Site updates

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Transport infrastructure and facilities"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on​ “Transport infrastructure and facilities”. This bilingual topic page gives a quick overview of Transport infrastructure and facilities such as airports and air travel, rail, road and bridges, waterways and ports. =>Please click here to go to “Transport ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia” by adding 1 new map feature of Huaxiang International SEZ in Svay Rieng province. This dataset describes the information of special economic zone (SEZ) in Cambodia from 2006 to 2024. The ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “State land reclassification”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “State land reclassification” adding 01 new map features in Pursat. This dataset contains information regarding​​ the establishment of land as state public properties and the reclassification to state private properties of some area in Phnom Penh, ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Economic Land Concessions"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on​ “Economic Land Concessions”. This bilingual topic page gives a quick overview of development of economic land concession (ELC), legal framework, ELC projects in Cambodia, and land conflicts resulting from ELCs. =>Please click here to go to “Economic ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) published a new dataset on “Number of ATM in Cambodia"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) published a new dataset on “Number of ATM in Cambodia as at 31 Dec 2023”. This dataset provides a list of banks in Cambodia and the number of ATMs associated with each bank. It was downloaded from the DataEF portal:>Please ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Transport and shipping policy and administration"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on​ “Transport and shipping policy and administration”. This bilingual topic page gives a quick overview of aviation policy and administration, rail policy and administration, road and bridge policy and adminstration, and port and shipping policy and ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Water and sanitation policy and administration"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on​ “Water and sanitation policy and administration”. This bilingual topic page gives a quick overview of administrative agencies, laws and regulations, and governmental policies and plans related to water and sanitation in Cambodia.=>Please click here to go ...

Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “South Korean Aid"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on​ “South Korean Aid”. This bilingual topic page gives a quick overview of South Korean Assistance to Cambodia, The Korea International Cooperation Agency (KOICA), and combating COVID-19.=>Please click here to go to “South Korean Aid”. ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia” by adding 1 new map feature of ISI SEZ in Preah Sihanouk province. This dataset describes the information of special economic zone (SEZ) in Cambodia from 2006 to 2024. The total ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated a new dataset on “Road and railway networks in Cambodia (2012 & 2025)”

“Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated a new dataset on “Road and railway networks in Cambodia (2012 & 2025)”. This dataset included road networks generated by Open Street Map in 2025 and railway lines in 2012 provided by the Save Cambodia’s Wildlife Atlas Working Group in ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia” by adding 1 new map feature of Koh Kong Zhejiang SEZ in Koh Kong province. This dataset describes the information of special economic zone (SEZ) in Cambodia from 2006 to 2024. ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia” by adding 1 new map feature of Pursat SEZ in Pursat province. This dataset describes the information of special economic zone (SEZ) in Cambodia from 2006 to 2024. The total number ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia” by adding 1 new map feature of Fengfu Svay Rieng SEZ in Svay Rieng province. This dataset describes the information of special economic zone (SEZ) in Cambodia from 2006 to 2024. ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Community protected areas (2006-2021)”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Community protected areas (2006-2021)” by adding 3 new map features of community protected areas in Koh Kong. This dataset contains data of community zones in the natural protected areas such as the national park, biodiversity conservation ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “List of Oknha in Cambodia”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “List of Oknha in Cambodia” adding 5 Oknha. This dataset is taken from the Royal Gazette of the Kingdom of Cambodia, which has a Royal Decree on the Appointment of Oknha in the Kingdom of Cambodia. ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia” by adding 1 new map feature of Srae Ambel SEZ in Koh Kong province. This dataset describes the information of special economic zone (SEZ) in Cambodia from 2006 to 2024. The ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated 5 map features of community fisheries in the existing dataset of "Fisheries resource management"

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated 5 map features of community fisheries in the existing dataset of “Fisheries resource management”. This dataset provides information on fish sanctuary, community fishery, and flooded forest in Cambodia.=>Please click here to go to “Fisheries resource management data” ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “List of Oknha in Cambodia”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “List of Oknha in Cambodia” adding 20 Oknha. This dataset is taken from the Royal Gazette of the Kingdom of Cambodia, which has a Royal Decree on the Appointment of Oknha in the Kingdom of Cambodia. ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Cambodia Gazetteer”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Cambodia Gazetteer” adding a new resource in 2024. This Gazetteer shows the name​ list of provincial/municipal, district (Krong/ Srok/ Khan), commune (Khum/ Sangkat) and village in Cambodia. This data is extracted from of the National ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) published a new dataset on “Families affected by climate hazards (2014-2019)

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) published a new dataset on “Families affected by climate hazards (2014-2019)”. This dataset shows the loss and damage due to extreme weather events is tracked annually in Cambodia through the proportion of families affected by at least one of the three ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) published a new dataset on “Vulnerability to climate hazards (2014-2022)”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) published a new dataset on “Vulnerability to climate hazards (2014-2022)”. This dataset details the percentage and number of vulnerable provinces and communes, categorized according to their vulnerability index values. The indices include specific metrics for flood, storm, drought, and a composite ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Environmental impact assessments”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Environmental impact assessments” by adding 2 new EIA reports of R.P.B Investment and Kampot Cement Co., Ltd (KCC). This spreadsheet is developed from gathering information from the various report of environmental impact assessment reports (EIA) and ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “List of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)​ Companies in Cambodia

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “List of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)​ Companies in Cambodia” by adding 1 new CSR data​ of Wing Bank. This dataset provide a comprehensive and insightful overview of corporate initiatives that have a significant impact on the ...

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) published a new dataset on “Labor incidents”

Open Development Cambodia (ODC) published a new dataset on “Labor incidents”. This dataset is a resource for understanding labor-related issues in Cambodia. It documents various types of labor incidents, including worker protests, strikes, complaints, factory closures, and other significant employment-related changes. The dataset is intended ...

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Do you have resources that could help expand the Open Development Cambodia (ODC) website? We will review any map data, laws, articles, and documents that we do not yet have and see if we can implement them into our site. Please make sure the resources are in the public domain or fall under a Creative Commons license.

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