Global Fund backs off threatened cuts to grants
The Global Fund has backed down on its threat to cut or reduce health grants to Cambodia worth more than $100 million, saying they considered the fraction of misused funds that have been returned thus far a sign of sufficient good will. In a letter sent ...
Kevin Ponniah
Global Fund’s probe saw little cooperation
Financial records the Global Fund requested for its investigation into widespread corruption in health grants to Cambodia were withheld and censored by grant recipients, the probe found, suggesting a systematic attempt to cover up wrongdoing. Out of a total of $220.3 million worth of expenses the ...
Daniel Pye
Fund playing hardball
The Global Fund has threatened to suspend or reduce health grants to Cambodia totalling more than $100 million if the Ministry of Health, the National Center for HIV/AIDS, Dermatology and STD (NCHADS) and NGO umbrella group MEDiCAM fail to meet a 30-day deadline to return ...
Kevin Ponniah and Mom Kunthear
Fund report lacking, BBC show claims
An investigation by BBC news program Panorama into the misuse of Global Fund aid to Cambodia has claimed that the Fund “watered down” a report released last month, which exposed a network of corruption in Cambodia’s health sector. But Panorama, which obtained a leaked copy of the original ...
Daniel Pye
Malnutrition central to health gap: NGO
The gap between Cambodia’s health rich and health poor is “devastating”, according to a report by World Vision issued yesterday. Cambodia is ranked 124 out of 176 countries on the global index based on four indicators used to measure the gap in each listed country: life ...
Amelia Woodside
Study charts AIDS progress
Cambodia’s decline in HIV/AIDS mortalities has made it a regional anomaly, according to a new study published today by a global health research centre at the University of Washington. While HIV/AIDS remains a leading cause of disease burden in Malaysia, Myanmar, Thailand and Vietnam, and mortality ...
Anti-Counterfeit Drug Campaign to Launch Monday
The US Embassy and the Ministry of Health will launch a national public awareness campaign Monday highlighting the dangers of counterfeit drugs, embassy and ministry officials said yesterday. “We want to focus on being able to raise awareness because it is known that using counterfeit ...