Ratanakiri Land Dispute Escalates Amid Indigenous Frustration
Nine Tampoun villagers are facing an imminent court verdict over allegedly stealing wood from a Chinese concessionaire with which Ratanakiri communities have been locked in an escalating dispute. ...
Phin Rathana
MAFF being short changed by ELC holders, revenue loss significant
The Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (MAFF) has claimed that it is revising the economic land concession (ELC) laws to ensure that the land is being used properly to benefit the country’s economy. ...
Sorn Sarath
Villagers from six provinces stage protest over land disputes
Hundreds of villagers from six provinces yesterday rallied in front of the Land Management Ministry to seek help in resolving long-standing land disputes affecting them. ...
Sen David
Investment from Vietnam hits a dry patch: CDC
Vietnamese investors shied away from the Cambodian market during the first half of the year as the Council for the Development of Cambodia (CDC) failed to register a single qualified investment project (QIP) from Vietnam during that period for the first time in its 22-year ...
Hor Kimsay