
IMF: Cambodia should improve

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) said yesterday that Cambodia should improve its business climate and enhance competitiveness by upgrading infrastructure, improving the quality of labor, and strengthening governance as China changes its trade pattern by moving up the value chain. ...

May Kunmakara

Bank of China to expand operations in Cambodia

Bank of China, one of the five biggest state-owned commercial banks in China, will expand its operations in Cambodia by opening new branches in Siem Reap and Sihanoukville, a local bank executive said yesterday. ...

Kali Kotoski

Exports to Japan rise sharply

Cambodia’s total exports of garments and footwear to Japan increased sharply in the first half of the year, according to latest figures from the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). ...

May Kunmakara

Japanese capital flooding in to Cambodia

Total Japanese investment in Cambodia under the Kingdom’s qualified investment project (QIP) scheme surged tenfold during the first half of the year, driven by Japan’s improved economy and a hefty capital injection by one of its biggest retail giants. ...

Hor Kimsay

Reformed tech industry body looks to boost ‘digital economy’

Representatives of Cambodia’s tech sector say they are ready to help the country take advantage of global advances in information and communication technology (ICT), after recent reforms to the main body representing the industry. The management of the ICT Federation of Cambodia was overhauled in ...

Aun Chhengpor

Thailand planning more border SEZs

A Thai study being carried out on special economic zones (SEZ) in 15 provinces along the country’s borders has been welcomed by Cambodian and foreign businessmen, who say both countries can benefit, but some uncertainty remains over exactly where and when the zones will be ...

May Kunmakara

Japanese FDI leads to surge in exports: analysts

Cambodia’s total exports to Japan increased sharply over the first nine months of the year compared to last year due to flows of investment from Japan to Cambodia over the last few years, analysts said. ...

May Kunmakara

Government remains optimistic on economic growth

The government yesterday slightly lowered its growth forecast for this year – from 7 to 6.9 percent – citing slowing growth in China and Europe as well as the appreciation of the US dollar as the reasons for the cut. ...

May Kunmakara

Value chain in decline: WTO

Cambodia is one of only two economies worldwide to have declined in global value chain (GVC) participation since 1995, according to the World Trade Organization’s latest study. The WTO’s World Trade Report 2014, released Monday, shows Cambodia’s overall percentage of GVC participation – one country’s contribution ...

Eddie Morton

Exports to Japan see a big jump

Cambodia’s exports to Japan increased sharply by 39 per cent over the first three months of 2014 compared to the same period last year, according to data from the Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO). Total exports reached more than $178 million at the end of March, ...

May Kunmakara

Trade deficit prompts call to diversify exports

Cambodia’s trade deficit expanded to almost half a billion dollars during the first three months of the year, according to the latest figures from the Ministry of Commerce. Between January and March, Cambodia’s exports reached $1.99 billion, up 19 per cent compared to the same period ...

May Kunmakara

S&P reaffirms rating despite political worry

Cambodia has retained its B credit rating despite ratings company Standard & Poor’s citing the country’s ongoing political standoff as a “major” constraint. S&P affirmed Cambodia’s B/B credit rating last week, labeling the country as having a strong and stable long-term and short-term outlook. Engagement of international ...

Eddie Morton

Troubling contrasts in ASEAN

Some of these ASEAN economies are not like the others. Singapore is 80 times richer than Myanmar and its population lives 20 years longer than Cambodia’s, while Myanmar ranks 50 places behind Cambodia in terms of global competitiveness, according to a wide-ranging analysis from the World ...

Joe Freeman

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