It’s been a while, crocodile: Eggs discovered in Koh Kong

The Wildlife Conservation Society has made its first discovery of Siamese crocodile eggs on the Sre Ambel River in Koh Kong province in six years, it announced yesterday in a statement. ...

Touch Sokha and Jovina Chua

Big wildlife bust yields 300 kilos in Kampong Chhnang

Kampong Chhnang provincial authorities on Saturday intercepted and seized a truck loaded with 300 kilograms of live snakes and tortoises, though the wildlife traders managed to escape, a provincial Forestry Administration official said yesterday.​ ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya

Endangered turtle hatchlings released into Mekong

The Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) yesterday released 150 endangered Asian giant softshell turtles into the wild as part of a “community protection programme”, the organisation announced. Gathered from nests guarded by local communities, including former egg harvesters, the hatchlings were released into their natural habitat ...

Jovina Chua

Alleged poachers charged with killing endangered monkeys

Two farmers caught with dead monkeys in Mondolkiri province’s Keo Seima Wildlife Sanctuary have been charged with poaching endangered wildlife.   ...

Buth Kimsay

Florican population faces extinction threat

The increase in commercial dry-season rice cultivation in Cambodia’s Tonle Sap floodplain is threatening the survival of the critically endangered Bengal florican, a new study suggests. ...

Phak Seangly and Jovina Chua

Stung Treng cattle killed by foot-and-mouth

More than 60 cows and buffalo in Stung Treng’s Siem Pang district have died over the past two weeks following a foot-and-mouth disease outbreak, while 200 cattle have been vaccinated to prevent further spread, officials said yesterday.​ ...

Phak Seangly

Foot-and-mouth disease hits cows in Svay Rieng

Authorities in Svay Rieng province on Wednesday said the latest outbreak of foot-and-mouth disease had been brought under control by timely treatment, though their numbers on how many cows the contagious virus had infected varied wildly.Meas Sok, chief of Svay Chrum district’s Chhoeuteal commune, said ...

Van Roeun

Royal turtles are taken to conservation centre

After spending the last three months under the watchful eye of their own personal retinue of bodyguards, nine endangered royal turtles successfully broke free from their shells on Tuesday and were transferred to the Koh Kong Reptile Conservation Centre, where they will be raised. ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya and Yesenia Amaro

Calls to halt ‘reforestation’ plan

Fourteen community representatives speaking for thousands of families yesterday petitioned the South Korean Embassy, Environment Ministry and Forestry Administration to halt the expansion of a controversial “reforestation” project by a Korean company situated between the protected Prey Lang forest and Mekong River. Their petition – ...

Phak Seangly and Shaun Turton

Elephant put down after fatal rampage

After a rampage that destroyed homes and terrified villagers, a rogue elephant was shot by police in Mondulkiri early on Friday morning, with one local mahout saying the unfortunate killing was an outgrowth of a changing way of life that has seen elephants’ traditional work ...

Khouth Sophak Chakrya and Ananth Baliga

Herd of elephants rescued from muddy bomb crater

Eleven wild elephants were rescued on Saturday in Mondulkiri’s Keo Seima protected area after becoming trapped in a former bomb crater without food for four days, though rangers will continue to monitor the herd to ensure it reaccepts one juvenile who was handled by humans ...

Mech Dara

Villagers urged to swap fishing for ecotourism

The Tourism Minister has called on riverside communities in Kratie and Stung Treng provinces to avoid fishing in areas where dolphins live to attract visitors who want to see the rare creatures. ...

Pech Sotheary

Elephant electrocuted by high-tension line in herd’s path

An elephant was electrocuted by a high-power electric line early on Wednesday in a village in Preah Sihanouk province frequented by the animals, according to provincial authorities. ...

Ouch Sony and Danielle Keeton-olsen

Dam blamed as dolphins vanish

The last remaining Irrawaddy dolphins have stopped coming to a stretch of the Mekong river in Preah Rumkel commune due to the Don Sahong hydropower dam in nearby Laos, locals have warned. ...

May Titthara

Foot-and-mouth affecting cattle

Many cattle in Svay Rieng province’s Svay Chrum and Chantrea districts have fallen ill or died from foot-and-mouth and other diseases over the past few weeks, resulting in the launch of a cattle vaccination campaign. ...

Pech Sotheary

Newly protected areas to span 1.5M hectares

The government has declared almost 1.5 million hectares as protected areas in a bid to enhance the sustainability of the ecology system and reduce the impact of climate change, according to a sub-decree signed on Thursday. The so-called Biodiversity Conservation Corridors cover a total of more ...

Touch Sokha

New REDD+ framework announced

The Ministry of Environment signed a framework agreement yesterday with Conservation International and the Mitsui Banking Corporation to launch the planning phase of a new REDD+ project for the Prey Lang forest, officials confirmed.   ...

Cristina Maza

Locals raising funds for wildlife watering holes

A Kampong Speu community is looking to raise money to build three watering holes for wildlife, especially the endangered banteng, for the upcoming hot season after a nearby sugarcane plantation allegedly filled in existing streams. ...

Phak Seangly

App boosting Prey Lang network’s data collection

The number of illegal logging sites discovered within Prey Lang forest between April and July was 14 percent higher than the previous four-month period, according to a report released yesterday by the Prey Lang Community Network (PLCN) based on data collected with a novel smartphone ...

Cristina Maza and Phak Seangly

Prey Lang still threatened

Alleged illegal logging and timber exports continue to happen in the Prey Lang forest, while drug trafficking in the area is also on the rise, according to the latest Prey Lang Com-munity Network (PLCN) report yesterday. The fifth monitoring report on the forest’s status from April ...

Pech Sotheary

Power line project threatens highly endangered bird: org

A proposed power transmission line to be constructed at the edge of the Tonle Sap Floodplain Protected Landscape as early as next year will pose a new threat to a critically endangered bird species known as the Bengal Florican, according to the Wildlife Conservation Society ...

Phak Seangly

Vietnam-bound ferrets rescued

Custom officials seized 35 live ferrets weighing about 80 kilograms in Kandal province after a group of smugglers prepared to transport them to Vietnam by boat, authorities said yesterday. ...

Ven Rathavong

Meat seized; sellers flee from Stung Treng market

Local authorities confiscated more than 30 kilograms of rare wildlife meat being illegally sold yesterday during a second raid in eight days at a market in Stung Treng province, though once again, no arrests were made.​ ...

Phak Seangly

Shark fin trade swims on, despite ban

As a signatory to an international treaty to protect endangered species, Cambodia has made the sale of shark fins completely illegal. In practice, however, fins are sold openly and without repercussions from authorities. ...

Aisha Down

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