
Indigenous groups warn: ‘we will be slaves on our land’

Communities are already facing lawsuits for traditional farming practices and seeing encroachment on ancestral lands as new draft laws are set to further erode protections, indigenous groups warned in a forum with government officials on Wednesday. ...

Keat Soriththeavy

Conflict-ridden land concession moved to new forest area

A decade-old rubber plantation project beset with disputes with local residents has had its 9,000 hectares relocated to an intact forest in Stung Treng. ...

Mech Dara

Government approves new economic land concession despite moratorium, conflict ensues

The government awarded a new Economic Land Concession (ELC) in March 2022 for the first time in nearly a decade and despite an existing moratorium on ELCs, government documents show. ...

Jack Brook and Sorn Sarath

GDP seeking solution to Ratanakkiri prison land dispute

The General Department of Prisons (GDP) is planning to establish an ad-hoc working group to cooperate with the Ratanakkiri Provincial Administration to find a solution to a land dispute concerning the provincial prison. The announcement followed a December report by a local online media outlet on ...

Orm Bunthoeurn

Kampong Chhnang provincial court summons two land activists in Lor Peang community

Kampong Chhnang Provincial Court has summoned two land activists in the Lapeang community to stand trial in mid-January in connection with a land dispute last year in Tamol Leu village, Koh Thkov commune, Choul Kiri district, Kampong Chhnang province. ...

Khut Sokun

Kandal residents near new airport asked to take down structures

Kandal residents affected by the new airport development said they were told by company workers to dismantle small sheds they use to house animals, causing anxiety among people that their land could be cleared soon. ...

Pa Sokheng

Greed for land consumes lakes, forests: Environment 2022

Timber, monkeys, orchids, sand: Cambodia’s protected areas and natural resources continue to be a lucrative source of income, in spite of all the promises (and international funding) to protect them. Above all else, the hunger for land has consumed Cambodians and foreigners alike, triggering a constant ...

Danielle Keeton-Olsen

Hun Sen instructs ministries and authorities to complete land registration for citizens by 2023

Prime Minister Hun Sen instructs relevant ministries and authorities to accelerate land registration for citizens to solve land issues and implement the task of clearing land in the Tonle Sap Lake area for the people to be ready by 2023. ...

Pich Sotheary and Khan Leakhena

Five Preah Vihear community representatives released after questioning over death threat allegations in long-standing land dispute

Preah Vihear Provincial Court last week questioned five community representatives from Prame commune over allegations that they had issued a death threat to a man who had been clearing contested land in Tbeng Meanchey district. ...

Phon Sotthyroth

Four land disputants arrested in Mondulkiri

Mondulkiri prosecutors are questioning four people arrested after a confrontation between authorities and residents over an alleged land grab in Keo Seima district. ...

Mech Dara

More than 200 people in Siem Reap protest to the authorities to resolve the land issues as promised before the election

More than 200 people representing more than 300 families gathered in front of Khun Ream commune hall, Banteay Srei district, Siem Reap province on Wednesday to request the authorities to resolve land issues for them as promised before the Commune/Sangkat Elections. ...

Khut Sokun

Villagers in Sna Sangkram village again urge authorities to expedite resolving land disputes

Representatives of more than 70 families in Sna Sangkram village, Balong commune, Prasat Bakong district, Siem Reap province, who have claimed that there was a land dispute with the Apsara National Authority again urged the authorities to expedite resolve the land disputes that have dragged ...

Pa Sokheng

Nineteen Oddar Meanchey villagers in prison as land dispute escalates

Authorities have arrested a total of 19 people and burned down homes as a land dispute near an Oddar Meanchey rubber plantation escalates, according to residents and a human rights group. ...

Khut Sokun and Fiona Kelliher

Residents in Koh Kong province disappointed after the ministry refuses to settle land disputes for them

Residents of three local communities in Koh Kong province claiming land disputes with Ly Yong Phat’s company express frustration after the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction refuses to resolve land disputes for them. ...

Khut Sokun

More than 70 families of Sna Sangkram resubmit fingerprints to request settlement after the authorities refused

Nearly 100 people representing more than 70 families in Sna Sangkram village, Balong commune, Prasat Bakong district, Siem Reap province, having land dispute with APSARA Authority resubmitted fingerprints to the commune and district authorities today to request a land settlement after the authorities refused. ...

Khut Sokun

Residents in Oddar Meanchey province say authorities threaten to arrest and destroy their houses if they do not move out of disputed land

Residents in a land dispute with the Sok Samnang Rubber Plantation Company in Trapeang Prasat commune, Trapeang Prasat district, Oddar Meanchey province, claim that authorities have threatened to arrest and destroy their homes if they do not agree to demolish their houses from disputed land. ...

Khut Sokun

Residents from 10 communities ask Koh Kong provincial authorities to expedite resolving land disputes

Residents from 10 communities in Koh Kong province request the provincial authorities and relevant officials to expedite the resolution of land disputes, stop discrimination against those with land issues and dismiss 32 people who were active in land protests. ...

Meng Kroypunlok

Indigenous people in Mondulkiri province accuse an official and a tycoon of conspiring to take nearly 36 hectares of their land

On December 6, 2022, 10 indigenous people submitted their petitions to the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and Construction, and the Office of the Council of Ministers to seek the intervention to help resolve their land disputes. ...

Khut Sokun

Bunong Residents Say Gov’t Gave Community Land to Tycoon

Indigenous Bunong families from Mondulkiri are petitioning government institutions about 255 hectares of community land transferred to a tycoon amid nationwide state-land privatizations. ...

Khut Sokun and Saut Sok Prathna

Soldiers continue to clear and encroach on Udom Sre Pus community land

According to the community, the soldiers of the Army Tank Command started clearing the land of the community “Udom Sre Pus and Prey Metta Thom Cheat” in Trapeang Chor commune, Oral district, Kampong Speu province as the authorities have already cut the land to the ...

Khut Sokun

Indigenous families seek PM’s help to solve land row

More than 140 indigenous families in Sen Monorom commune of Mondulkiri province’s O’Raing district have sought the intervention of Prime Minister Hun Sen Cabinet to resolve their 255-hectare land dispute with a private company. ...

Tith Kongnov

Village demands return of chief who joined Angkor protest

Siem Reap residents are collecting hundreds of thumbprints for the reinstatement of a village chief who was fired for joining a protest against the resettlement of Angkor evictees. ...

Khut Sokun

Prek Tnaot families face eviction for river ‘restoration’ linked to elite company

Nearly 100 families living near Takhmao city are facing eviction as authorities pledge to restore the heavily-polluted river running next to their homes in a project linked to a real estate company with connections to the prime minister’s family. ...

Ngay Nai and Fiona Kelliher

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