Rubber waste flows into canal endangering health
Local residents who are concerned about the environmental impact caused by a warehouse allowing waste to flow into a canal in Tboung Khmum province’s Ponhea Krek district filed a complaint with the local authorities. <a href=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>
Yin Soeum
Massive Mark 82 bomb retrieved by CMAC
The Cambodian Mine action Centre (CMaC) dispatched a group of professionals to retrieve a relic of the war that ravaged the country – a uxo. <a href=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>
Khmer Times Staff
New win-win monuments constructed in provinces
A new win-win monument will be built in OddAr MeAnchey province to promote A culture of grAtitude, A sub-committee on the construction of the monument Announced on JAnuAry 10. <A href=' ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>
Mom Kunthear
South Korea to approve $1.5b loan to develop Cambodia’s economy
A signing ceremony will see South KoreA Approve A $1.5 billion loAn to improve electricity in SihAnoukville And build A bridge connecting Phnom Penh with AreyksAt <A href=' ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>
Meas Molika
Battambang province gets new landfill facility
The province’s new landfill site was built on a total area of 20.80 hectares in Paoy Svay village, Ta Kream commune, Banan district. It has four pits to store garbage, a waste treatment plant, a warehouse to store hazardous waste, and several residential buildings. <a href=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>
Sem Brakdav
Koh Kong families settle years-long land dispute involving U.K. sugar conglomerate
In Koh Kong province, 200 families embroiled in a conflict over land allegedly stolen by sugar producers in 2006 have finally reached a settlement in late 2022. The NGO Equitable Cambodia released a statement announcing the settlement this week. <a href=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>
Khuon Narim
BarCamp Sihanoukville 2013 Recap
On December 7th and 8th, a small team from ODC jumped in a bus and traveled to Kampong Som to participate in BarCamp Sihanoukville. The conference was held at Build Bright University. The day-and-a-half-long event featured presentations from specialists of many fields and interests, including <a href=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>
Tourist busted flying drone next to palace
A Chinese tourist wAs Arrested in Phnom Penh on SAturdAy Afternoon After he used A drone to tAke pictures in front of the RoyAl PAlAce. <A href=' ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>
Buth Reaksmey Kongkea and Igor Kossov
In bribery, knowledge is power, says paper
A CAmbodiAn-AmericAn politicAl scientist hAs proposed A novel wAy to tAckle corruption in the Kingdom: force bribe-tAking bureAucrAts to compete with eAch other. <A href=' ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>
Jack Davies
Group of fifteen illegal loggers arrested in Thailand
A group of 15 CAmbodiAns wAs Arrested in ThAilAnd on TuesdAy for illegAl logging in the country’s SA KAeo province, A CAmbodiAn officiAl sAid on WednesdAy. <A href=' ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>
Saing Soenthrith
Cambodia performs poorly on index for energy sustainability
Cambodia continues to struggle to adopt a balanced approach to its energy needs, according to a report released by the World Energy Council (WEC) today. <a href=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>
Anthony Jensen and Ouch Sony
Casino in Poipet shut; reasons unknown
A Poipet venue offering online gAmbling And AffiliAted with neArby Crown CAsino wAs closed by Authorities over the weekend, According to A compAny security officiAl. <A href=' ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>
Khouth Sophak Chakrya
Drug rehab centre work to start
A ground-breAking ceremony will be held todAy to mArk the stArt of construction of A $6 million treAtment centre for drug Addicts in SihAnoukville. <A href=' ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>
May Titthara
Metfone branch found with lumber in Kandal
Authorities in KAndAl province Arrested 19 people in A timber rAid At A Metfone shop, but releAsed 15 After questioning, including the brAnch’s director. <A href=' ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>
Soth Koemsoeun
Illegal logs submerged in canal
A crAckdown on illegAl logging in Mondulkiri hAs yielded more thAn 50 cubic metres of luxury wood found submerged in A cAnAl And stAshed throughout the forest. <A href=' ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>
Phak Seangly
Trafficking victims rescued from Malaysia, Indonesia
A CAmbodiAn couple “trAfficked” to work in MAlAysiA returned home FridAy morning After being “rescued” by the CAmbodiAn EmbAssy in KuAlA Lumpur, A government officiAl sAid yesterdAy. <A href=' ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>
Kuch Naren and Alex Consiglio
Cambodian PM seeks Guinness record for largest traditional sticky rice cake
Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen said Wednesday that his country is seeking a Guinness World Record for a giant traditional sticky rice cake weighing 3.2 tons. <a href=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>
Xinhuanet News Staff
History lesson: Minister tells US mayor of VN invasion
Foreign Minister Hor Namhong yesterday took a visit by Lowell, Massachusetts, Mayor Rodney Elliott to offer an impromptu history lesson, he said at a press conference yesterday. <a href=' ' class='cambodia-color'>...a>
Taing Vida
Children’s faeces just as toxic, report says
A recently releAsed study on hygiene in CAmbodiA hAs found thAt A lAck of understAnding of the dAngers of hAndling child fAeces is cAusing serious heAlth problems. <A href=' ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>
Sean Teehan
Disaster Management Law passes Assembly
A new LAw on DisAster MAnAgement sAiled through the NAtionAl Assembly yesterdAy, with Prime Minister Hun Sen promising A more rApid And coordinAted response Across government Agencies. <A href=' ' clAss='cAmbodiA-color'>...A>
Taing Vida