Social development

Disabled persons

More needed for disabled: NGO

At a workshop to commemorate the eighth anniversary of the Law on the Protection and the Promotion of the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, executive director of the Cambodian Disabled People’s Organisation Ngin Saorath decried the lack of progress on equal treatment of disabled people ...

Pech Sotheary

Schools upgrade to benefit disabled pupils

A Japanese NGO yesterday signed a deal worth nearly $300,000 to assist four Kandal province primary schools in providing access to education for children with disabilities. ...

Pav Suy

Disabilities group urges politicians to consider their needs in local elections

The needs of disabled Cambodians have not been taken into account in the forthcoming local elections, a disabilities group has said. Ngin Saoroth, executive director of the Cambodian Disabled People’s Organization (CDPO), told reporters this week that politicians were not putting “the issue of the disabled ...

Hean Socheata

New instruments, but old venue woes for blind musicians

The Social Affairs Ministry has purchased $150,000 worth of musical instruments and sound equipment for Phnom Penh’s blind musicians in a bid to persuade them to perform in designated spaces, though many worry that restricted venues will limit their income. ...

Buth Kimsay

Pensions to be paid through ATMs

The Ministry of Social Affairs, Veterans and Youth Rehabilitation will start dispensing pensions for former civil servants and veterans at select ATMs starting in April. Minister Vong Soth issued a notice yesterday stating that pensioners will be able to withdraw their monthly allocations from Canadia Bank ...

Pech Sotheary

Disabled musicians get three areas to perform

Phnom Penh City Hall has decided to allocate three places for disabled musicians to play instead of along public streets or at markets. Phnom Penh governor Pa Socheatvong said on his Facebook page on Friday after meeting with a representative of the disabled musicians that City ...

Mom Kunthear

More schooling for disabled children

Education Ministry officials said yesterday that there will be greater participation by disabled children in schools, announcing a plan that would allow disabled youngsters to attend schools with the rest of the country’s children by early next year. Im Koch, a secretary of state for the ...

Pech Sotheary

New unit to fix prosthetics

The International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Cambodia announced yesterday the launch of a new mobile workshop that repairs prosthetics for the disabled in Siem Reap province. ...

Andrew Nachemson

Psychological distress high among disabled

People with disabilities and their families in two Cambodian provinces – Kampong Cham and Tbong Khmum – experience significant psychological distress, endure discrimination and stigma and their rights “re-main largely unrecognised”, a new study has found. ...

Sen David and Yesenia Amaro

Ministries discuss long-promised handicap accessibility

Officials from the ministries of social affairs and urban planning met with the Disability Action Council (DAC) on Monday to discuss issuing a prakas to standardise long-promised handicap accessibility in public buildings, according to a Facebook post by DAC. ...

Andrew Nachemson

Disabled deserve jobs: gov’t

The Ministry of Social Affairs yesterday once again called on the Kingdom’s employers to hire the disabled, something mandated in a widely ignored 2010 sub-decree. ...

Sen David and Cristina Maza

Survivor: war ends but suffering remains

Forty-six-year-old Phon Chet, who lost his left leg to cluster bombs 14 years ago, sits with other impaired people at a rehabilitation center in Kampong Cham province during a media tour on Thursday. Due to unexploded ordnance left over from the civil war in the 1970s, ...

San Bunsim

Disabled performers back on city’s streets

Two weeks after police rounded up blind and disabled performers begging for money on streets around Phnom Penh in a bid to prevent traffic congestion, the performers were back on the streets on Wednesday, defiantly defending their right to earn their keep. ...

Ben Sokhean

Children—a new defense against looting?

For years, archaeologists excavating pre-Angkorian sites in Banteay Meanchey province unsuccessfully attempted to stop the looting of the area’s temples and buried treasures.   ...

Japan to help children cope with disabilities

The Japanese Embassy granted $256,317 in development aid to Cambodia on Monday, to be used by the Association for Aid and Relief, Japan (AAR Japan) to promote the educational inclusion of children with disabilities. ...

Tin Sokhavuth

Officials deny claims of plan to quash disabled busking

Government officials yesterday denied claims of yet another planned crackdown on disabled street performers in the capital. ...

Pech Sotheary

Officials deny claims of plan to quash disabled busking

Government officials yesterday denied claims of yet another planned crackdown on disabled street performers in the capital.   ...

Pech Sotheary

UN program to help disabled

The ninth session of the Conference of the State Parties to the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) took place at UN headquarters in New York last week. ...

Tin Sokhavuth

Pilot project for disabled in Pailin to spread

Pailin province will be ground zero for a Ministry of Social Affairs’ pilot project that will offer 20,000 riel stipends monthly to poor, disabled citizens, according to ministry officials. The funds will be distributed to citizens for set amounts of time based on their level ...

Mom Kunthear

NGO transfers schools for blind, deaf to government

This week, 25 years after a Frenchmen created the first of five specialized schools for blind and deaf students, it is handing over the schools—plus the tools and expertise its staff developed over decades—to the Cambodian government. ...

Michelle Vachon

Wheelchair accessible tuk-tuk debuts

The maker of a new tuk-tuk prototype retrofitted with a wheelchair ramp hopes to usher in a new era of wheelchair-friendly travel in Phnom Penh. ...

Brent Crane

Premier fed up with insensitive remarks about eye

Prime Minister Hun Sen, who lost an eye fighting for the Khmer Rouge during the April 1975 battle for Phnom Penh, is sick and tired of being called “a blind eye guy”. ...

Vong Sokheng

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