Site updates
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated a dataset on “Allocated land for social land concession”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated a dataset on “Allocated land for social land concession” by adding the two new map features in Pursat from the sub-decree no. 42 on the cutting of 1,130 hectares of land in Say village, Prongil commune, Phnum Kravanh district, Pursat ...
Open Development Cambodia updated a profile page on “Forest cover"
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated a profile page on “Forest cover”. This bilingual profile page provides the data on forest cover in Cambodia from 1973 – 2022.=> Please click here to go to “Forest cover”. ...
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated a dataset on “Reclassifying natural protected areas in Cambodia”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated a dataset on “Reclassifying natural protected areas in Cambodia” by added the size before reclassifying of natural protected area. This dataset collected the data on the reclassifying of protected areas in Cambodia taken from government sub-decrees. The coordinate system, WGS ...
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “State land reclassification”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “State land reclassification” adding 5 new map features in Kep, Siemreap and Preah Sihanouk. This dataset contains information regarding the establishment of land as state public properties and the reclassification to state private properties of some ...
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Cambodia Gazetteer”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Cambodia Gazetteer” by adding a new resource in 2023. This Gazetteer shows the name list of provincial/municipal, district (Krong/ Srok/ Khan), commune (Khum/ Sangkat), and village in Cambodia. This data is extracted from the database of ...
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Registered indigenous communal land”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Registered indigenous communal land” adding 2 new map features in Ratanak Kiri. This dataset contains information on the land titles of the indigenous communities registered and issued by the Ministry of Land Management, Urban Planning and ...
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) published a new dataset on “Reclassifying natural protected areas in Cambodia”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) published a new dataset on “Reclassifying natural protected areas in Cambodia.” This dataset collected data on the expansion of protected areas in Cambodia taken from government Sub-decrees. The coordinate system, WGS 84, Zone 48N, is used to determine this geographical data, ...
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Natural protected areas in Cambodia (1993-2023)”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Natural protected areas in Cambodia (1993-2023)” adding 1 new map feature in Stung Treng Province from Sub-decree no. 197 on the establishment of Stung Treng Protection Landscape. This dataset contains data on eight types of protected ...
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia” adding 1 new map features in Preah Sihanouk from sub decree no. 54 on the establishment of King Bridge International Prey Nob special economic zone. This dataset describes the information of ...
Open Development Cambodia updates an existing dataset on “State land reclassification”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “State land reclassification” adding 6 new map features in Koh Kong, Preah Sihanouk, and Phnom Penh. This dataset contains information regarding the establishment of land as state public properties and the reclassification to state private properties ...
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated an existing dataset on “Special economic zone in Cambodia” adding 1 new map feature in Koh Kong. This dataset describes the information of Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Cambodia from 2006 to 2023. The total number of 49 SEZs are ...
Open Development Cambodia published a topic page on “United Nations"
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on “United Nations”. This bilingual topic page gives a quick overview of the United Nations, together with related content such as United Nations Transitional Authority in Cambodia (UNTAC), United Nations Assistance to the Khmer Rouge Trials ...
Open Development Cambodia updated a topic page on “Environmental impact assessments"
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updated a topic page on “Environmental impact assessments”. This bilingual topic page gives a quick overview of environmental impact assessment (EIA) regulations, process of EIA, monitoring, and challenges.=> Please click here to go to “Environmental impact assessments”. ...
Open Development Cambodia updates an existing dataset on “State land reclassification”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updates an existing dataset on “State land reclassification” by adding two new map features in Kampong Chhnang and Koh Kong. This dataset contains information regarding the establishment of land as state public properties and the reclassification to state private properties in ...
Open Development Cambodia updates an existing dataset on “State land reclassification”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updates an existing dataset on “State land reclassification” by adding three new map features on the cutting of 3 areas with a total area of 133,729 m2 (one hundred and thirty-three thousand seven hundred and twenty-nine square meters) located in Sangkat ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new dataset on “Cambodia food prices”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new dataset on “Cambodia food prices”. This dataset provides Cambodian food price data from the World Food Programme price database. The World Food Programme price database includes corn, rice, beans, fish, and sugar prices.=> Please click here to go ...
Open Development Cambodia updates the dataset on “Major foreign investment projects in Cambodia”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updates the dataset on “Major foreign investment projects in Cambodia” by adding 52 investment projects. The foreign investment project dataset has been established to provide relevantly practical information within Cambodia’s investment projects flow, comprehending major foreign investment projects, capital investment, and ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Science and technology education and promotion”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on “Science and technology education and promotion”. This bilingual topic page gives a quick overview of Science and technology education and promotion in Cambodia, together with related content such as Primary and Secondary Level, New Generation ...
Open Development Cambodia updates an existing dataset on “State land reclassification”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updates an existing dataset on “State land reclassification” by adding twelve new map layers on land reclassification in Phnom Penh, Preah Sihanouk, Kampong Speu, and Kep province. This dataset contains information regarding the establishment of land as state public properties and ...
Open Development Cambodia updates an existing dataset on “State land reclassification”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updates an existing dataset on “State land reclassification” by adding sixteen new map layers on land reclassification in Phnom Penh, Preah Sihanouk, Kampong Speu, and Kep province. This dataset contains information regarding the establishment of land as state public properties and ...
Open Development Cambodia updates an existing dataset on “State land reclassification”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updates an existing dataset on “State land reclassification” by adding eight new map layers on land reclassification in Phnom Penh and Preah Sihanouk province. This dataset contains information regarding the establishment of land as state public properties and the reclassification to ...
Open Development Cambodia updates an existing dataset on “Mining concessions in Cambodia (1995-2022)”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updates an existing dataset on “Mining concessions in Cambodia (1995-2022)”. The data was collected from various sources such as government documents, news, company profiles, NGO reports and other publications in pdf and shapefile formats. Geographic data is encoded in the WGS ...
Open Development Cambodia updates an existing dataset on “State land reclassification”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) updates an existing dataset on “State land reclassification” by adding one new map layer on land reclassification in Tboung Khmum province. This dataset contains information regarding the establishment of land as state public properties and the reclassification to state private properties ...
Open Development Cambodia publishes a new topic page on “Foreign investors”
Open Development Cambodia (ODC) publishes a new topic page on “Foreign investors”. This bilingual topic page gives a quick overview of foreign investors in Cambodia, together with related content such as things to know about Cambodia before investing, law on investment of the Kingdom of ...