
Few women in upper ranks

Cambodian women make up less than 3 percent of the military’s upper echelons, the ministries of defence and women’s affairs confirmed yesterday. Just 88 women hold ranks of one-star general and above, with one solitary woman ranked a four-star general and a deputy commander-in-chief of ...

Erin Handley and Ben Sokhean

Ongoing challenges in Kingdom's efforts to end domestic violence

Slow action from courts and police, a dire lack of mental health counselling and sparse government funding were named as ongoing challenges in Cambodia’s quest to eliminate violence against women at a conference yesterday.   ...

Erin Handley and Chin Sreyleap

Factories failing women: study

Despite their overwhelmingly female workforce, garment factories in Kompong Speu province fail to adequately address the maternal health and child-care needs of their staff, according to new study set to be released by the French NGO Enfants and Developpment. ...

Taylor O'Connell

Gov’t announces new plan to stop violence against women

As violence against women remains pervasive throughout the country, the government on Tuesday launched a second action plan that it hopes will help give women greater protection. The National Action Plan to Prevent Violence Against Women 2014-2018 focuses on preventing gender-based violence and aims to provide ...

Chris Mueller

Somaly Mam Foundation closes down

Months after announcing the resignation of its founder and promising to start afresh to continue its “vital work” protecting vulnerable girls in Cambodia, the U.S.-based Somaly Mam Foundation (SMF) announced Saturday that it has ceased operations, telling supporters to turn to other organizations to help ...

Chris Mueller

Gender course to be piloted at Royal University

Gender studies will be incorporated into the curriculum at Cambodia’s largest university in an effort to shape the country’s top students’ views on the role of women in society, educators and experts said on Wednesday at a workshop on the course. A pilot program will begin ...

Holly Robertson and Sun Heng

New Research Presented to Help Locals Understand Violence

New research on the cultural causes of and solutions to violence against women was presented in Phnom Penh on Friday in a bid to help those interested in ending violence understand what fuels it, specifically in a Cambodian context. The research is 25 years in the ...

Lauren Crothers

Cambodia NGO concerns over funding, after Somaly case

Anti-trafficking groups in Cambodia are urging donors to maintain support for their cause, following claims a well-known activist fabricated her life story, to raise funds. Somaly Mam resigned from the charity she co-founded, after a news investigation cast doubt on her story, including being sold into ...

ABC Radio Australia News Staff

Gender gains lacking: report

Cambodian women are bumping up against a steadfast glass ceiling, according to an annual report by the Cambodian National Council for Women. The report, released yesterday, tracks what the government has done to execute the prime minister’s 16 recommendations regarding women’s access to and engagement in ...

Chhay Channyda and Laignee Barron

NGOs push for boost in female candidates

More than 50 per cent of candidates nominated by the ruling Cambodian People’s Party and the opposition Cambodia National Rescue Party in the upcoming provincial and district council elections should be women, a coalition of 12 civil society groups said in a letter on Thursday. ...

Vong Sokheng and Amelia Woodside

ILO: women still lag behind in education

Despite making some gains, Cambodian women continue to fall well short of their male counterparts when it comes to education and position in the labour market, a study released yesterday by the International Labor Organization reports. Men account for just five per cent more of Cambodia’s ...

Sean Teehan

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