negative'

Moody’s Investment Services yesterday announced a change in outlook for Cambodian Public Bank to “negative” from “stable”, citing increasing risks in the Kingdom’s banking system and exposure to slow-downs in Western markets. While CamPu Bank country head Phan Ying Tong said yesterday the company’s financial position ...

Accounting for the Bourse

Financial experts in the Kingdom yesterday called on the banking sector to implement improved corporate governance and increase transparency in order to ensure confidence in companies ahead of trading on the Cambodian Securities Exchange. Banks in the country have been required to publicly disclose financial ...

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